Zolboo Damiran
Zolboo Damiran
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Cited by
Optimal charging and discharging scheduling for electric vehicles in a parking station with photovoltaic system and energy storage system
L Yao, Z Damiran, WH Lim
Energies 10 (4), 550, 2017
Energy management optimization scheme for smart home considering different types of appliances
L Yao, Z Damiran, WH Lim
2017 IEEE international conference on environment and electrical engineering …, 2017
A fuzzy logic based charging scheme for electric vechicle parking station
L Yao, Z Damiran, WH Lim
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical …, 2016
Direct load control of central air conditioning systems using fuzzy optimization
L Yao, Z Damiran, WH Lim
2016 IEEE 16th international conference on environment and electrical …, 2016
Author Identification-An Experiment Based on Mongolian Literature Using Decision Trees
Z Damiran, K Altangerel
2014 7th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing and Workshops, 186-189, 2014
Text classification experiments on Mongolian language
Z Damiran, K Altangerel
Ifost 2, 145-148, 2013
Time Period Identification of Prosaic Texts in Modern Mongolian Language
KA Zolboo Damiran
14th International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication …, 2015
Using Decision Tree on Text Classification for Mongolian News Portals
Z Damiran, K Altangerel
4th International Conference on Creative Science and Technology (ICCST 2013 …, 2013
The Survey on Online Service at Metropolis State
GT Zolboo Damiran
Fifth International Conference of Information Technology, Applications and …, 2012
Comparison of the Learning Management Systems
ZD Erdenebaatar Altangerel, Baigaltugs Sanjaa
2nd International Conference on knowledge Based Industry (ICKI-2011) 1, 170-173, 2011
Critical Thinking Examples
R Nirati, KW Chien, Z Damiran, L Yao
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Articles 1–11