Stephen W. Liddle
Stephen W. Liddle
Professor of Information Systems, Brigham Young University
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Cited by
Conceptual-model-based data extraction from multiple-record web pages
DW Embley, DM Campbell, YS Jiang, SW Liddle, DW Lonsdale, YK Ng, ...
Data & Knowledge Engineering 31 (3), 227-251, 1999
Form-based ontology creation and information harvesting
DW Embley, C Tao, SW Liddle
US Patent 8,103,962, 2012
Ontology-based extraction and structuring of information from data-rich unstructured documents
DW Embley, DM Campbell, RD Smith, SW Liddle
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Information and …, 1998
Extracting data behind web forms
SW Liddle, DW Embley, DT Scott, SH Yau
Advanced Conceptual Modeling Techniques: ER 2002 Workshops, ECDM, MobIMod …, 2003
A conceptual-modeling approach to extracting data from the web
DW Embley, DM Campbell, YS Jiang, SW Liddle, YK Ng, DW Quass, ...
Conceptual Modeling–ER’98: 17th International Conference on Conceptual …, 1998
Automating the extraction of data from HTML tables with unknown structure
DW Embley, C Tao, SW Liddle
Data & Knowledge Engineering 54 (1), 3-28, 2005
Automatically extracting ontologically specified data from HTML tables of unknown structure
DW Embley, C Tao, SW Liddle
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 322-337, 2002
Cardinality constraints in semantic data models
SW Liddle, DW Embley, SN Woodfield
Data & Knowledge Engineering 11 (3), 235-270, 1993
Web 2.0 learning platform: Harnessing collective intelligence
PC Rogers, SW Lıddle, P Chan, A Doxey, B Isom
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 8 (3), 16-33, 2007
Model-driven software development
SW Liddle
Handbook of Conceptual Modeling: Theory, Practice, and Research Challenges …, 2011
Conceptual-model programming: a manifesto
DW Embley, SW Liddle, O Pastor
Handbook of Conceptual Modeling: Theory, Practice, and Research Challenges, 3-16, 2011
Automatic creation and simplified querying of semantic web content: An approach based on information-extraction ontologies
Y Ding, DW Embley, SW Liddle
Asian Semantic Web Conference, 400-414, 2006
Big data—conceptual modeling to the rescue
DW Embley, SW Liddle
Conceptual Modeling: 32th International Conference, ER 2013, Hong-Kong …, 2013
On the automatic extraction of data from the hidden web
SW Liddle, SH Yau, DW Embley
Conceptual Modeling for New Information Systems Technologies: ER 2001 …, 2002
E business: principles & strategies for accountants
SM Glover, SW Liddle, DF Prawitt
(No Title), 2001
A reference framework for conceptual modeling
LML Delcambre, SW Liddle, O Pastor, VC Storey
Conceptual Modeling: 37th International Conference, ER 2018, Xi'an, China …, 2018
Research on conceptual modeling: Themes, topics, and introduction to the special issue
VC Storey, JC Trujillo, SW Liddle
Data & knowledge engineering 98, 1-7, 2015
Multilingual ontologies for cross-language information extraction and semantic search
DW Embley, SW Liddle, DW Lonsdale, Y Tijerino
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2011: 30th International Conference, ER 2011 …, 2011
A generalized framework for an ontology-based data-extraction system
A Wessman, SW Liddle, DW Embley
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2005
An integrated ontology development environment for data extraction
SW Liddle, KA Hewett, DW Embley
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2003
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Articles 1–20