Uwe C Tauber
Uwe C Tauber
Virginia Tech Physics Department, Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Health Sciences
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Cited by
Critical dynamics: a field theory approach to equilibrium and non-equilibrium scaling behavior
UC Täuber
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Theory of branching and annihilating random walks
J Cardy, UC Täuber
Physical review letters 77 (23), 4780, 1996
Applications of field-theoretic renormalization group methods to reaction–diffusion problems
UC Täuber, M Howard, BP Vollmayr-Lee
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (17), R79, 2005
Field theory of branching and annihilating random walks
JL Cardy, UC Täuber
Journal of statistical physics 90, 1-56, 1998
The field theory approach to percolation processes
HK Janssen, UC Täuber
Annals of Physics 315 (1), 147-192, 2005
Two-loop renormalization-group analysis of the Burgers–Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
E Frey, UC Täuber
Physical Review E 50 (2), 1024, 1994
Phase transitions and spatio-temporal fluctuations in stochastic lattice Lotka–Volterra models
M Mobilia, IT Georgiev, UC Täuber
Journal of Statistical Physics 128, 447-483, 2007
Real'versusimaginary'noise in diffusion-limited reactions
MJ Howard, UC Täuber
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (22), 7721, 1997
Stochastic population dynamics in spatially extended predator–prey systems
U Dobramysl, M Mobilia, M Pleimling, UC Täuber
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (6), 063001, 2018
Spatial rock-paper-scissors models with inhomogeneous reaction rates
Q He, M Mobilia, UC Täuber
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (5 …, 2010
Thermodynamic equilibrium as a symmetry of the Schwinger-Keldysh action
LM Sieberer, A Chiocchetta, A Gambassi, UC Täuber, S Diehl
Physical Review B 92 (13), 134307, 2015
Mode-coupling and renormalization group results for the noisy Burgers equation
E Frey, UC Täuber, T Hwa
Physical Review E 53 (5), 4424, 1996
Fluctuations and correlations in lattice models for predator-prey interaction
M Mobilia, IT Georgiev, UC Täuber
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (4 …, 2006
Perturbative field-theoretical renormalization group approach to driven-dissipative Bose-Einstein criticality
UC Täuber, S Diehl
Physical Review X 4 (2), 021010, 2014
Effects of receptor clustering on ligand dissociation kinetics: theory and simulations
M Gopalakrishnan, K Forsten-Williams, MA Nugent, UC Täuber
Biophysical Journal 89 (6), 3686-3700, 2005
Population oscillations in spatial stochastic Lotka–Volterra models: a field-theoretic perturbational analysis
UC Täuber
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (40), 405002, 2012
Unusual Water Flux in the Extracellular Polysaccharide of the Cyanobacterium Nostoc commune
E Shaw, DR Hill, N Brittain, DJ Wright, U Täuber, H Marand, RF Helm, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (9), 5679-5684, 2003
Interactions and pinning energies in the Bose glass phase of vortices in superconductors
UC Täuber, DR Nelson
Physical Review B 52 (22), 16106, 1995
Field-theory approaches to nonequilibrium dynamics
UC Täuber
Ageing and the Glass Transition, 295-348, 2007
Coexistence in the two-dimensional May-Leonard model with random rates
Q He, M Mobilia, UC Täuber
The European Physical Journal B 82, 97-105, 2011
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Articles 1–20