Павел Николаевич Телегин (Pavel N. Telegin)
Павел Николаевич Телегин (Pavel N. Telegin)
E-mail megerősítve itt: jscc.ru
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Joint supercomputer center of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Present and future
GI Savin, BM Shabanov, PN Telegin, AV Baranov
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40, 1853-1862, 2019
Methods of jobs containerization for supercomputer workload managers
AV Baranov, GI Savin, BM Shabanov, AS Shitik, IA Svadkovskiy, ...
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 40, 525-534, 2019
Ontologies, agents and the grid: An overview
M Drozdowicz, M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, R Olejnik, I Lirkov, P Telegin, ...
Parallel, distributed and grid computing for engineering, pp 117-140, 2009
Jobs runtime forecast for JSCC RAS supercomputers using machine learning methods
GI Savin, BM Shabanov, DS Nikolaev, AV Baranov, PN Telegin
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 41, 2593-2602, 2020
Comparison of auction methods for job scheduling with absolute priorities
A Baranov, P Telegin, A Tikhomirov
Parallel Computing Technologies: 14th International Conference, PaCT 2017 …, 2017
Measure of adequacy for the supercomputer job management system model
A Baranov, D Lyakhovets, G Savin, B Shabanov, P Telegin
2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2019
Fault-tolerant decentralized Grid resource management
VV Korneev, DV Semenov, PN Telegin, BM Shabanov
Izvestiya Vuzov. Electronics, 83-89, 2015
National Research Computer Network of Russia: regulatory status and plans for the development of regional telecommunications infrastructure in 2021-2024
AG Abramov, AV Evseev, AA Gonchar, PN Telegin, BM Shabanov
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2930, 29-37, 2021
The Jobs Management System for the Distributed Network of the Supercomputer Centers
BM Shabanov, PN Telegin, AP Ovsyannikov, AV Baranov, AI Tikhomirov, ...
The Proceeding of the Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of …, 2018
Features of the use of multi-core processors in scientific computing
M Klinov, S Lapshina, P Telegin, B Shabanov
Bulletin of USATU 6 (51), 2012
Comparison of priority-based and first price sealed-bid auction algorithms of job scheduling in a geographically-distributed computing system
BM Shabanov, P Telegin, OS Aladyshev, AV Baranov, A Tikhomirov
2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and …, 2018
Information flow and mirroring in an agent-based grid resource brokering system
M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, M Drozdowicz, M Senobari, I Lirkov, S Ivanovska, ...
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 7th International Conference, LSSC 2009 …, 2010
Mirroring information within an agent-team-based intelligent Grid middleware; an overview and directions for system development
M Ganzha, M Paprzycki, M Drozdowicz, M Senobari, I Lirkov, S Ivanovska, ...
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 10 (4), 2009
An energy-efficient scheduling algorithm for shared facility supercomputer centers
EA Kiselev, PN Telegin, BM Shabanov
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42, 2554-2561, 2021
Simulator of a supercomputer job management system as a scientific service
G Savin, B Shabanov, D Lyakhovets, A Baranov, P Telegin
2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS …, 2020
Multiagent distributed grid scheduler
V Korneev, D Semenov, A Kiselev, B Shabanov, P Telegin
2011 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2011
Automatic Parallelization of Programs for MIMD Computers
VA Melnikov, BM Shabanov, PN Telegin, AP Chernjaev
Modern Geometric Computing for Visualization, 253-264, 1992
Impact of parallel code optimization on computer power consumption
EA Kiselev, PN Telegin, AV Baranov
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 44 (12), 5306-5319, 2023
Comparison of Three Job Mapping Algorithms for Supercomputer Resource Managers
AV Baranov, EA Kiselev, BM Shabanov, AA Sorokin, PN Telegin
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43 (10), 2833-2845, 2022
Parallelism detection using graph labelling
PN Telegin, AV Baranov, BM Shabanov, AI Tikhomirov
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 43 (10), 2893-2900, 2022
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