Andrew Lacey
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Applied partial differential equations
JR Ockendon
Oxford University Press, 2003
Thermal runaway in a non-local problem modelling Ohmic heating: Part I: Model derivation and some special cases
AA Lacey
European journal of applied Mathematics 6 (2), 127-144, 1995
“Waiting-time” solutions of a nonlinear diffusion equation
AA Lacey, JR Ockendon, AB Tayler
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 42 (6), 1252-1264, 1982
Mathematical analysis of thermal runaway for spatially inhomogeneous reactions
AA Lacey
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 43 (6), 1350-1366, 1983
Global existence and finite-time blow-up for a class of nonlocal parabolic problems
JW Bebernes, AA Lacey
Thermal runaway in a non-local problem modelling Ohmic heating. Part II: General proof of blow-up and asymptotics of runaway
AA Lacey
European journal of applied Mathematics 6 (3), 201-224, 1995
Singularity development in moving-boundary problems
SD Howison, JR Ockendon, AA Lacey
The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 38 (3), 343-360, 1985
The origin and interpretation of the signals of MTDSC
KJ Jones, I Kinshott, M Reading, AA Lacey, C Nikolopoulos, HM Pollock
Thermochimica Acta 304, 187-199, 1997
Rate of approach to a singular steady state in quasilinear reaction-diffusion equations
JW Dold, VA Galaktionov, AA Lacey, JL Vázquez
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze 26 (4), 663-687, 1998
Multidimensional reaction diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions
AA Lacey, J Sabina, JR Ockendon
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 58 (5), 1622-1647, 1998
Total blow-up versus single point blow-up
J Bebernes, A Bressan, A Lacey
Journal of differential equations 73 (1), 30-44, 1988
The form of blow-up for nonlinear parabolic equations
AA Lacey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 98 (1-2 …, 1984
The motion with slip of a thin viscous droplet over a solid surface
AA Lacey
Studies in applied mathematics 67 (3), 217-230, 1982
Persistence of corners in free boundaries in Hele-Shaw flow
JR King, AA Lacey, JL Vazquez
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 (5), 455-490, 1995
Global blow-up of a nonlinear heat equation
AA Lacey
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 104 (1 …, 1986
Complete blow-up for a semilinear diffusion equation with a sufficiently large initial condition
AA Lacey, D Tzanetis
IMA journal of applied mathematics 41 (3), 207-215, 1988
A mathematical model for modulated differential scanning calorimetry
AA Lacey, C Nikolopoulos, M Reading
Journal of thermal analysis 50, 279-333, 1997
On the geometrical form of volcanoes
A Lacey, JR Ockendon, DL Turcotte
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 54 (1), 139-143, 1981
Critical behaviour of homogeneous reacting systems with large activation energy
AA Lacey
International Journal of Engineering Science 21 (5), 501-515, 1983
Moving boundary problems in the flow of liquid through porous media
AA Lacey
The ANZIAM Journal 24 (2), 171-193, 1982
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