Gábor Bergmann
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Cited by
EMF-IncQuery: An integrated development environment for live model queries
Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann, Á Hegedüs, Á Horváth, B Izsó, I Ráth, Z Szatmári, ...
Science of Computer Programming 98, 80-99, 2015
Road to a reactive and incremental model transformation platform: three generations of the VIATRA framework
D Varró, G Bergmann, Á Hegedüs, Á Horváth, I Ráth, Z Ujhelyi
Software & Systems Modeling 15 (3), 609-629, 2016
Incremental evaluation of model queries over EMF models
G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth, D Varró, A Balogh, Z Balogh, A Ökrös
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2010
Incremental pattern matching in the viatra model transformation system
G Bergmann, A Ökrös, I Ráth, D Varró, G Varró
Proceedings of the third international workshop on Graph and model …, 2008
A graph query language for EMF models
G Bergmann, Z Ujhelyi, I Ráth, D Varró
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations …, 2011
Change-driven model transformations: Change (in) the rule to rule the change (Special Section Paper)
G Bergmann, I Ráth, G Varró, D Varró
Software and Systems Modeling 11 (3), 431-461, 2012
VIATRA 3: a reactive model transformation platform
G Bergmann, I Dávid, Á Hegedüs, Á Horváth, I Ráth, Z Ujhelyi, D Varró
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations …, 2015
Live model transformations driven by incremental pattern matching
I Ráth, G Bergmann, A Ökrös, D Varró
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations …, 2008
A benchmark evaluation of incremental pattern matching in graph transformation
G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth, D Varró
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 396-410, 2008
IncQuery-D: A distributed incremental model query framework in the cloud
G Szárnyas, B Izsó, I Ráth, D Harmath, G Bergmann, D Varró
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2014
Back-annotation of simulation traces with change-driven model transformations
A Hegedüs, G Bergmann, I Rath, D Varro
Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2010
Incrementalizing lattice-based program analyses in Datalog
T Szabó, G Bergmann, S Erdweg, M Voelter
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 2 (OOPSLA), 1-29, 2018
Translating OCL to graph patterns
G Bergmann
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2014
Incremental whole-program analysis in Datalog with lattices
T Szabó, S Erdweg, G Bergmann
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming …, 2021
Parallelization of graph transformation based on incremental pattern matching
G Bergmann, I Ráth, D Varró
Electronic Communications of the EASST 18, 2009
Optimal period length for the CGS sensor network scheduling algorithm
G Bergmann, M Molnár, L Gönczy, B Cousin
Networking and Services (ICNS), 2010 Sixth International Conference on, 192-199, 2010
Experimental assessment of combining pattern matching strategies with VIATRA2
Á Horváth, G Bergmann, I Ráth, D Varró
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 12 (3-4 …, 2010
Query-based access control for secure collaborative modeling using bidirectional transformations
G Bergmann, C Debreceni, I Ráth, D Varró
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven …, 2016
Workflow-driven tool integration using model transformations
A Balogh, G Bergmann, G Csertán, L Gönczy, Á Horváth, I Majzik, ...
Graph transformations and model-driven engineering, 224-248, 2010
Diversity of graph models and graph generators in mutation testing
O Semeráth, R Farkas, G Bergmann, D Varró
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 22 (1), 57-78, 2020
Incremental pattern matching for the efficient computation of transitive closure
G Bergmann, I Ráth, T Szabó, P Torrini, D Varró
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 386-400, 2012
Integrating efficient model queries in state-of-the-art EMF tools
G Bergmann, Á Hegedüs, Á Horváth, I Ráth, Z Ujhelyi, D Varró
International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer …, 2012
Towards Precise Metrics for Predicting Graph Query Performance
B Izsó, Z Szatmári, G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth
Incremental model queries in model-driven design
G Bergmann
Ph. D. dissertation, Budapest University of Technology and Economics …, 2013
Efficient model transformations by combining pattern matching strategies
G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth, D Varró
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 20-34, 2009
The MONDO collaboration framework: secure collaborative modeling over existing version control systems
C Debreceni, G Bergmann, M Búr, I Ráth, D Varró
Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software …, 2017
Enforcing fine-grained access control for secure collaborative modelling using bidirectional transformations
C Debreceni, G Bergmann, I Ráth, D Varró
Software & Systems Modeling, 1-33, 2017
Property-based Locking in Collaborative Modeling
C Debreceni, G Bergmann, I Ráth, V Dániel
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2017 ACM/IEEE 20th …, 2017
Incquery server for teamwork cloud: scalable query evaluation over collaborative model repositories
Á Hegedüs, G Bergmann, C Debreceni, Á Horváth, P Lunk, Á Menyhért, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven …, 2018
Implementing efficient model validation in EMF tools
G Bergmann, Á Hegedüs, Á Horváth, I Ráth, Z Ujhelyi, D Varró
Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2011 26th IEEE/ACM International …, 2011
Scalable modeling technologies in the wild: an experience report on wind turbines control applications development
A Gómez, X Mendialdua, K Barmpis, G Bergmann, J Cabot, X De Carlos, ...
Software and Systems Modeling 19 (5), 1229-1261, 2020
Applying incremental graph transformation to existing models in relational databases
G Bergmann, D Horváth, Á Horváth
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 371-385, 2012
On the opportunities of scalable modeling technologies: An experience report on wind turbines control applications development
A Gómez, X Mendialdua, G Bergmann, J Cabot, C Debreceni, ...
