Antal Jakovac
Antal Jakovac
professor, Wigner RCP, Dept. of Computational Sciences
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The QCD equation of state with dynamical quarks
S Borsanyi, G Endrődi, Z Fodor, A Jakovac, SD Katz, S Krieg, C Ratti, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (11), 1-33, 2010
SD 703 Katz, et al
S Borsanyi, G Endrodi, Z Fodor, A Jakovac
JHEP 1011, 077, 2010
Quarkonium correlators and spectral functions at zero and finite temperature
A Jakovac, P Petreczky, K Petrov, A Velytsky
Physical Review D 75 (1), 014506, 2007
Power-law tails from multiplicative noise
TS Biró, A Jakovác
Physical review letters 94 (13), 132302, 2005
Hierarchy of effective field theories of hot electroweak matter
A Jakovác, K Kajantie, A Patkós
Physical Review D 49 (12), 6810, 1994
Classical statistical mechanics and Landau damping
W Buchmüller, A Jakovác
Physics Letters B 407 (1), 39-44, 1997
T–μ phase diagram of the chiral quark model from a large flavor number expansion
A Jakovac, A Patkos, Z Szép, P Szepfalusy
Physics Letters B 582 (3-4), 179-186, 2004
Electroweak phase transition in the minimal supersymmetric standard model: 4-dimensional lattice simulations
F Csikor, Z Fodor, P Hegedüs, A Jakovac, SD Katz, A Piroth
Physical review letters 85 (5), 932, 2000
Finite temperature reduction of the SU (2) Higgs model with complete static background
A Jakovác, A Patkós
Physics Letters B 334 (3-4), 391-398, 1994
Reduction of the N-component scalar model at the two-loop level
A Jakovac
Physical Review D 53 (8), 4538, 1996
Partial path integration of quantum fields: Two-loop analysis of the SU (2) gauge-Higgs model at finite temperature
A Jakovác, A Patkós
Nuclear Physics B 494 (1-2), 54-88, 1997
Non-Gaussian fixed points in fermionic field theories without auxiliary Bose fields
A Jakovác, A Patkós, P Pósfay
The European Physical Journal C 75 (1), 2, 2015
Classical limit for scalar fields at high temperature
W Buchmüller, A Jakovác
Nuclear Physics B 521 (1-2), 219-236, 1998
Local potential approximation for the renormalization group flow of fermionic field theories
A Jakovác, A Patkós
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (6), 065008, 2013
Renormalization and resummation in finite temperature field theories
A Jakovac, Z Szép
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (10), 105001, 2005
Quarkonia in a deconfined gluonic plasma
S Datta, A Jakovac, F Karsch, P Petreczky
arXiv preprint hep-lat/0603002, 2006
Scalar mass stability bound in a simple Yukawa-theory from renormalization group equations
A Jakovác, I Kaposvári, A Patkós
Modern Physics Letters A 32 (02), 1750011, 2017
Resummation and renormalization in effective theories of particle physics
A Jakovác, A Patkós
Springer, 2016
Hadron melting and QCD thermodynamics
A Jakovac
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (6), 065012, 2013
Renormalization of 2 particle irreducible resummation: A renormalization scheme approach
A Jakovác
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (12), 125004, 2007
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Articles 1–20