Maurizio Mattia
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Cited by
Population dynamics of interacting spiking neurons
M Mattia, P Del Giudice
Physical Review E 66 (5), 051917, 2002
Efficient event-driven simulation of large networks of spiking neurons and dynamical synapses
M Mattia, P Del Giudice
Neural computation 12 (10), 2305-2329, 2000
Collective behavior of networks with linear (VLSI) integrate-and-fire neurons
S Fusi, M Mattia
Neural Computation 11 (3), 633-652, 1999
Inhibitory modulation of cortical up states
MV Sanchez-Vives, M Mattia, A Compte, M Perez-Zabalza, M Winograd, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 104 (3), 1314-1324, 2010
Shaping the default activity pattern of the cortical network
MV Sanchez-Vives, M Massimini, M Mattia
Neuron 94 (5), 993-1001, 2017
Attractors and noise: twin drivers of decisions and multistability
J Braun, M Mattia
Neuroimage 52 (3), 740-751, 2010
Slow and fast rhythms generated in the cerebral cortex of the anesthetized mouse
M Ruiz-Mejias, L Ciria-Suarez, M Mattia, MV Sanchez-Vives
Journal of neurophysiology 106 (6), 2910-2921, 2011
Bistable perception modeled as competing stochastic integrations at two levels
G Gigante, M Mattia, J Braun, P Del Giudice
PLoS computational biology 5 (7), e1000430, 2009
Temperature modulation of slow and fast cortical rhythms
R Reig, M Mattia, A Compte, C Belmonte, MV Sanchez-Vives
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (3), 1253-1261, 2010
Slow wave activity as the default mode of the cerebral cortex
MV Sanchez-Vives, M Mattia
Arch Ital Biol 152 (2-3), 147-155, 2014
Heterogeneous attractor cell assemblies for motor planning in premotor cortex
M Mattia, P Pani, G Mirabella, S Costa, P Del Giudice, S Ferraina
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (27), 11155-11168, 2013
Modelling the formation of working memory with networks of integrate-and-fire neurons connected by plastic synapses
P Del Giudice, S Fusi, M Mattia
Journal of Physiology-Paris 97 (4-6), 659-681, 2003
Exploring the spectrum of dynamical regimes and timescales in spontaneous cortical activity
M Mattia, MV Sanchez-Vives
Cognitive neurodynamics 6, 239-250, 2012
Stop-event-related potentials from intracranial electrodes reveal a key role of premotor and motor cortices in stopping ongoing movements
M Mattia, S Spadacenta, L Pavone, P Quarato, V Esposito, A Sparano, ...
Frontiers in Neuroengineering 5 (12), 2012
Finite-size dynamics of inhibitory and excitatory interacting spiking neurons
M Mattia, P Del Giudice
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (5 …, 2004
Diverse population-bursting modes of adapting spiking neurons
G Gigante, M Mattia, PD Giudice
Physical Review Letters 98 (14), 148101, 2007
Slow waves in cortical slices: how spontaneous activity is shaped by laminar structure
C Capone, B Rebollo, A Muñoz, X Illa, P Del Giudice, MV Sanchez-Vives, ...
Cerebral cortex 29 (1), 319-335, 2019
Overexpression of Dyrk1A, a Down syndrome candidate, decreases excitability and impairs gamma oscillations in the prefrontal cortex
M Ruiz-Mejias, MM de Lagran, M Mattia, P Castano-Prat, L Perez-Mendez, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (13), 3648-3659, 2016
Modulation of cortical slow oscillations and complexity across anesthesia levels
M Dasilva, A Camassa, A Navarro-Guzman, A Pazienti, L Perez-Mendez, ...
Neuroimage 224, 117415, 2021
Robust working memory in an asynchronously spiking neural network realized with neuromorphic VLSI
M Giulioni, P Camilleri, M Mattia, V Dante, J Braun, P Del Giudice
Frontiers in neuroscience 5, 149, 2012
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Articles 1–20