Matthew Hartings
Matthew Hartings
Associate Professor of Chemistry at American University
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The chemical, mechanical, and physical properties of 3D printed materials composed of TiO2-ABS nanocomposites
MR Skorski, JM Esenther, Z Ahmed, AE Miller, MR Hartings
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 17 (1), 89-97, 2016
Chemistry from 3D printed objects
MR Hartings, Z Ahmed
Nature Reviews Chemistry 3 (5), 305-314, 2019
Helix Unfolding in Unsolvated Peptides
BS Kinnear, MR Hartings, MF Jarrold
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (24), 5660–5667, 2001
Toward 3D printed hydrogen storage materials made with ABS‐MOF composites
MC Kreider, M Sefa, JA Fedchak, J Scherschligt, M Bible, B Natarajan, ...
Polymers for advanced technologies 29 (2), 867-873, 2018
Communicating chemistry for public engagement
MR Hartings, D Fahy
Nature chemistry 3 (9), 674-677, 2011
Broadly tunable, mode-hop-tuned cw optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium niobate
SE Bisson, KM Armstrong, TJ Kulp, M Hartings
Applied Optics 40 (33), 6049-6055, 2001
3D-printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene-metal organic framework composite materials and their gas storage properties
M Bible, M Sefa, JA Fedchak, J Scherschligt, B Natarajan, Z Ahmed, ...
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 5 (1), 63-72, 2018
Reactions coupled to palladium
M Hartings
Nature Chemistry 4 (9), 764-764, 2012
Humidity responsive photonic sensor based on a carboxymethyl cellulose mechanical actuator
M Hartings, KO Douglass, C Neice, Z Ahmed
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 265, 335-338, 2018
Application of evolutionary algorithm methods to polypeptide folding: Comparison with experimental results for unsolvated Ac-(Ala-Gly-Gly)5-LysH+
M Damsbo, BS Kinnear, MR Hartings, PT Ruhoff, MF Jarrold, MA Ratner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (19), 7215-7222, 2004
Electron tunneling through sensitizer wires bound to proteins
MR Hartings, IV Kurnikov, AR Dunn, JR Winkler, HB Gray, MA Ratner
Coordination chemistry reviews 254 (3-4), 248-253, 2010
A hybrid integrated laboratory and inquiry-based research experience: replacing traditional laboratory instruction with a sustainable student-led research project
MR Hartings, DM Fox, AE Miller, KE Muratore
Journal of Chemical Education 92 (6), 1016-1023, 2015
Gold nanoparticle modified carbon fiber microelectrodes for enhanced neurochemical detection
S Mohanaraj, P Wonnenberg, B Cohen, H Zhao, MR Hartings, S Zou, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 10.3791/59552, 2019
Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of a Transition-Metal-Modified Ligand− Receptor Pair
AL Eckermann, KD Barker, MR Hartings, MA Ratner, TJ Meade
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (34), 11880-11881, 2005
Protein binding and the electronic properties of iron (II) complexes: an electrochemical and optical investigation of outer sphere effects
KD Barker, AL Eckermann, MH Sazinsky, MR Hartings, C Abajian, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 20 (10), 1930-1939, 2009
The energy landscape of unsolvated peptides: The role of context in the stability of alanine/glycine helices
MR Hartings, BS Kinnear, MF Jarrold
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (13), 3941-3947, 2003
Unrealized potential from smaller institutions: four strategies for advancing STEM diversity
M Jayabalan, ME Caballero, AD Cordero, BM White, KC Asalone, ...
Cell 184 (24), 5845-5850, 2021
Protein-templated gold nanoparticle synthesis: protein organization, controlled gold sequestration, and unexpected reaction products
C Hart, N Abuladel, M Bee, MC Kreider, AC CVitan, MM Esson, A Farag, ...
Dalton Transactions 46 (47), 16465-16473, 2017
Concurrent zero-dimensional and one-dimensional biomineralization of gold from a solution of Au3+ and bovine serum albumin
MR Hartings, N Benjamin, F Briere, M Briscione, O Choudary, TL Fisher, ...
Science and technology of advanced materials, 2013
Probing melittin helix− coil equilibria in solutions and vesicles
MR Hartings, HB Gray, JR Winkler
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (10), 3202-3207, 2008
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Articles 1–20