Alix Chagué
Alix Chagué
PhD student at Inria and Université de Montréal
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Cited by
From FreEM to D'AlemBERT: a Large Corpus and a Language Model for Early Modern French
S Gabay, PO Suarez, A Bartz, A Chagué, R Bawden, P Gambette, B Sagot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.09452, 2022
HTR-United: Mutualisons la vérité de terrain!
A Chagué, T Clérice, L Romary
DHNord2021-Publier, partager, réutiliser les données de la recherche: les …, 2021
" I'm here to fight for ground truth": HTR-United, a solution towards a common for HTR training data
A Chagué, T Clérice
Digital Humanities 2023: Collaboration as Opportunity, 2023
Sharing HTR datasets with standardized metadata: the HTR-United initiative
A Chagué, T Clérice
Documents anciens et reconnaissance automatique des écritures manuscrites, 2022
CREMMA Medii Aevi: Literary manuscript text recognition in Latin
T Clérice, M Vlachou-Efstathiou, A Chagué
Journal of Open Humanities Data 9, 4, 2023
Reconnaissance des écritures dans les imprimés
S Gabay, T Clérice, P Jacsont, E Leblanc, M Jeannot-Tirole, S Solfrini, ...
Humanistica 2024-Colloque annuel de l'Association francophone des humanités …, 2024
CATMuS Medieval: A multilingual large-scale cross-century dataset in Latin script for handwritten text recognition and beyond
T Clérice, A Pinche, M Vlachou-Efstathiou, A Chagué, JB Camps, ...
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 174-194, 2024
Exploring data provenance in handwritten text recognition infrastructure: sharing and reusing ground truth data, referencing models, and acknowledging contributions. Starting …
CA Romein, T Hodel, F Gordijn, JJ van Zundert, A Chagué, M Van Lange, ...
Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, 2024
Manu McFrench, from zero to hero: impact of using a generic handwriting recognition model for smaller datasets
A Chagué, T Clérice, J Norindr, M Humeau, B Davoury, E Van Kote, ...
Digital Humanities 2023: Collaboration as Opportunity, 2023
From eScriptorium to TEI Publisher
H Scheithauer, A Chagué, L Romary
Brace your digital scholarly edition!, 2021
Deux siècles de sources disparates sur l'industrie textile en France: comment automatiser les traitements d'un corpus non-uniforme?
A Chagué, V Le Fourner, M Martini, EV de La Clergerie
CATMuS-Medieval: Consistent Approaches to Transcribing ManuScripts
A Pinche, T Clérice, A Chagué, JB Camps, M Vlachou-Efstathiou, ...
Digital Humanities-DH2024, 2024
Which TEI representation for the output of automatic transcriptions and their metadata? An illustrated proposition
H Scheithauer, A Chagué, L Romary
From page to content–which TEI representation for HTR output?
H Scheithauer, A Chagué, S Gabay, L Romary, J Janes, C Jahan
Next Gen TEI, 2021-TEI Conference and Members’ Meeting, 2021
Des images au texte: LECTAUREP, un projet de reconnaissance automatique d'écriture
A Chagué, L Terriel, L Romary
DHNord2020: The Measurement of Images: Computational Approaches in the …, 2020
eScriptorium: une application libre pour la transcription automatique des manuscrits
A Chagué
Arabesques 107, 25, 2022
CREMMA: Une infrastructure mutualisée pour la reconnaissance d'écritures manuscrites et la patrimonialisation numérique
A Chagué
Sciences du patrimoine-sciences du texte. Confrontation des méthodes, 2021
Comment faire lire des gribouillis à mon ordinateur?
A Chagué
tuto@ mate, 2021
Take a sip of TEI and relax: a proposition for an end-to-end workflow to enrich and publish data created with automatic text recognition
A Chagué, H Scheithauer, L Terriel, F Chiffoleau, Y Tadjo-Takianpi
Digital Humanities 2022: Responding to Asian Diversity, 2022
Production d'un modèle affiné de reconnaissance d'écriture manuscrite avec eScriptorium et évaluation de ses performances
H Scheithauer, A Chagué, A Rostaing, L Terriel, L Romary, ...
Les Futurs Fantastiques-3e Conférence Internationale sur l’Intelligence …, 2021
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Articles 1–20