Dashnor HOXHA
Dashnor HOXHA
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Damage-induced permeability changes in granite: a case example at the URL in Canada
M Souley, F Homand, S Pepa, D Hoxha
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 38 (2), 297-310, 2001
Physical characterization of natural straw fibers as aggregates for construction materials applications
M Bouasker, N Belayachi, D Hoxha, M Al-Mukhtar
Materials 7 (4), 3034-3048, 2014
A continuum damage constitutive law for brittle rocks
F Homand-Etienne, D Hoxha, JF Shao
Computers and Geotechnics 22 (2), 135-151, 1998
Modelling of induced anisotropic damage in granites
JF Shao, D Hoxha, M Bart, F Homand, G Duveau, M Souley, N Hoteit
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 36 (8), 1001-1012, 1999
Saturated and unsaturated behaviour modelling of Meuse–Haute/Marne argillite
D Hoxha, A Giraud, F Homand, C Auvray
International Journal of Plasticity 23 (5), 733-766, 2007
Mechanical and hygrothermal behavior of clay–Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and rape straw (Brassica napus) plaster bio-composites for building insulation
Y Brouard, N Belayachi, D Hoxha, N Ranganathan, S Méo
Construction and Building Materials 161, 196-207, 2018
Impact of accelerated climatic aging on the behavior of gypsum plaster-straw material for building thermal insulation
N Belayachi, D Hoxha, M Slaimia
Construction and Building Materials 125, 912-918, 2016
Permeability determination of a deep argillite in saturated and partially saturated conditions
F Homand, A Giraud, S Escoffier, A Koriche, D Hoxha
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (14-16), 3517-3531, 2004
Geometric analysis of damaged microcracking in granites
F Homand, D Hoxha, T Belem, MN Pons, N Hoteit
Mechanics of materials 32 (6), 361-376, 2000
Effective poroelastic properties of transversely isotropic rock-like composites with arbitrarily oriented ellipsoidal inclusions
A Giraud, QV Huynh, D Hoxha, D Kondo
Mechanics of Materials 39 (11), 1006-1024, 2007
Time-dependent reliability analysis of deep tunnel in the viscoelastic burger rock with sequential installation of liners
DP Do, NT Tran, VT Mai, D Hoxha, MN Vu
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 1259-1285, 2020
Deformation of natural gypsum rock: Mechanisms and questions
D Hoxha, F Homand, C Auvray
Engineering Geology 86 (1), 1-17, 2006
A short-and long-term rheological model to understand the collapses of iron mines in Lorraine, France
D Grgic, F Homand, D Hoxha
Computers and Geotechnics 30 (7), 557-570, 2003
Application of results on Eshelby tensor to the determination of effective poroelastic properties of anisotropic rocks-like composites
A Giraud, QV Huynh, D Hoxha, D Kondo
International journal of solids and structures 44 (11-12), 3756-3772, 2007
Optimizing performance of insulation materials based on wheat straw, lime and gypsum plaster composites using natural additives
B Ismail, N Belayachi, D Hoxha
Construction and Building Materials 254, 118959, 2020
Influence of lightweight aggregates on the physical and mechanical residual properties of concrete subjected to high temperatures
G Roufael, AL Beaucour, J Eslami, D Hoxha, A Noumowé
Construction and Building Materials 268, 121221, 2021
Modelling long-term behaviour of a natural gypsum rock
D Hoxha, A Giraud, F Homand
Mechanics of materials 37 (12), 1223-1241, 2005
A micro-macro model for time-dependent behavior of clayey rocks due to anisotropic propagation of microcracks
C Bikong, D Hoxha, JF Shao
International Journal of Plasticity 69, 73-88, 2015
Estimation of the damage of a porous limestone from continuous (P- and S-) wave velocity measurements under uniaxial loading and different hydrous conditions
J Eslami, D Grgic, D Hoxha
Geophysical Journal International 183 (3), 1362-1375, 2010
Pétrofabrique et propriétés mécaniques des argilites
F Homand, JF Shao, A Giraud, C Auvray, D Hoxha
