Ioannis Giotis
Ioannis Giotis
University of Athens
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Correlation clustering with a fixed number of clusters
I Giotis, V Guruswami
arXiv preprint cs/0504023, 2005
Greedy bidding strategies for keyword auctions
M Cary, A Das, B Edelman, I Giotis, K Heimerl, AR Karlin, C Mathieu, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 262-271, 2007
Acyclic edge coloring through the Lovász local lemma
I Giotis, L Kirousis, KI Psaromiligkos, DM Thilikos
Theoretical Computer Science 665, 40-50, 2017
On the equilibria and efficiency of the GSP mechanism in keyword auctions with externalities
I Giotis, AR Karlin
International workshop on internet and network economics, 629-638, 2008
On best-response bidding in GSP auctions
M Cary, A Das, B Edelman, I Giotis, K Heimerl, AR Karlin, C Mathieu, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2008
A note on the non-colorability threshold of a random graph
AC Kaporis, LM Kirousis, YC Stamatiou
the electronic journal of combinatorics 7, R29-R29, 2000
Convergence of position auctions under myopic best-response dynamics
M Cary, A Das, B Edelman, I Giotis, K Heimerl, AR Karlin, SD Kominers, ...
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 2 (3), 1-20, 2014
On the effects of competing advertisements in keyword auctions
A Das, I Giotis, A Karlin, C Mathieu
Unpublished Manuscript, May, 2008
Alternative proofs of the asymmetric Lovász local lemma and Shearer's lemma.
I Giotis, LM Kirousis, J Livieratos, KI Psaromiligkos, DM Thilikos
GASCom, 148-155, 2018
Performance evaluation of voip in different settings
T Christiansen, I Giotis, S Mathur
Project Papers of University of Washington. Consulta 5, 2004
Cost-sharing models in participatory sensing
G Birmpas, C Courcoubetis, I Giotis, E Markakis
International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, 43-56, 2015
On the stability of generalized second price auctions with budgets
J Díaz, I Giotis, L Kirousis, E Markakis, M Serna
Theory of Computing Systems 59, 1-23, 2016
An alternative proof for the constructive Asymmetric Lov\'asz Local Lemma
I Giotis, L Kirousis, KI Psaromiligkos, DM Thilikos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.02568, 2015
The social cost of congestion games by imposing variable delays
J Díaz, I Giotis, L Kirousis, I Mourtos, M Serna
ICT Express 3 (4), 155-159, 2017
On the algorithmic lovász local lemma
I Giotis, LM Kirousis, KI Psaromiligkos, DM Thilikos
CoRR, abs/1407.5374, 2014
An Alternate Proof of the Algorithmic Lovász Local Lemma
I Giotis, L Kirousis, KI Psaromiligkos, DM Thilikos
Extended Abstracts Summer 2015: Strategic Behavior in Combinatorial …, 2017
Optimizing the Social Cost of Congestion Games by Imposing Variable Delays
J Díaz, I Giotis, L Kirousis, Y Mourtos, MJ Serna
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.5153, 2014
Models for keyword auctions
I Giotis
University of Washington, 2009
On the stability of generalized second price auctions with budgets
J Díaz Cort, I Giotis, L Kirousis, E Markakis, MJ Serna Iglesias
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Articles 1–19