Regina Kruse
Regina Kruse
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Gaussian Boson Sampling
CS Hamilton, R Kruse, L Sansoni, S Barkhofen, C Silberhorn, I Jex
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.01199, 2016
Detailed study of Gaussian boson sampling
R Kruse, CS Hamilton, L Sansoni, S Barkhofen, C Silberhorn, I Jex
Physical Review A 100 (3), 032326, 2019
Dual-path source engineering in integrated quantum optics
R Kruse, L Sansoni, S Brauner, R Ricken, CS Hamilton, I Jex, ...
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053841, 2015
Dual-path source engineering in integrated quantum optics
R Kruse, L Sansoni, S Brauner, R Ricken, CS Hamilton, I Jex, ...
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053841, 2015
Spatio-spectral characteristics of parametric down-conversion in waveguide arrays
R Kruse, F Katzschmann, A Christ, A Schreiber, S Wilhelm, K Laiho, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (8), 083046, 2013
Probing measurement-induced effects in quantum walks via recurrence
T Nitsche, S Barkhofen, R Kruse, L Sansoni, M ©tefaňák, A Gábris, ...
Science advances 4 (6), eaar6444, 2018
Driven quantum walks
CS Hamilton, R Kruse, L Sansoni, C Silberhorn, I Jex
Physical review letters 113 (8), 083602, 2014
Limits of the time-multiplexed photon-counting method
R Kruse, J Tiedau, TJ Bartley, S Barkhofen, C Silberhorn
Physical Review A 95 (2), 023815, 2017
Direct calibration of click-counting detectors
M Bohmann, R Kruse, J Sperling, C Silberhorn, W Vogel
Physical Review A 95 (3), 033806, 2017
Driven Boson Sampling
S Barkhofen, TJ Bartley, L Sansoni, R Kruse, CS Hamilton, I Jex, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (2), 020502, 2017
Probing free-space quantum channels with laboratory-based experiments
M Bohmann, R Kruse, J Sperling, C Silberhorn, W Vogel
Physical Review A 95 (6), 063801, 2017
Probing free-space quantum channels with laboratory-based experiments
M Bohmann, R Kruse, J Sperling, C Silberhorn, W Vogel
Physical Review A 95 (6), 063801, 2017
Heralded orthogonalisation of coherent states and their conversion to discrete-variable superpositions
R Kruse, C Silberhorn, T Bartley
Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology 4 (1), 35-43, 2017
Extracting the physical sector of quantum states
D Mogilevtsev, YS Teo, J Řeháček, Z Hradil, J Tiedau, R Kruse, G Harder, ...
New Journal of Physics 19 (9), 093008, 2017
N00N states from a single non-linear directional coupler
R Kruse, L Sansoni, S Brauner, R Ricken, CS Hamilton, I Jex, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.0448, 2014
Probing the measurement process in DTQW via recurrence
T Nitsche, R Kruse, L Sansoni, M ©tefanák, T Kiss, I Jex, S Barkhofen, ...
Quantum Information and Measurement, QT5A. 5, 2017
Staking Out the Physical Sectors of Hilbert Spaces
R Kruse, G Harder, C Silberhorn, LL Sánchez-Soto
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.02797, 2016
Nonlinear Integrated Quantum Optics
L Sansoni, G Harder, S Krapick, R Kruse, H Herrmann, TJ Bartley, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FTh1D. 2, 2015
A single non-linear directional coupler to generate N00N states
R Kruse, L Sansoni, S Brauner, R Ricken, CS Hamilton, I Jex, ...
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JSV_2_1, 2015
Recurrence in Quantum Walks Probing Measurement Induced Effects in Quantum Walks via Recurrence
T Nitsche, S Barkhofen, R Kruse, L Sansoni, M ©tefanák, A Gábris, ...
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