Abel Bernadou
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Cited by
Diversity in identity: behavioral flexibility, dominance, and age polyethism in a clonal ant
A Bernadou, J Busch, J Heinze
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 69, 1365-1375, 2015
The global ant genomics Alliance (GAGA)
JJ Boomsma, SG Brady, RR Dunn, J Gadau, J Heinze, L Keller, ...
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of the mechanisms underpinning ageing and fecundity in social insects
J Korb, K Meusemann, D Aumer, A Bernadou, D Elsner, B Feldmeyer, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1823), 20190728, 2021
Effect of fipronil on side-specific antennal tactile learning in the honeybee
A Bernadou, F Démares, T Couret-Fauvel, JC Sandoz, M Gauthier
Journal of insect physiology 55 (12), 1099-1106, 2009
Oxidative stress and senescence in social insects: a significant but inconsistent link?
BH Kramer, V Nehring, A Buttstedt, J Heinze, J Korb, R Libbrecht, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1823), 20190732, 2021
Queen life-span and total reproductive success are positively associated in the ant Cardiocondyla cf. kagutsuchi
J Heinze, S Frohschammer, A Bernadou
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 1-8, 2013
Does substrate coarseness matter for foraging ants? An experiment with Lasius niger (Hymenoptera; Formicidae)
A Bernadou, V Fourcassié
Journal of insect physiology 54 (3), 534-542, 2008
The effects of fungal infection and physiological condition on the locomotory behaviour of the ant Myrmica scabrinodis
E Csata, A Bernadou, E Rákosy-Tican, J Heinze, B Markó
Journal of insect physiology 98, 167-172, 2017
Stress and early experience underlie dominance status and division of labour in a clonal insect
A Bernadou, L Schrader, J Pable, E Hoffacker, K Meusemann, J Heinze
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1885), 20181468, 2018
Facultative social insects can provide insights into the reversal of the longevity/fecundity trade-off across the eusocial insects
A Séguret, A Bernadou, RJ Paxton
Current opinion in insect science 16, 95-103, 2016
Ant community organization along elevational gradients in a temperate ecosystem
A Bernadou, X Espadaler, A Le Goff, V Fourcassié
Insectes Sociaux 62, 59-71, 2015
Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 December 2011–31 January 2012
Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium,, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 12 (3), 570-572, 2012
Body size but not colony size increases with altitude in the holarctic ant, Leptothorax acervorum
A Bernadou, C Römermann, N Gratiashvili, J Heinze
Ecological Entomology 41 (6), 733-736, 2016
Lipid content influences division of labour in a clonal ant
A Bernadou, E Hoffacker, J Pable, J Heinze
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (6), jeb219238, 2020
Ergonomics of load transport in the seed harvesting ant Messor barbarus: morphology influences transportation method and efficiency
A Bernadou, A Felden, M Moreau, P Moretto, V Fourcassié
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (18), 2920-2927, 2016
Effect of substrate roughness on load selection in the seed-harvester ant Messor barbarus L. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
A Bernadou, X Espadaler, V Dos-Reis, V Fourcassié
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65, 1763-1771, 2011
Age-dependent changes in cuticular color and pteridine levels in a clonal ant
C Hartmann, J Heinze, A Bernadou
Journal of insect physiology 118, 103943, 2019
Physical and land-cover variables influence ant functional groups and species diversity along elevational gradients
A Bernadou, R Céréghino, H Barcet, M Combe, X Espadaler, ...
Landscape Ecology 28, 1387-1400, 2013
A preliminary checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Andorra
A Bernadou, V Fourcassié, X Espadaler
ZooKeys, 13, 2013
Major evolutionary transitions in social insects, the importance of worker sterility and life history trade-offs
A Bernadou, BH Kramer, J Korb
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 732907, 2021
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Articles 1–20