Dmitry Karpeev
Dmitry Karpeev
Computational Scientist, University of Chicago
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PETSc users manual
S Balay, S Abhyankar, M Adams, J Brown, P Brune, K Buschelman, ...
Argonne National Laboratory, 2019
PETSc/TAO users manual
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, 2022
Three-dimensional model for the effective viscosity of bacterial suspensions
BM Haines, A Sokolov, IS Aranson, L Berlyand, DA Karpeev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (4 …, 2009
Mesh algorithms for PDE with Sieve I: Mesh distribution
MG Knepley, DA Karpeev
Scientific Programming 17 (3), 215-230, 2009
Geometric integrators for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
AL Islas, DA Karpeev, CM Schober
Journal of computational physics 173 (1), 116-148, 2001
Normal modes of spin excitations in magnetic nanoparticles
M Grimsditch, GK Leaf, HG Kaper, DA Karpeev, RE Camley
Physical Review B 69 (17), 174428, 2004
Stable large-scale solver for Ginzburg–Landau equations for superconductors
IA Sadovskyy, AE Koshelev, CL Phillips, DA Karpeyev, A Glatz
Journal of Computational Physics 294, 639-654, 2015
Effective viscosity of dilute bacterial suspensions: a two-dimensional model
BM Haines, IS Aranson, L Berlyand, DA Karpeev
Physical biology 5 (4), 046003, 2008
PETSc: Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 2210.016, 2022
An efficient algorithm for classical density functional theory in three dimensions: Ionic solutions
MG Knepley, DA Karpeev, S Davidovits, RS Eisenberg, D Gillespie
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (12), 2010
PETSc users manual: Revision 3.10
S Balay, S Abhyankar, M Adams, J Brown, P Brune, K Buschelman, ...
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), 2018
Fande Kong, Scott Kruger, Dave A
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
May, Lois Curfman McInnes, Richard Tran Mills, Lawrence Mitchell, Todd …, 2022
A model of hydrodynamic interaction between swimming bacteria
V Gyrya, IS Aranson, LV Berlyand, D Karpeev
Bulletin of mathematical biology 72, 148-183, 2010
Miscibility Gap Closure, Interface Morphology, and Phase Microstructure of 3D LixFePO4 Nanoparticles from Surface Wetting and Coherency Strain
MJ Welland, D Karpeyev, DT O’Connor, O Heinonen
ACS nano 9 (10), 9757-9771, 2015
Polymer piezoelectric energy harvesters for low wind speed
D Jun Li, S Hong, S Gu, YY Choi, S Nakhmanson, O Heinonen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (1), 2014
PETSc Web page; 2022
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
URL https://petsc. org, 2023
PETSc/TAO Users Manual (No. ANL-21/39-Revision 3.16)
S Balay, S Abhyankar, MF Adams, S Benson, J Brown, P Brune, ...
Argonne National Laboratory, 2021
A kinetic model for semidilute bacterial suspensions
SD Ryan, L Berlyand, BM Haines, DA Karpeev
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 11 (4), 1176-1196, 2013
PETSC: portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
B Smith, S Balay, M Knepley, J Brown, L Curfman McInnes, H Zhang, ...
Zenodo, 2001
Detecting vortices in superconductors: Extracting one-dimensional topological singularities from a discretized complex scalar field
CL Phillips, T Peterka, D Karpeyev, A Glatz
Physical Review E 91 (2), 023311, 2015
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