Peng QIN
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Cited by
Corrosion behaviour of selective laser melted Ti-TiB biocomposite in simulated body fluid
Y Chen, J Zhang, N Dai, P Qin, H Attar, LC Zhang
Electrochimica Acta 232, 89-97, 2017
Selective laser melting of Ti–35Nb composite from elemental powder mixture: Microstructure, mechanical behavior and corrosion behavior
JC Wang, YJ Liu, P Qin, SX Liang, TB Sercombe, LC Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 760 (8), 214-224, 2019
Disordered atomic packing structure of metallic glass: toward ultrafast hydroxyl radicals production rate and strong electron transfer ability in catalytic performance
Z Jia, X Duan, P Qin, W Zhang, W Wang, C Yang, H Sun, S Wang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (38), 1702258, 2017
Corrosion behavior and characteristics of passive films of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti–6Al–4V in dynamic Hank’s solution
LY Chen, HY Zhang, C Zheng, HY Yang, P Qin, C Zhao, S Lu, SX Liang, ...
Materials & Design 208, 109907, 2021
Metastable pitting corrosion behavior of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti-6Al-4V in Hank’s solution
YW Cui, LY Chen, P Qin, R Li, Q Zang, J Peng, L Zhang, S Lu, L Wang, ...
Corrosion Science 203, 110333, 2022
Improved corrosion behavior of ultrafine-grained eutectic Al-12Si alloy produced by selective laser melting
Y Yang, Y Chen, J Zhang, X Gu, P Qin, N Dai, X Li, JP Kruth, LC Zhang
Materials & Design 146, 239-248, 2018
Distinction of corrosion resistance of selective laser melted Al-12Si alloy on different planes
Y Chen, J Zhang, X Gu, N Dai, P Qin, LC Zhang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747, 648-658, 2018
Improved corrosion resistance on selective laser melting produced Ti-5Cu alloy after heat treatment
P Qin, Y Liu, TB Sercombe, Y Li, C Zhang, C Cao, H Sun, LC Zhang
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 4 (7), 2633-2642, 2018
Corrosion and passivation behavior of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti-6Al-4V in static/dynamic NaCl solutions with different concentrations
P Qin, LY Chen, YJ Liu, Z Jia, SX Liang, CH Zhao, H Sun, LC Zhang
Corrosion Science 191, 109728, 2021
Resemblance in Corrosion Behavior of Selective Laser Melted and Traditional Monolithic β Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn Alloy
P Qin, Y Chen, YJ Liu, J Zhang, LY Chen, Y Li, X Zhang, C Cao, H Sun, ...
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 5 (2), 1141-1149, 2019
Strengthening mechanism and corrosion resistance of beta-type Ti-Nb-Zr-Mn alloys
SF Jawed, CD Rabadia, YJ Liu, LQ Wang, P Qin, YH Li, XH Zhang, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 110, 110728, 2020
Corrosion behavior and mechanism of selective laser melted Ti35Nb alloy produced using pre-alloyed and mixed powder in Hank’s solution
P Qin, LY Chen, CH Zhao, YJ Liu, CD Cao, H Sun, LC Zhang
Corrosion Science 189, 109609, 2021
Advances in additively manufactured titanium alloys by powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition: Microstructure, defects, and mechanical behavior
HY Ma, JC Wang, P Qin, YJ Liu, LY Chen, LQ Wang, LC Zhang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 183, 32-62, 2024
Fe73. 5Si13. 5B9Cu1Nb3 metallic glass: rapid activation of peroxymonosulfate towards ultrafast Eosin Y degradation
JC Wang, Z Jia, SX Liang, P Qin, WC Zhang, WM Wang, TB Sercombe, ...
Materials & Design 140, 73-84, 2018
K-doped Na3Fe2 (PO4) 3 cathode materials with high-stable structure for sodium-ion stored energy battery
Y Cao, Y Liu, D Zhao, J Zhang, X Xia, T Chen, L Zhang, P Qin, Y Xia
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 784, 939-946, 2019
Role of boron in enhancing electron delocalization to improve catalytic activity of Fe-based metallic glasses for persulfate-based advanced oxidation
Z Jia, JL Jiang, L Sun, LC Zhang, Q Wang, SX Liang, P Qin, DF Li, J Lu, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (40), 44789-44797, 2020
An overview of additively manufactured metal matrix composites: preparation, performance, and challenge
LY Chen, P Qin, L Zhang, LC Zhang
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2024
Corrosion behavior and mechanisms of the heat-treated Ti5Cu produced by laser powder bed fusion
X Wang, P Qin*, LY Chen*, H Sun, LC Zhang*
Corrosion Science 221, 111336, 2023
Corrosion behavior and mechanism of laser powder bed fusion produced CoCrW in an acidic NaCl solution
P Qin, LY Chen, YJ Liu, CH Zhao, YJ Lu, H Sun, LC Zhang
Corrosion Science 213, 110999, 2023
The interaction between encapsulated Gd2O3 particles and polymeric matrix: The mechanism of fracture and X-ray attenuation properties
LBT La, C Leatherday, P Qin, YK Leong, KJ Hayward, B Jiang, LC Zhang
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 535, 175-183, 2017
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