Karl-Fredrik Berggren
Karl-Fredrik Berggren
professor em, Linköping university
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Band-gap tailoring of ZnO by means of heavy Al doping
BE Sernelius, KF Berggren, ZC Jin, I Hamberg, CG Granqvist
Physical Review B 37 (17), 10244, 1988
Band-gap widening in heavily Sn-doped
I Hamberg, CG Granqvist, KF Berggren, BE Sernelius, L Engström
Physical Review B 30 (6), 3240, 1984
Band-gap narrowing in heavily doped many-valley semiconductors
KF Berggren, BE Sernelius
Physical Review B 24 (4), 1971, 1981
Magnetic depopulation of 1D subbands in a narrow 2D electron gas in a GaAs: AlGaAs heterojunction
KF Berggren, TJ Thornton, DJ Newson, M Pepper
Physical review letters 57 (14), 1769, 1986
Characterization of very narrow quasi-one-dimensional quantum channels
KF Berggren, G Roos, H Van Houten
Physical Review B 37 (17), 10118, 1988
Spin splitting of subbands in quasi-one-dimensional electron quantum channels
CK Wang, KF Berggren
Physical Review B 54 (20), R14257, 1996
Incoherent-x-ray-scattering functions and cross sections by means of a pocket calculator
R Ribberfors, KF Berggren
Physical Review A 26 (6), 3325, 1982
The CDIO syllabus: a comparative study of expected student proficiency
J Bankel, KF Berggren, K Blom, EF Crawley, I Wiklund, S Östlund
European Journal of Engineering Education 28 (3), 297-315, 2003
Local spin polarization in ballistic quantum point contacts
CK Wang, KF Berggren
Physical Review B 57 (8), 4552, 1998
Scenario for the 0.7-conductance anomaly in quantum point contacts
AA Starikov, II Yakimenko, KF Berggren
Physical Review B 67 (23), 235319, 2003
Effects of exchange and electron correlation on conductance and nanomagnetism in ballistic semiconductor quantum point contacts
KF Berggren, II Yakimenko
Physical Review B 66 (8), 085323, 2002
Benchmarking engineering curricula with the CDIO syllabus
J Bankel, KF Berggren, M Engström, I Wiklund, EF Crawley, ...
International journal of engineering education 21 (1), 121-133, 2005
Reactively sputtered ZnO: Al films for energy-efficient windows
ZC Jin, I Hamberg, CG Granqvist, BE Sernelius, KF Berggren
Thin Solid Films 164, 381-386, 1988
Conductance oscillations related to the eigenenergy spectrum of a quantum dot in weak magnetic fields
M Persson, J Pettersson, B Von Sydow, PE Lindelof, A Kristensen, ...
Physical Review B 52 (12), 8921, 1995
Ballistic electrons in an open square geometry: Selective probing of resonant-energy states
IV Zozoulenko, R Schuster, KF Berggren, K Ensslin
Physical Review B 55 (16), R10209, 1997
Renormalized-Free-Atom Model and the Electron Momentum Distribution in Vanadium
KF Berggren
Physical Review B 6 (6), 2156, 1972
Itinerant Antiferromagnetism in an Infinite Linear Chain
B Johansson, KF Berggren
Physical Review 181 (2), 855, 1969
From quantum point contacts to quantum wires: Density-functional calculations with exchange and correlation effects
P Jaksch, I Yakimenko, KF Berggren
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (23), 235320, 2006
Quantum scattering, resonant states, and conductance fluctuations in an open square electron billiard
IV Zozoulenko, KF Berggren
Physical Review B 56 (11), 6931, 1997
Resonant tunneling via quantum bound states in a classically unbound system of crossed, narrow channels
KF Berggren, ZL Ji
Physical Review B 43 (6), 4760, 1991
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