Csaba Rotter
Csaba Rotter
Nokia Bell Labs
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Cited by
Comparison of scheduling schemes for on-demand IaaS requests
T Van Do, C Rotter
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (6), 1400-1408, 2012
Scaling upf instances in 5g/6g core with deep reinforcement learning
HT Nguyen, T Van Do, C Rotter
IEEE Access 9, 165892-165906, 2021
Using Linux Containers in Telecom Applications.
C Rotter, G Csatári, L Farkas, G Nyiri, L Jánosi, R Springer
ICIN, 2016
Reducing operational costs of ultra-reliable low latency services in 5G
J Varga, A Hilt, J Bíró, C Rotter, G Járó
Infocommunications Journal 10 (4), 37-45, 2018
Towards cognitive autonomous networks: Network management automation for 5g and beyond
SS Mwanje, C Mannweiler
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Unified cloud resource controller
J Varga, J Biro, L Nemeth, K Sinka, VC Rotter
US Patent App. 14/762,832, 2015
Providing ultra-reliable low latency services for 5G with unattended datacenters
J Varga, A Hilt, C Rotter, G Járó
2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks …, 2018
Comparison of scheduling algorithms for multiple mobile computing edge clouds
T Van Do, NH Do, HT Nguyen, C Rotter, A Hegyi, P Hegyi
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 93, 104-118, 2019
A new data layout scheme for energy-efficient MapReduce processing tasks
XT Tran, TV Do, C Rotter, D Hwang
Journal of grid computing 16, 285-298, 2018
Telecom strategies for service discovery in microservice environments
C Rotter, J Illés, G Nyíri, L Farkas, G Csatári, G Huszty
2017 20th Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN …, 2017
A queueing model for threshold-based scaling of UPF instances in 5G core
C Rotter, T Van Do
IEEE Access 9, 81443-81453, 2021
A scalable routing mechanism for stateful microservices
NH Do, T Van Do, XT Tran, L Farkas, C Rotter
2017 20th Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN …, 2017
Optimizing the resource usage of actor-based systems
HT Nguyen, TV Do, C Rotter
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 190, 103143, 2021
Efficient multi-UAV assisted data gathering schemes for maximizing the operation time of wireless sensor networks in precision farming
KV Nguyen, CH Nguyen, T Van Do, C Rotter
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19 (12), 11664-11674, 2023
An approach to apply reinforcement learning for a VNF scaling problem
HT Nguyen, T Van Do, A Hegyi, C Rotter
2019 22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and …, 2019
Building block components to control a data rate in the Apache Hadoop compute platform
T Van Do, BT Vu, NH Do, L Farkas, C Rotter, T Tarjányi
2015 18th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation …, 2015
Provision of disk I/O guarantee for MapReduce applications
XT Tran, T Van Do, NH Do, L Farkas, C Rotter
2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA 2, 161-166, 2015
Multivendor deployment integration for future mobile networks
MP Martinez, T Laszlo, N Pataki, C Rotter, C Szalai
International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of …, 2017
Provisioning input and output data rates in data processing frameworks
NH Do, T Van Do, L Farkas, C Rotter
Journal of Grid Computing 18, 491-506, 2020
A big switch abstraction to support service function chaining in cloud infrastructure
T Van Do, NH Do, I Kispal, N Galambosi, C Rotter, L Nemeth
2018 21st Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and …, 2018
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Articles 1–20