Stanley W H Cowley
Stanley W H Cowley
Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leicester
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Excitation and decay of solar wind-driven flows in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system
SWH Cowley, M Lockwood
Annales geophysicae 10 (1-2), 103-115, 1992
The causes of convection in the Earth's magnetosphere: A review of developments during the IMS
SWH Cowley
Reviews of Geophysics 20 (3), 531-565, 1982
The Cassini magnetic field investigation
MK Dougherty, S Kellock, DJ Southwood, A Balogh, EJ Smith, ...
The Cassini-Huygens Mission: Orbiter In Situ Investigations Volume 2, 331-383, 2004
The Cluster magnetic field investigation
A Balogh, MW Dunlop, SWH Cowley, DJ Southwood, JG Thomlinson, ...
Space Science Reviews 79, 65-91, 1997
Magnetospheric asymmetries associated with the y-component of the IMF
SWH Cowley
Planetary and Space Science 29 (1), 79-96, 1981
A survey of dayside flux transfer events observed by ISEE 1 and 2 magnetometers
RP Rijnbeek, SWH Cowley, DJ Southwood, CT Russell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 89 (A2), 786-800, 1984
Origin of the main auroral oval in Jupiter's coupled magnetosphere–ionosphere system
SWH Cowley, EJ Bunce
Planetary and Space Science 49 (10-11), 1067-1088, 2001
Dependence of convective flows and particle precipitation in the high‐latitude dayside ionosphere on the X and Y components of the interplanetary magnetic field
SWH Cowley, JP Morelli, M Lockwood
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 96 (A4), 5557-5564, 1991
Magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions: A tutorial review
SWH Cowley
Magnetospheric Current Systems, Geophys. Monogr. Ser 118, 91-106, 2000
Cassini magnetometer observations during Saturn orbit insertion
MK Dougherty, N Achilleos, N Andre, CS Arridge, A Balogh, C Bertucci, ...
Science 307 (5713), 1266-1270, 2005
A qualitative study of the reconnection between the Earth's magnetic field and an interplanetary field of arbitrary orientation
SWH Cowley
Radio Science 8 (11), 903-913, 1973
Variations in the polar cap area during two substorm cycles
SE Milan, M Lester, SWH Cowley, K Oksavik, M Brittnacher, ...
Annales Geophysicae 21 (5), 1121-1140, 2003
Midday auroral breakup events and related energy and momentum transfer from the magnetosheath
PE Sandholt, M Lockwood, T Oguti, SWH Cowley, KSC Freeman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 95 (A2), 1039-1060, 1990
Magnetospheric Science Objectives of the Juno Mission
F Bagenal, A Adriani, F Allegrini, SJ Bolton, B Bonfond, EJ Bunce, ...
Space Science Reviews 213, 219-287, 2017
Response of Jupiter's and Saturn's auroral activity to the solar wind
JT Clarke, J Nichols, JC Gérard, D Grodent, KC Hansen, W Kurth, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A5), 2009
The excitation of plasma convection in the high‐latitude ionosphere
M Lockwood, SWH Cowley, MP Freeman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 95 (A6), 7961-7972, 1990
Jupiter’s aurora
JT Clarke, D Grodent, SWH Cowley, EJ Bunce, P Zarka, JEP Connerney, ...
Jupiter: The planet, satellites and magnetosphere 1, 639-670, 2004
Interplanetary magnetic field control of dayside auroral activity and the transfer of momentum across the dayside magnetopause
M Lockwood, PE Sandholt, SWH Cowley, T Oguti
Planetary and space science 37 (11), 1347-1365, 1989
Jupiter's main auroral oval observed with HST‐STIS
D Grodent, JT Clarke, J Kim, JH Waite Jr, SWH Cowley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A11), 2003
A simple illustrative model of open flux tube motion over the dayside magnetopause
SWH Cowley, CJ Owen
Planetary and Space Science 37 (11), 1461-1475, 1989
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