Comptes rendus. Géoscience 338 (12-13), 882-891, 2006
Estimation of the damage of a porous limestone using continuous wave velocity measurements during uniaxial creep tests
J Eslami, D Hoxha, D Grgic
Mechanics of Materials 49, 51-65, 2012
The influence of relative humidity on the rate of convergence in an underground gypsum mine
C Auvray, F Homand, D Hoxha
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 45 (8), 1454-1468, 2008
Microstructural approach in damage modeling
D Hoxha, F Homand
Mechanics of Materials 32 (6), 377-387, 2000
Hydromechanical modelling of an excavation in an underground research laboratory with an elastoviscoplastic behaviour law and regularization by second gradient of dilation
R Plassart, R Fernandes, A Giraud, D Hoxha, F Laigle
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 58, 23-33, 2013
Closed-form solution of stress state and stability analysis of wellbore in anisotropic permeable rocks
DP Do, NH Tran, HL Dang, D Hoxha
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 113, 11-23, 2019
Investigation on the thermal degradation and kinetic parameters of innovative insulation materials using TGA-MS
K Chetehouna, N Belayachi, B Rengel, D Hoxha, P Gillard
Applied Thermal Engineering 81, 177-184, 2015
Thermo-mechanical behaviour of an innovant straw lime composite for thermal insulation applications
N Belayachi, M Bouasker, D Hoxha, M Al-Mukhtar
Applied Mechanics and Materials 390, 542-546, 2013
A microstructural study of natural and experimentally induced cracks in a granodiorite
D Hoxha, M Lespinasse, J Sausse, F Homand
Tectonophysics 395 (1-2), 99-112, 2005
Impact of fiber treatment on the fire reaction and thermal degradation of building insulation straw composite
N Belayachi, D Hoxha, B Ismail
Energy Procedia 139, 544-549, 2017
Effect of pore shape on effective porothermoelastic properties of isotropic rocks
A Giraud, D Hoxha, DP Do, V Magnenet
International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 (1), 1-23, 2008
Hygric properties of wheat straw biocomposite containing natural additives intended for thermal insulation of buildings
B Ismail, N Belayachi, D Hoxha
Construction and Building Materials 317, 126049, 2022
Poroplastic modelling of the excavation and ventilation of a deep cavity
D Hoxha, A Giraud, A Blaisonneau, F Homand, C Chavant
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2004
Assessment of the influence of hydraulic and mechanical anisotropy on the fracture initiation pressure in permeable rocks using a complex potential approach
DP Do, NH Tran, D Hoxha, HL Dang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 100, 108-123, 2017
Kriging-based reliability analysis of the long-term stability of a deep drift constructed in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
NT Tran, DP Do, D Hoxha, MN Vu, G Armand
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (5), 1033-1046, 2021
A closed-form hydro-mechanical solution for deep tunnels in elastic anisotropic rock
NH Tran, DP Do, D Hoxha
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 22 (12), 1429-1445, 2018
Pyrolysis gases released during the thermal degradation of insulation materials based on straw fibers
K Chetehouna, N Belayachi, L Lemée, D Hoxha, B Rengel
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 122, 1417-1422, 2015
Caractéristiques physiques et mécaniques du granite de la Vienne et de l'argilite de l'Est
F Homand, AS Chiarelli, D Hoxha
Revue française de génie civil 6 (1), 11-20, 2002
Distinct element modelling of an underground excavation using a continuum damage model
M Souley, D Hoxha, F Homand
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 4 (35), 442-443, 1998
Hygrothermal Behavior of Clay - Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and Rape Straw (Brassica napus) Plaster Bio-Composites for Building Insulation
Y Brouard, N Belayachi, D Hoxha, S Méo, W Abdallah
Advanced Engineering Forum 21, 242-248, 2017