European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, 300-315, 2017
A tool for managing evolving security requirements
G Bergmann, F Massacci, F Paci, TT Tun, D Varró, Y Yu
IS Olympics: Information Systems in a Diverse World, 110-125, 2012
Adaptive Step Size Control for Hybrid CT Simulation without Rollback
R Farkas, G Bergmann, Á Horváth
Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference, Regensburg …, 2019
Secure Views for Collaborative Modeling
C Debreceni, G Bergmann, I Ráth, D Varró
IEEE Software 35 (6), 32-38, 2018
Towards reliable benchmarks of timed automata
R Farkas, G Bergmann
25th Mini-Symposium, 20-23, 2018
Deriving effective permissions for modeling artifacts from fine-grained access control rules
C Debreceni, G Bergmann, I Ráth, D Varró
Int. Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE (COMMitMDE), 2016
Incremental evaluation of model queries over EMF models: a tutorial on EMF-IncQuery
G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth, D Varró
Modelling Foundations and Applications, 389-390, 2011
Stochastic graph transformation with regions
P Torrini, R Heckel, I Ráth, G Bergmann
Electronic Communications of the EASST 29, 2010
SeCMER: a tool to gain control of security requirements evolution
G Bergmann, F Massacci, F Paci, TT Tun, D Varró, Y Yu
European Conference on a Service-Based Internet, 321-322, 2011
Towards efficient evaluation of rule-based permissions for fine-grained access control in collaborative modeling
G Bergmann, C Debreceni, I Ráth, D Varró
2nd International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE, Austin Texas …, 0
Controllable and decomposable multidirectional synchronizations
G Bergmann
Software and Systems Modeling 20 (5), 1735-1774, 2021
Advances in model transformations by graph transformation: specification, execution and analysis
G Bergmann, A Boronat, R Heckel, P Torrini, I Ráth, D Varró
Rigorous software engineering for service-oriented systems, 561-584, 2011
Incrementalizing inter-procedural program analyses with recursive aggregation in Datalog
T Szabó, G Bergmann, S Erdweg
Second Workshop on Incremental Computing, IC, 3, 2019
Translating OCL to Graph Patterns Extended Version⋆
G Bergmann
Rete Network Slicing for Model Queries
Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann, D Varró
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 137-152, 2016
Graph Query by Example.
G Bergmann, Á Hegedüs, G Gerencsér, D Varró
CMSEBA@ MoDELS, 17-24, 2014
Ontology driven design of EMF metamodels and well-formedness constraints
B Izsó, Z Szatmári, G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth, D Varró
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling, 37-42, 2012
Ecore to Genmodel case study solution using the Viatra2 framework
Á Hegedüs, Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann, Á Horváth
Transformation Tool Contest 2010 1-2 July 2010, Malaga, Spain, 187, 2010
PN2SC Case Study: An EMF-IncQuery solution
B Izsó, Á Hegedüs, G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.0354, 2013
Saying Hello World with VIATRA2-A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case
Á Hegedus, Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann
EPTCS 74, 302-324, 2011
BPMN to BPEL case study solution in VIATRA2
G Bergmann, A Horváth
5th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools, Zürich, Switzerland, 2009
Incremental Model Queries over EMF Models
G Bergmann, A Horváth, I Ráth, D Varró, A Balogh, Z Balogh, A Okrös
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 0
PN2SC Case Study: An EMF-IncQuery solution
B Izsó, Á Hegedüs, G Bergmann, Á Horváth, I Ráth
EPTCS 135, 106-114, 0
Correction to: Enforcing fine-grained access control for secure collaborative modelling using bidirectional transformations
C Debreceni, G Bergmann, I Ráth, D Varró
Software & Systems Modeling, 1-1, 2018
Towards Modeling Cyber-Physical Systems From Multiple Approaches
M Búr, A Vörös, G Bergmann, D Varró
24th PhD Mini-Symposium (Minisy@ DMIS 2017), 6-9, 2017
Solving the TTC 2011 Reengineering Case with VIATRA2
Á Hegedus, Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann
EPTCS 74, 136-148, 2011
Dependable Routing Protocol Considering the k-Coverage Problem for Wireless Sensor Networks
H Drid, L Gonczy, S Lahoud, G Bergmann, M Molnár
ICNS: International Conference on Networking and Services, 2011
A Tool for Managing Evolving Security Requirements
G Bergmann, F Massacci, F Paci, T Tun, D Varró, Y Yu
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 734, 49-56, 2011
Parallelization of Incremental Pattern Matching in Graph Transformation
G Bergmann, D Varró
16th PhD Mini-Symposium, 10-11, 2009
Report: Datalog with Recursive Aggregation for Incremental Program Analyses
T Szabó, G Bergmann, S Erdweg, M Voelter
Program Understanding case study solution using the Viatra2 framework
Á Hegedüs, Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann
SECMER: How to Stay in Control of Security Requirements Evolution
G Bergmann, F Massacci, F Paci, T Tun, D Varró, Y Yu
Solving the TTC 2011 Program Understanding Case with VIATRA2
A Hegedüs, Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann
Hello World! case study solution using the Viatra2 framework
Á Hegedüs, Z Ujhelyi, G Bergmann
Event-based model transformations with incremental pattern matching and their application in domain specific modeling
G Bergmann, D Varro, G Varro
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Articles 1–67