Yishay Mansour
Cited by
Cited by
Policy Gradient Methods for Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation.
RS Sutton, DA McAllester, S Singh, Y Mansour
NIPS, 1999
Domain adaptation: Learning bounds and algorithms
Y Mansour, M Mohri, A Rostamizadeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:0902.3430, 2009
Constant depth circuits, Fourier transform, and learnability
N Linial, Y Mansour, N Nisan
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 40 (3), 607-620, 1993
Action Elimination and Stopping Conditions for the Multi-Armed Bandit and Reinforcement Learning Problems.
E Even-Dar, S Mannor, Y Mansour
Journal of machine learning research 7 (6), 2006
A sparse sampling algorithm for near-optimal planning in large Markov decision processes
M Kearns, Y Mansour, AY Ng
Machine learning 49, 193-208, 2002
Three approaches for personalization with applications to federated learning
Y Mansour, M Mohri, J Ro, AT Suresh
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.10619, 2020
Learning Rates for Q-learning.
E Even-Dar, Y Mansour, P Bartlett
Journal of machine learning Research 5 (1), 2003
Domain adaptation with multiple sources
Y Mansour, M Mohri, A Rostamizadeh
Advances in neural information processing systems 21, 2008
Learning decision trees using the Fourier spectrum
E Kushilevitz, Y Mansour
Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1991
The shrinking generator
D Coppersmith, H Krawczyk, Y Mansour
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 22-39, 1993
PAC bounds for multi-armed bandit and Markov decision processes
E Even-Dar, S Mannor, Y Mansour
Computational Learning Theory: 15th Annual Conference on Computational …, 2002
A construction of a cipher from a single pseudorandom permutation
S Even, Y Mansour
Journal of cryptology 10, 151-161, 1997
Learning bounds for importance weighting
C Cortes, Y Mansour, M Mohri
Advances in neural information processing systems 23, 2010
Implementing the “wisdom of the crowd”
I Kremer, Y Mansour, M Perry
Journal of Political Economy 122 (5), 988-1012, 2014
Nash Convergence of Gradient Dynamics in General-Sum Games.
S Singh, MJ Kearns, Y Mansour
UAI, 541-548, 2000
Agnostically learning halfspaces
AT Kalai, AR Klivans, Y Mansour, RA Servedio
SIAM Journal on Computing 37 (6), 1777-1805, 2008
On the learnability of discrete distributions
M Kearns, Y Mansour, D Ron, R Rubinfeld, RE Schapire, L Sellie
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1994
Weakly learning DNF and characterizing statistical query learning using Fourier analysis
A Blum, M Furst, J Jackson, M Kearns, Y Mansour, S Rudich
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1994
On the boosting ability of top-down decision tree learning algorithms
M Kearns, Y Mansour
Proceedings of the twenty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1996
From external to internal regret.
A Blum, Y Mansour
Journal of Machine Learning Research 8 (6), 2007
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Articles 1–20