Etude comparative du comportement hygrothermique des matériaux à base de fibres végétales
N Belayachi, D Hoxha, I Redikutseva
Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, 2015
Résultats des essais sur échantillons pour le développement des modèles rhéologiques HM et THM des argilites
D Hoxha, C Auvray
Rapport Andra n D. RP. 0ENG. 98.013/A, 2004
Effective porothermoelastic properties of transversely isotropic rock-like composites
A Giraud, D Hoxha, QV Huynh, DP Do, V Magnenet
International journal of engineering science 46 (6), 527-550, 2008
岩土工程学报 28 (8), 953-956, 2006
Experimental characterization of the hydromechanical properties of the gypsum soil of Sebkha of Oran
M Chikhaoui, N Belayachi, A Nechnech, D Hoxha
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 61 (4), 706-717, 2017
Thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of tuffeau stone masonry
N Belayachi, D Hoxha, DP Do
European Journal of environmental and civil engineering 16 (5), 557-570, 2012
A note on the numerical homogenisation of the mechanical behaviour of an argillaceous rock
N Belayachi, DP Do, D Hoxha
Computers and Geotechnics 41, 70-78, 2012
P‐and S‐wave anisotropy to characterise and quantify damage in media: laboratory experiment using synthetic sample with aligned microcracks
B Ndao, DP Do, D Hoxha
Geophysical Prospecting 65, 181-200, 2017
A coupled HM constitutive model to study stability of Lorraine abandoned iron mines
D Hoxha, D Grgic, F Homand, M Souley
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-01-0637, 2001
On the numerical evaluation of historical stone sculpture artwork restoration
L Michel, DP Do, B Coignard, D Hoxha
European journal of environmental and civil engineering 18 (6), 601-617, 2014
Effective transfer properties of partially saturated geomaterials with interfaces using the immersed interface method
DP Do, D Hoxha
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2013
Modelling of two-phase flow in capillary porous medium by a microscopic discrete approach
H Hoang, D Hoxha, N Belayachi, DP Do
European journal of environmental and civil engineering 17 (6), 444-452, 2013
Impact of THM constitutive behavior on the rock-mass response: case of HE-D experiment in Mont-Terri Underground Rock Laboratory
D Hoxha, Z Jiang, F Homand, A Giraud, K Su, Y Wileveau
EUROCK, 199-204, 2006
Hydromechanical properties of some mortars used in some ecologic construction techniques
D Hoxha, VN Ungureanu, N Belayachi, DP Do, JB Thevard
Advanced Materials Research 587, 6-10, 2012
Studies on coupled field of thermal response in rock mass of nuclear waste repository
J Zhongming, D HOXHA
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 28 (8), 953-956, 2006
Assessment of the usability of some bio-based insulation materials in double-skin steel envelopes
D Hoxha, B Ismail, A Rotaru, D Izabel, T Renaux
Sustainability 14 (17), 10797, 2022
Kriging-based optimization design of deep tunnel in the rheological Burger rock
DP Do, NT Tran, D Hoxha, MN Vu, G Armand
Contribution to the behavior study and collapse risk of underground cavities in highly saline geological formations
M Chikhaoui, A Nechnech, D Hoxha, K Moussa
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 6: Applied Geology for …, 2015
Modélisation de l'endommagement des massifs rocheux
D Hoxha
Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 1998
Experimental investigation of the concrete cone failure of bonded anchors at room and high temperature
MN Robson, O Al-Mansouri, N Pinoteau, M Abate, K McBride, R Piccinin, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (9), 4760, 2022
Reliability-based design of deep tunnel excavated in the viscoelastic Burgers rocks
NT Tran, DP Do, D Hoxha, MN Vu
Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, 375-382, 2020
Durability studies on lightweight plaster and straw fiber based material for building thermal insulation
N Belayachi, D Hoxha, M Slaimia
