Levente Hufnagel
Levente Hufnagel
Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Ecotheology, John Wesley Theological College, Budapest
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Application of oribatid mites as indicators
V Gergócs, L Hufnagel
Applied ecology and environmental research 7 (1), 79-98, 2009
Impacts of climate change on vegetation distribution. No. 1: climate change induced vegetation shifts in the palearctic region
L Hufnagel, Á Garamvölgyi
Applied ecology and environmental research 11 (1), 79-122, 2013
Impacts of climate change on Lepidoptera species and communities
L Hufnagel, M Kocsis
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 9 (1), 43-72, 2011
Climate change and freshwater zooplankton: what does it boil down to?
C Vadadi-Fülöp, C Sipkay, G Mészáros, L Hufnagel
Aquatic Ecology 46, 501-519, 2012
Variation in the chloroplast DNA of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) reflects contrasting post‐glacial history of populations from the Carpathians and the Alps
M Höhn, F Gugerli, P Abran, G Bisztray, A Buonamici, K Cseke, ...
Journal of Biogeography 36 (9), 1798-1806, 2009
Population dynamics of the Sycamore Lace Bug (Corythucha Ciliata, Say, Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Hungary
L Hufnagel, M Ladányi, B Őszi
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 4 (1), 135-150, 2006
New approach for habitat characterization based on species lists of aquatic and semiaquatic bugs
L Hufnagel, G Bakonyi, T Vásárhelyi
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 58, 305-316, 1999
The effect of climate change on the potential distribution of the European Phlebotomus species
AJ Trájer, Á Bede-Fazekas, L Hufnagel, L Horváth, J Bobvos
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 11 (2), 189-208, 2013
The history of ragweed in the world
L Makra, I Matyasovszky, L Hufnagel, G Tusnády
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 13 (2), 489-512, 2015
The effect of microarthropods on litter decomposition depends on litter quality
V Gergócs, L Hufnagel
European Journal of Soil Biology 75, 24-30, 2016
Trends in research on the possible effects of climate change concerning aquatic ecosystems with special emphasis on the modelling approach
C Sipkay, KT Kiss, C Vadadi Fülöp, L Hufnagel
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 7 (2), 171-198, 2009
Grazed Pannonian grassland beta-diversity changes due to C4 yellow bluestem
S Szentes, Z Sutyinszki, G Szabó, Z Zimmermann, J Házi, B Wichmann, ...
Central European Journal of Biology 7, 1055-1065, 2012
Climate change and plankton phenology in freshwater: current trends and future commitments
C Vadadi Fülöp, L Hufnagel
Journal of Limnology 73 (1), 1-16, 2014
Long-term dynamic patterns and diversity of phytoplankton communities in a large eutrophic river (the case of River Danube, Hungary)
L Hufnagel, KT Kiss, C Sipkay, L Gimesi, C Vadadi Fülöp, D Türei
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 8 (4), 329-349, 2010
Cut mowing and grazing effects with grey cattle on plant species composition in case of Pannon wet grasslands
J Házi, K Penszka, S Bartha, L Hufnagel, A Tóth, C Gyuricza, S Szentes
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 10 (3), 223-231, 2012
Ecosystems as climate controllers–biotic feedbacks (a review)
Á Drégelyi-Kiss, G Drégelyi-Kiss, L Hufnagel
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 6 (2), 111-135, 2008
Relative contribution of plant traits and soil properties to the functioning of a temperate forest ecosystem in the Indian Himalayas
M Rawat, K Arunachalam, A Arunachalam, JM Alatalo, U Kumar, B Simon, ...
Catena 194, 104671, 2020
Seasonal change of oribatid mite communities (Acari, Oribatida) in three different types of microhabitats in an oak forest
L Hufnagel, V Gergócs, Á Garamvölgyi, R Homoródi
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 9 (2), 181-195, 2011
Examination of the role of Mycoplasma bovis in bovine pneumonia and a mathematical model for its evaluation
M Tenk, L Stipkovits, L Hufnagel
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 52 (4), 445-456, 2004
Climatic effects on the phenology of geophytes
B Eppich, L Dede, A Ferenczy, Á Garamvölgyi, L Horváth, I Isépy, ...
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 7 (3), 253-266, 2009
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Articles 1–20