istván Fekete
istván Fekete
University of Nyiregyhaza
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Cited by
Soil enzyme activity in response to long-term organic matter manipulation
Z Kotroczo, Z Veres, I Fekete, Z Krakomperger, JA Tóth, K Lajtha, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 70, 237-243, 2014
Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
I Djukic, S Kepfer-Rojas, IK Schmidt, KS Larsen, C Beier, B Berg, ...
Science of the total environment 628, 1369-1394, 2018
Soil extracellular enzyme activities are sensitive indicators of detrital inputs and carbon availability
Z Veres, Z Kotroczó, I Fekete, JA Tóth, K Lajtha, K Townsend, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 92, 18-23, 2015
The detrital input and removal treatment (DIRT) network: Insights into soil carbon stabilization
K Lajtha, RD Bowden, S Crow, I Fekete, Z Kotroczó, A Plante, ...
Science of the Total Environment 640, 1112-1120, 2018
Alterations in forest detritus inputs influence soil carbon concentration and soil respiration in a Central-European deciduous forest
I Fekete, Z Kotroczó, C Varga, PT Nagy, G Várbíró, RD Bowden, JA Tóth, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 74, 106-114, 2014
The effects of litter production and litter depth on soil microclimate in a central european deciduous forest
I Fekete, C Varga, B Biró, JA Tóth, G Várbíró, K Lajtha, G Szabó, ...
Plant and soil 398, 291-300, 2016
Long‐term effects of climate change on carbon storage and tree species composition in a dry deciduous forest
I Fekete, K Lajtha, Z Kotroczó, G Várbíró, C Varga, JA Tóth, I Demeter, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (8), 3154-3168, 2017
An optimized HPLC method for soil fungal biomass determination and its application to a detritus manipulation study
A Beni, E Soki, K Lajtha, I Fekete
Journal of Microbiological Methods 103, 124-130, 2014
The relation between various detritus inputs and soil enzyme activities in a Central European deciduous forest
I Fekete, C Varga, Z Kotroczó, JA Tóth, G Várbiró
Geoderma 167, 15-21, 2011
Carbon sequestration of forest soils is reflected by changes in physicochemical soil indicators─ A comprehensive discussion of a long-term experiment on a detritus manipulation
K Juhos, B Madarász, Z Kotroczó, Á Béni, M Makádi, I Fekete
Geoderma 385, 114918, 2021
Variability of organic matter inputs affects soil moisture and soil biological parameters in a European detritus manipulation experiment
I Fekete, Z Kotroczo, C Varga, R Hargitai, K Townsend, G Csányi, ...
Ecosystems 15, 792-803, 2012
Effect of leaf-and root-litter manipulation for carbon-dioxide efflux in forest soil
Z Kotroczo, I Fekete, JA Toth, B Tothmeresz, S Balazsy
Cereal Research Communications 36, 663-666, 2008
Effect of detritus manipulation on different organic matter decompositions in temperate deciduous forest soils
Z Kotroczó, K Juhos, B Biró, T Kocsis, SA Pabar, C Varga, I Fekete
Forests 11 (6), 675, 2020
The Carpathians: Integrating nature and society towards sustainability
J Kozak, K Ostapowicz, A Bytnerowicz, B Wyżga
Springer, 2013
Effect of litter fall on soil nutrient content and pH, and its consequences in view of climate change (Síkfőkút DIRT Project)
JA Tóth, PT Nagy, Z Krakomperger, Z Veres, Z Kotroczó, S Kincses, ...
Effects of climate change on litter production in a Quercetum petraeae-cerris forest in Hungary
Z Kotroczó, Z Veres, I Fekete, M Papp, JA Tóth
Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 8, 31-38, 2012
The effect of temperature and moisture on enzyme activity in Síkfőkút Site
I Fekete, C Varga, Z Kotroczó, Z Krakomperger, JA Tóth
Cereal Research Communications 35, 381-384, 2007
How will a drier climate change carbon sequestration in soils of the deciduous forests of Central Europe?
I Fekete, I Berki, K Lajtha, S Trumbore, O Francioso, P Gioacchini, ...
Biogeochemistry 152, 13-32, 2021
Influence of temperature and organic matter content on soil respiration in a deciduous oak forest
Z Kotroczó, Z Veres, B Biró, JA Tóth, I Fekete
Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 3 (4), 303-310, 2014
Application of a Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction sample preparation method with HPLC for soil fungal biomass determination in soils from a detrital manipulation study
Á Beni, K Lajtha, J Kozma, I Fekete
Journal of Microbiological Methods 136, 1-5, 2017
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Articles 1–20