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 33 (2), 203-207, 2015
Simulation of coupled THM process in surrounding rock mass of nuclear waste repository in argillaceous formation
Z Jiang, D Hoxha, F Homand, Y Chen
Journal of Central South University 22 (2), 631-637, 2015
Numerical simulation of 3D coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical anisotropy of argillite rock for radioactive waste disposal
Z Jiang, D Hoxha, F Homand
Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 493-450, 2007
Petro-fabric and mechanical properties of mud-stones
F Homand, A Giraud, C Auvray, S Jian-Fu, H Dashnor
Comptes Rendus-Academie des Sciences. Geoscience, 882-891, 2006
Modified AK-MCS method and its application on the reliability analysis of underground structures in the rock mass
NT Tran, DP Do, D Hoxha, MN Vu, G Armand
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (JSTCE)-HUCE 16 (2 …, 2022
Effective elastic and hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses with high contrast of permeability: numerical calculation by an embedded fracture continuum approach
HL Dang, DP Do, D Hoxha
Advances in Civil Engineering 2019 (1), 7560724, 2019
Experimental Assessment of Hygrothermal properties of clay-Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and Rape Straw (Brassica napus) Bio-Composites
Y Brouard, N Belayachi, M Ranganathan, D Hoxha, S Méo
2nd International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials & 1st …, 2017
On the impact of cracking on unsaturated hydrous properties of porous materials
H Hoang, D Hoxha, N Belayachi, DP Do
Poromechanics V: Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics …, 2013
Temperature and pressure dependence of the effective thermal conductivity of geomaterials: numerical investigation by the immersed interface method
DP Do, D Hoxha
Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (1), 456931, 2013
Numerical study of the stability of restoring damaged sculpture
M Laura, D Hoxha, B Coignard, X Brunetaud, M Al-Mukhtar
12th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, 2012
Tenseur de biot dans les argilites de l’est: résultats expérimentaux et analyse micromécanique
A Giraud, QV Huynh, D Hoxha, F Homand
Microstructure et propriétés des matériaux. Presses de l’Ecole Nationale des …, 2005
Instabilités des mines de fer abandonnées de Lorraine: approche hydromécanique
D Grgic, F Homand, D Hoxha
XV Congres Français de Mécanique, 529-534, 2001
Damage around a keyed URL excavation: change in permeability induced by microcracks growth
M Souley, F Homand, D Hoxha, M Chibout
Proceedings of the Int. FLAC Symposium. on Numerical Modeling in Geomech …, 1999
Probabilistic prediction of structural failure during 3D concrete printing processes
Z Diab, DP Do, S Rémond, D Hoxha
Materials and Structures 56 (4), 73, 2023
Time-Dependent Behavior of Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone for Nuclear Waste Disposal: Uncertainty Quantification from In-Situ Convergence Measurements
DP Do, NT Tran, D Hoxha, MN Vu, G Armand
Sustainability 14 (14), 8465, 2022
Uncertainty quantification of concrete properties at fresh state and stability analysis of the 3d printing process by stochastic approach
Z Diab, DP Do, S Rémond, D Hoxha
RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, 155-160, 2022
Modelling of thermal conductivity and nonlinear mechanical behavior of straw insulation composite by a numerical homogenization approach
B Ismail, N Belayachi, D Hoxha, L Arbaret
Journal of Building Engineering 43, 103144, 2021
Influence des granulats légers sur le comportement à haute température des bétons de structure
G Roufael, J Eslami, AL Beaucour, D Hoxha, A Noumouwe
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 36 (1), 237-240, 2018
Behavior of Horizontal Borehole in Anisotropic Poro-Elastic Media with Transient Fluid Flow: A Closed Form Solution Based on the Complex Potential Approach
DP Do, NH Tran, D Hoxha
