Krisztian Tarnok
Krisztian Tarnok
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Phase separation by ssDNA binding protein controlled via protein− protein and protein− DNA interactions
GM Harami, ZJ Kovács, R Pancsa, J Pálinkás, V Baráth, K Tárnok, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (42), 26206-26217, 2020
AUTEN-67, an autophagy-enhancing drug candidate with potent antiaging and neuroprotective effects
D Papp, T Kovács, V Billes, M Varga, A Tarnóci, L Hackler Jr, LG Puskás, ...
Autophagy 12 (2), 273-286, 2016
Effects of Vinpocetine on mitochondrial function and neuroprotection in primary cortical neurons
K Tárnok, E Kiss, PGM Luiten, C Nyakas, K Tihanyi, K Schlett, ULM Eisel
Neurochemistry international 53 (6-8), 289-295, 2008
LC8 dynein light chain (DYNLL1) binds to the C-terminal domain of ATM-interacting protein (ATMIN/ASCIZ) and regulates its subcellular localization
P Rapali, MF García-Mayoral, M Martínez-Moreno, K Tárnok, K Schlett, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 414 (3), 493-498, 2011
The small molecule AUTEN-99 (autophagy enhancer-99) prevents the progression of neurodegenerative symptoms
T Kovács, V Billes, M Komlós, B Hotzi, A Manzéger, A Tarnóci, D Papp, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 42014, 2017
Stage-dependent effects of cell-to-cell connections on in vitro induced neurogenesis
K Tárnok, Á Pataki, J Kovács, K Schlett, E Madarász
European journal of cell biology 81 (7), 403-412, 2002
Dynamics of cell aggregation during in vitro neurogenesis by immortalized neuroectodermal progenitors
K Schlett, A Czirók, K Tárnok, T Vicsek, E Madarász
Journal of Neuroscience Research 60 (2), 184-194, 2000
Protein kinase D promotes plasticity-induced F-actin stabilization in dendritic spines and regulates memory formation
N Bencsik, Z Szíber, H Liliom, K Tárnok, S Borbély, M Gulyás, A Rátkai, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 210 (5), 771-783, 2015
Homeostatic plasticity and burst activity are mediated by hyperpolarization-activated cation currents and T-type calcium channels in neuronal cultures
A Rátkai, K Tárnok, HE Aouad, B Micska, K Schlett, A Szücs
Scientific reports 11 (1), 3236, 2021
NMDA receptor NR2B subunit over‐expression increases cerebellar granule cell migratory activity
K Tárnok, K Czöndör, M Jelitai, A Czirók, K Schlett
Journal of neurochemistry 104 (3), 818-829, 2008
Long-term NR2B expression in the cerebellum alters granule cell development and leads to NR2A down-regulation and motor deficits
K Schlett, I Pieri, F Metzger, L Marchetti, F Steigerwald, E Dere, D Kirilly, ...
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 27 (3), 215-226, 2004
A new tool for the quantitative analysis of dendritic filopodial motility
K Tárnok, M Gulyás, N Bencsik, K Ferenc, K Pfizenmaier, A Hausser, ...
Cytometry Part A 87 (1), 89-96, 2015
Protein kinase D exerts neuroprotective functions during oxidative stress via nuclear factor kappa B‐independent signaling pathways
H Liliom, K Tárnok, Z Ábrahám, B Rácz, A Hausser, K Schlett
Journal of neurochemistry 142 (6), 948-961, 2017
Anoxia leads to a rapid translocation of human trypsinogen 4 to the plasma membrane of cultured astrocytes
K Tárnok, L Szilágyi, T Berki, P Németh, L Gráf, K Schlett
Journal of neurochemistry 115 (2), 314-324, 2010
The dosage-dependent effect exerted by the NM23-H1/H2 homolog NDK-1 on distal tip cell migration in C. elegans
Z Farkas, L Fancsalszky, É Saskői, A Gráf, K Tárnok, A Mehta, ...
Laboratory Investigation 98 (2), 182-189, 2018
Synthetic calpain activator boosts neuronal excitability without extra Ca2+
I Világi, DS Kiss, A Farkas, S Borbély, K Tárnok, K Halasy, Z Bánóczi, ...
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38 (4), 629-636, 2008
Cerebellar granule cells show age‐dependent migratory differences in vitro
K Tárnok, A Czirók, K Czöndör, K Schlett
Journal of neurobiology 65 (2), 135-145, 2005
Phase separation by ssDNA binding protein controlled via protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions
GM Harami, ZJ Kovács, R Pancsa, J Pálinkás, V Baráth, K Tárnok, ...
bioRxiv, 797431, 2019
Redox-dependent condensation and cytoplasmic granulation by human ssDNA-binding protein-1 delineate roles in oxidative stress response
GM Harami, J Pálinkás, ZJ Kovács, B Jezsó, K Tárnok, H Harami-Papp, ...
Iscience 27 (9), 2024
Multifactorial approach is needed to unravel the maturation phases of human neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells
M Ben Mahmoud, A Rátkai, K Bauer, N Bencsik, A Szücs, K Schlett, ...
Scientific Reports 15 (1), 2627, 2025
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Articles 1–20