Holographic dual of a time machine I Arefeva, A Bagrov, P Säterskog, K Schalm
Physical Review D 94 (4), 044059, 2016
17 2016 Nonperturbative emergence of non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quantum critical metals B Meszena, P Säterskog, A Bagrov, K Schalm
Physical Review B 94 (11), 115134, 2016
15 2016 Two-point function of a quantum critical metal in the limit , with fixed P Säterskog, B Meszena, K Schalm
Physical Review B 96 (15), 155125, 2017
8 2017 A Framework for Studying a Quantum Critical Metal in the Limit P Säterskog
SciPost Physics 4 (3), 015, 2018
6 2018 Instabilities of quantum critical metals in the limit P Säterskog
SciPost Physics 10 (3), 067, 2021
1 2021 GPU Implementation of the Feynman Path-Integral Method in Quantum Mechanics O Ahlén, G Bohlin, K Carlsson, M Gren, P Holmvall, P Säterskog
1 2011 Quantum critical metals at vanishing fermion flavor number KWP Säterskog
Helvetica Physica Acta Phys Rev 119 (2), 1153, 1997
1 1997 Instabilities of 2d quantum critical metals in the N f→ 0 limit P Säterskog
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64, 2019
2019 Holographic Methods for Condensed Matter Physics P Säterskog
Chalmers University of Technology, 2013
2013 GPU Implementation of the Feynman Path-Integral Method in Quantum Mechanics K Carlsson, M Gren, G Bohlin, P Holmvall, P Säterskog, O Ahlén