Mester Tamás
Mester Tamás
University of Debecen
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Cited by
Assessment of complex terminal groundwater aquifer for different use of Oued Souf Valley (Algeria) using multivariate statistical methods, geostatistical modeling, and water …
A Barkat, F Bouaicha, O Bouteraa, T Mester, B Ata, D Balla, Z Rahal, ...
Water 13 (11), 1609, 2021
Geovisualization techniques of spatial environmental data using different visualization tools
D Balla, M Zichar, R Tóth, E Kiss, G Karancsi, T Mester
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6701, 2020
Assessment of groundwater quality changes in the rural environment of the Hungarian great plain based on selected water quality indicators
T Mester, D Balla, G Szabó
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-14, 2020
Effects of nitrogen loading from domestic wastewater on groundwater quality
T Mester, D Balla, G Karancsi, É Bessenyei, G Szabó
Water SA 45 (3), 349-358, 2019
Possibilities for assessment and geovisualization of spatial and temporal water quality data using a WebGIS application
D Balla, M Zichar, E Kiss, G Szabó, T Mester
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (2), 108, 2022
Assessment of spatial distribution and temporal variations of the phreatic groundwater level using geostatistical modelling: the case of oued souf valley—southern East of Algeria
A Barkat, F Bouaicha, T Mester, M Debabeche, G Szabó
Water 14 (9), 1415, 2022
Environmental Hazards of an Unrecultivated Liquid Waste Disposal Site on Soil and Groundwater
T Mester, G Szabó, Z Sajtos, E Baranyai, G Szabó, D Balla
Water 14 (2), 226, 2022
Possibilities of spatial data visualization with web technologies for cognitive interpretation
D Balla, T Mester, Á Botos, TJ Novák, J Rásó, M Zichar, A Karika
2017 8th IEEE international conference on cognitive infocommunications …, 2017
The effects of uninsulated sewage tanks on groundwater. A case study in an eastern Hungarian settlement
T Mester, G Szabó, É Bessenyei, G Karancsi, N Barkóczi, D Balla
Journal of Water and Land Development 33 (1), 123, 2017
Assessment of shallow groundwater purification processes after the construction of a municipal sewerage network
T Mester, G Szabó, D Balla
Water 13 (14), 1946, 2021
Investigation of public attitude towards renewable energy sources using word association method in Hungarian settlements
G Szabó, I Fazekas, C Patkós, Z Radics, P Csorba, T Tóth, E Kovács, ...
Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences 8 (1), 6-24, 2018
The use of sodium to calibrate the transport modeling of water pollution in sandy formations around an uninsulated sewage disposal site
G Szabó, É Bessenyei, A Hajnal, I Csige, G Szabó, C Tóth, J Posta, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 1-13, 2016
Hydrochemical assessment of the Kisköre Reservoir (Lake Tisza) and the impacts of water quality on tourism development
T Mester, B Benkhard, M Vasvári, P Csorba, E Kiss, D Balla, I Fazekas, ...
Water 15 (8), 1514, 2023
A GIS tool to express soil naturalness grades and geovisualization of results on Tokaj Nagy-Hill
D Balla, M Zichar, A Kozics, T Mester, T Mikita, J Incze, TJ Novák
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 16 (6), 191-205, 2019
Assessment of Groundwater Decontamination Processes around a Dismantled Septic Tank Using GIS and Statistical Analysis
T Mester, G Szabó, Z Sajtos, E Baranyai, E Kiss, D Balla
Water 15 (5), 884, 2023
Assessing the public knowledge structure towards renewable energy sources in Hungary
G Szaba, I Fazekas, Z Radics, P Csorba, C Patkas, E Kovajcs, T Tath, ...
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 10 (3), 1476-1487, 2020
The integrated use of heavy-metal pollution indices and the assessment of metallic health risks in the phreatic groundwater Aquifer—the case of the Oued Souf Valley in Algeria
A Barkat, F Bouaicha, S Ziad, T Mester, Z Sajtos, D Balla, I Makhloufi, ...
Hydrology 10 (10), 201, 2023
Rendszergondolatok rendszerezése: Interjú a 80 éves Kerényi Attila professzorral= Systemizing the Thinking in Systems: An Interview with Attila Kerényi Celebrating his 80th …
I Fazekas, D Balla, B Benkhard, P Csorba, E Kiss, T Mester, G Szabó, ...
Modern Geográfia 18 (3), 87-104, 2023
Classification and geovisualization process of soil data using a web-based spatial information system
D Balla, TJ Novák, E Kiss, T Mester, G Karancsi, M Zichar
Open Agriculture 5 (1), 638-655, 2020
Evaluation of groundwater quality in the rural environment using geostatistical analysis and WebGIS methods in a Hungarian settlement, Báránd
D Balla, E Kiss, M Zichar, T Mester
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31 (46), 57177-57195, 2024
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Articles 1–20