Douglas Wholey
Douglas Wholey
Professor Emeritus, Health Policy & Management, University of Minnesota
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Adoption and abandonment of matrix management programs: Effects of organizational characteristics and interorganizational networks
LR Burns, DR Wholey
Academy of management journal 36 (1), 106-138, 1993
Cognitive divergence and shared mental models in software development project teams
LL Levesque, JM Wilson, DR Wholey
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
Characterizing environmental variation
DR Wholey, J Brittain
Academy of Management Journal 32 (4), 867-882, 1989
The effects of patient, hospital, and physician characteristics on length of stay and mortality
LR Burns, DR Wholey
Medical care 29 (3), 251-271, 1991
The effect of market structure on HMO premiums
D Wholey, R Feldman, JB Christianson
Journal of Health economics 14 (1), 81-105, 1995
The effect of physician factors on the cesarean section decision
LR Burns, SE Geller, DR Wholey
Medical care 33 (4), 365-382, 1995
The impact of physician characteristics in conditional choice models for hospital care
LR Burns, DR Wholey
Journal of health economics 11 (1), 43-62, 1992
Organizational ecology: Findings and implications
DR Wholey, JW Brittain
Academy of Management Review 11 (3), 513-533, 1986
Organization size and failure among health maintenance organizations
DR Wholey, JB Christianson, SM Sanchez
American Sociological Review, 829-842, 1992
Determinants of firm internal labor markets in large law firms
DR Wholey
Administrative Science Quarterly, 318-335, 1985
Management practices and the quality of care in cardiac units
KJ McConnell, RC Lindrooth, DR Wholey, TM Maddox, N Bloom
JAMA internal medicine 173 (8), 684-692, 2013
Assessing the influence of incentives on physicians and medical groups
R Town, DR Wholey, J Kralewski, B Dowd
Medical care research and review 61 (3_suppl), 80S-118S, 2004
Competition and coexistence in organizational communities: Population dynamics in electronic components manufacturing
JW Brittain, DR Wholey
Ecological models of organizations, 195-222, 1988
Scale and scope economies among health maintenance organizations
D Wholey, R Feldman, JB Christianson, J Engberg
Journal of health economics 15 (6), 657-684, 1996
Effects of generalism and niche overlap on network linkages among youth service agencies
DR Wholey, JW Huonker
Academy of Management Journal 36 (2), 349-371, 1993
The effect of physician practice organization on efficient utilization of hospital resources.
LR Burns, JA Chilingerian, DR Wholey
Health Services Research 29 (5), 583, 1994
HMO Market Structure and Performance: 1985-1995: A decade of HMO data confirm the perception: Hospital days are declining among HMO patients, while use of ambulatory care is up.
DR Wholey, JB Christianson, J Engberg, C Bryce
Health Affairs 16 (6), 75-84, 1997
Impact of HMO market structure on physician-hospital strategic alliances.
LR Burns, GJ Bazzoli, L Dynan, DR Wholey
Health Services Research 35 (1 Pt 1), 101, 2000
The effects of regulatory tools on organizational populations
DR Wholey, SM Sanchez
Academy of management review 16 (4), 743-767, 1991
The HMO industry: Evolution in population demographics and market structures
JB Christianson, SM Sanchez, DR Wholey, M Shadle
Medical Care Review 48 (1), 3-46, 1991
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Articles 1–20