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99 1987 Theory of the residual resistivity of Bloch walls. II. Inclusion of diamagnetic effects GG Cabrera, LM Falicov
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82 1974 Nodal liquid and -wave superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides B Uchoa, GG Cabrera, AH Castro Neto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (18), 184509, 2005
65 2005 Universality of finite-size scaling: Role of the boundary conditions GG Cabrera, R Jullien
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47 1986 Large quantum-number states and the correspondence principle GG Cabrera, M Kiwi
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39 1987 Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formulation of paraxial optics and applications: Study of gauge symmetries and the optical spin Hall effect CA Dartora, GG Cabrera, KZ Nobrega, VF Montagner, MHK Matielli, ...
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31 2016 Low voltage I–V characteristics in magnetic tunneling junctions GG Cabrera, N García García
American Institute of Physics, 2002
29 2002 Coherent states as solutions of the anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain M Lagos, GG Cabrera
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22 2010 Magnetization, spin current, and spin-transfer torque from local gauge invariance of the nonrelativistic Pauli-Schrödinger theory CA Dartora, GG Cabrera
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21 1988 Spin-dependent scattering, transport properties, and magnetic breakdown in ferromagnetic metals GG Cabrera, LM Falicov
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