Gábor Molnár
Gábor Molnár
research fellow
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Excitatory effect of GABAergic axo-axonic cells in cortical microcircuits
J Szabadics, C Varga, G Molnár, S Oláh, P Barzó, G Tamás
Science 311 (5758), 233-235, 2006
Microglia monitor and protect neuronal function through specialized somatic purinergic junctions
C Cserép, B Pósfai, N Lénárt, R Fekete, ZI László, Z Lele, B Orsolits, ...
Science 367 (6477), 528-537, 2020
Transcriptomic and morphophysiological evidence for a specialized human cortical GABAergic cell type
E Boldog, TE Bakken, RD Hodge, M Novotny, BD Aevermann, J Baka, ...
Nature neuroscience 21 (9), 1185-1195, 2018
Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification
J Berg, SA Sorensen, JT Ting, JA Miller, T Chartrand, A Buchin, ...
Nature 598 (7879), 151-158, 2021
Complex events initiated by individual spikes in the human cerebral cortex
G Molnár, S Oláh, G Komlósi, M Füle, J Szabadics, C Varga, P Barzó, ...
PLoS biology 6 (9), e222, 2008
Gap-junctional coupling between neurogliaform cells and various interneuron types in the neocortex
A Simon, S Oláh, G Molnár, J Szabadics, G Tamás
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (27), 6278-6285, 2005
GABAergic neurogliaform cells represent local sources of insulin in the cerebral cortex
G Molnár, N Faragó, ÁK Kocsis, M Rózsa, S Lovas, E Boldog, R Báldi, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (4), 1133-1137, 2014
Human pyramidal to interneuron synapses are mediated by multi-vesicular release and multiple docked vesicles
G Molnár, M Rózsa, J Baka, N Holderith, P Barzó, Z Nusser, G Tamás
Elife 5, e18167, 2016
Plasticity in single axon glutamatergic connection to GABAergic interneurons regulates complex events in the human neocortex
V Szegedi, M Paizs, E Csakvari, G Molnar, P Barzo, G Tamas, K Lamsa
PLoS biology 14 (11), e2000237, 2016
Signature morphoelectric properties of diverse GABAergic interneurons in the human neocortex
BR Lee, R Dalley, JA Miller, T Chartrand, J Close, R Mann, A Mukora, ...
Science 382 (6667), eadf6484, 2023
Fluoxetine (prozac) and serotonin act on excitatory synaptic transmission to suppress single layer 2/3 pyramidal neuron-triggered cell assemblies in the human prefrontal cortex
G Komlósi, G Molnár, M Rózsa, S Oláh, P Barzó, G Tamás
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (46), 16369-16378, 2012
Morphoelectric and transcriptomic divergence of the layer 1 interneuron repertoire in human versus mouse neocortex
T Chartrand, R Dalley, J Close, NA Goriounova, BR Lee, R Mann, ...
Science 382 (6667), eadf0805, 2023
Robust perisomatic GABAergic self-innervation inhibits basket cells in the human and mouse supragranular neocortex
KL Viktor Szegedi, Melinda Paizs, Judith Baka, Pál Barzó, Gábor Molnár ...
eLife, 2020
Automatic deep learning-driven label-free image-guided patch clamp system
K Koos, G Oláh, T Balassa, N Mihut, M Rózsa, A Ozsvár, E Tasnadi, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-11, 2021
High-precision fast-spiking basket cell discharges during complex events in the human neocortex
V Szegedi, G Molnár, M Paizs, E Csakvari, P Barzó, G Tamás, K Lamsa
eneuro 4 (5), 2017
Digital PCR to determine the number of transcripts from single neurons after patch-clamp recording
BioTechniques, 2013
Cadmium inhibits GABA-activated ion currents by increasing intracellular calcium level in snail neurons
G Molnár, J Salánki, T Kiss
Brain research 1008 (2), 205-211, 2004
Quantitative analysis of lipid debris accumulation caused by cuprizone induced myelin degradation in different CNS areas
A Ozsvár, R Szipőcs, Z Ozsvár, J Baka, P Barzó, G Tamás, G Molnár
Brain Research Bulletin 137, 277-284, 2018
Human neuronal changes in brain edema and increased intracranial pressure
N Faragó, ÁK Kocsis, C Braskó, S Lovas, M Rózsa, J Baka, B Kovács, ...
Acta neuropathologica communications 4, 1-11, 2016
In vivo second‐harmonic generation and ex vivo coherent anti‐stokes raman scattering microscopy to study the effect of obesity to fibroblast cell function using an …
D Haluszka, K Lőrincz, G Molnár, G Tamás, A Kolonics, R Szipőcs, ...
Microscopy Research and Technique 78 (9), 823-830, 2015
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Articles 1–20