Olivier Mascaro
Olivier Mascaro
CNRS, Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center, Paris
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Epistemic vigilance
D Sperber, F Clément, C Heintz, O Mascaro, H Mercier, G Origgi, ...
Mind & language 25 (4), 359-393, 2010
The moral, epistemic, and mindreading components of children’s vigilance towards deception
O Mascaro, D Sperber
Cognition 112 (3), 367-380, 2009
Preschoolers are able to take merit into account when distributing goods.
N Baumard, O Mascaro, C Chevallier
Developmental psychology 48 (2), 492, 2012
Representation of stable social dominance relations by human infants
O Mascaro, G Csibra
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (18), 6862-6867, 2012
Statistical treatment of looking-time data.
G Csibra, M Hernik, O Mascaro, D Tatone, M Lengyel
Developmental psychology 52 (4), 521, 2016
Probing the strength of infants' preference for helpers over hinderers: Two replication attempts of Hamlin and Wynn (2011)
E Salvadori, T Blazsekova, A Volein, Z Karap, D Tatone, O Mascaro, ...
PloS one 10 (11), e0140570, 2015
Human infants’ learning of social structures: The case of dominance hierarchy
O Mascaro, G Csibra
Psychological science 25 (1), 250-255, 2014
Infants discriminate the source of social touch at stroking speeds eliciting maximal firing rates in CT-fibers
M Aguirre, A Couderc, J Epinat-Duclos, O Mascaro
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 36, 100639, 2019
Early understanding of merit in Turkana children
P Liénard, C Chevallier, O Mascaro, P Kiura, N Baumard
Journal of cognition and culture 13 (1-2), 57-66, 2013
Optimistic expectations about communication explain children's difficulties in hiding, lying, and mistrusting liars
O Mascaro, O Morin, D Sperber
Journal of child language 44 (5), 1041-1064, 2017
Gullible's travel: How honest and trustful children become vigilant communicators
O Mascaro, O Morin
Trust and skepticism, 69-82, 2014
Epistemology for beginners: Two-to five-year-old children's representation of falsity
O Mascaro, O Morin
PloS one 10 (10), e0140658, 2015
Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults
T Schuwerk, D Kampis, R Baillargeon, S Biro, M Bohn, K Byers-Heinlein, ...
The effect of disagreement on children’s source memory performance
JB Mahr, O Mascaro, H Mercier, G Csibra
PLoS One 16 (4), e0249958, 2021
The origins of trust: Humans’ reliance on communicative cues supersedes firsthand experience during the second year of life
O Mascaro, ÁM Kovács
Developmental Science 25 (4), e13223, 2022
Infants expect agents to minimize the collective cost of collaborative actions
O Mascaro, G Csibra
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 17088, 2022
Nonverbal rhetoric: 2-to 4-year-old children select relevant evidence when trying to influence others.
O Mascaro, M Aguirre, M Brun, A Couderc, H Mercier
Developmental Psychology 55 (10), 2039, 2019
L’éveil du mensonge
O Mascaro, O Morin
Terrain. Anthropologie & sciences humaines, 20-35, 2011
Infants’ representation of asymmetric social influence
J Bas, N Sebastian-Galles, G Csibra, O Mascaro
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 226, 105564, 2023
La vigilance épistémique
D Sperber, F Clément, C Heintz, O Mascaro, H Mercier, G Origgi, ...
Herman, Thierry & Steve Oswald (éds). Rhétorique et cognition: perspectives …, 2014
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Articles 1–20