Poromechanics VI, 149-157, 2017
In Situ Performance Assessment of a Bio-Sourced Insulation Material from an Inverse Analysis of Measurements on a Demonstrator Building
M Slaimia, N Belayachi, D Hoxha
Advanced Engineering Forum 21, 460-467, 2017
Assessment of Mechanical Properties of Interphase in Compositelike Geomaterials by Ultrasonic Measurement and the Extended Multi-Inclusion Model
DP Do, D Hoxha, TS Bui
Journal of Applied Mechanics 82 (3), 031001, 2015
D Hoxha, N Belayachi
8 th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the …, 2010
Role of HM coupling mechanisms on the evolution of rock masses around nuclear waste disposals in the context of gas generation. Clays in natural and engineered barriers for …
D Hoxha, DP Do, J Wendling, A Poutrel
Fourth International Meeting, 2010
Influence du temps et de l’hygrométrie sur le comportement du gypse
C Auvray, F Homand, D Hoxha, C Didier
Revue française de géotechnique, 41-51, 2004
A poromechanical model for M/HM Argillite
D Hoxha, A Giraud, F Homand, C Chavant
Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement …, 2002
Effect of spatial variability of creep rock on the stability of a deep double-lined drift
TN Tuyen, DP Do, D Hoxha, MN Vu, G Armand
Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (JSTCE)-HUCE 16 (3 …, 2022
Evaluation of PIRs Post-Fire Pull-Out Strength in Concrete Exposed to ISO 834-1 Fire
N Abdelrahman Alhajj Chehade, A Lahouar, O Al-Mansouri, N Pinoteau, ...
Materials 14 (17), 4998, 2021
A Critical Review on Durability of Sustainable Materials and Structures
D Hoxha, N Belayachi, X Brunetaud, S Rémond
Critical Thinking in the Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of …, 2021
Poroelastic and poroplastic modelling of a deep spherical gallery submitted to ventilation
A Blaisonneau, A Giraud, F Homand, D Hoxha, T Lassabatère
Poromechanics II, 113-119, 2020
Poromechanical behavior of ferriferous rocks
D Grgic, D Hoxha, F Homand
Poromechanics II, 211-216, 2020
Fractured reservoirs modeling by embedded fracture continuum approach: field-scale applications
HL Dang, DP Do, D Hoxha
Proceedings of the 1st Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering …, 2019
Optimisation de la performance thermique d’un bio-composite à base de fibres végétales: étude expérimentale et numérique
B Ismail, N Belayachi, D Hoxha
Conférence Internationale Francophone NoMaD 2018, 2018
Аналіз впливу мінерального скелету порід-колекторів Руновщинської площі на пружні та акустичні параметри (за результатами математичного моделювання)
І Безродна, Д Безродний, О Козіонова
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка …, 2017
A closed-form hydro-mechanical solution for deep tunnels in elastic anisotropic rock
NH Tran, DP Do, D Hoxha
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 34 (1), 530-538, 2016
Damage of Historical Stone Masonry Buildings: Combined Effects of Spatial Variability of Stone Properties and Environmental Conditions
N Belayachi, D Hoxha
J. Civ. Eng. Archit 10, 743-754, 2016
On Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) fatigue damage of historical stone buildings
D Hoxha, N Belayachi, DP Do
Advanced Materials Research 891, 36-41, 2014
Modeling mechanical behavior of geomaterials by the extended finite-element method
S Wu, D Hoxha, N Belayachi
The Fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, xx, 2010
Role of HHM coupling mechanisms on the evolution of rock masses around nuclear waste disposals in the context of gas generation
D Hoxha, DP Do, J Wendling, A Poutrel
Influence du temps sur le comportement du gypse
C Auvray, F Homand, D Hoxha, C Didier
Colloque International Après-mine 2003, NC, 2003
Distinct element modelling of an underground excavation using a continuum damage model
M Souley, D Hoxha, F Homand
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 35 (4-5), Paper …, 1999
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Articles 1–100