Ferenc Honbolygó
Ferenc Honbolygó
associate professor, Institute for Psychology, ELTE
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Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European orthographies with varying complexity
K Landerl, F Ramus, K Moll, H Lyytinen, PHT Leppänen, K Lohvansuu, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54 (6), 686-694, 2013
Cognitive mechanisms underlying reading and spelling development in five European orthographies
K Moll, F Ramus, J Bartling, J Bruder, S Kunze, N Neuhoff, S Streiftau, ...
Learning and instruction 29, 65-77, 2014
Genome-wide association study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia
A Gialluisi, TFM Andlauer, N Mirza-Schreiber, K Moll, J Becker, ...
Molecular psychiatry 26 (7), 3004-3017, 2021
Sensitivity to rhythmic parameters in dyslexic children: A comparison of Hungarian and English
Z Surányi, V Csépe, U Richardson, JM Thomson, F Honbolygó, ...
Reading and Writing 22, 41-56, 2009
Genome-wide association scan identifies new variants associated with a cognitive predictor of dyslexia
A Gialluisi, TFM Andlauer, N Mirza-Schreiber, K Moll, J Becker, ...
Translational psychiatry 9 (1), 77, 2019
Genetic analysis of dyslexia candidate genes in the European cross-linguistic NeuroDys cohort
J Becker, D Czamara, TS Scerri, F Ramus, V Csépe, JB Talcott, J Stein, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 22 (5), 675-680, 2014
The recognition of phonologically assimilated words does not depend on specific language experience
H Mitterer, V Csépe, F Honbolygo, L Blomert
Cognitive Science 30 (3), 451-479, 2006
Suprasegmental speech cues are automatically processed by the human brain: a mismatch negativity study
F Honbolygó, V Csépe, A Ragó
Neuroscience Letters 363 (1), 84-88, 2004
Saliency or template? ERP evidence for long-term representation of word stress
F Honbolygó, V Csépe
International Journal of Psychophysiology 87 (2), 165-172, 2013
Effect of maturation on suprasegmental speech processing in full-and preterm infants: A mismatch negativity study
A Ragó, F Honbolygó, Z Róna, A Beke, V Csépe
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (1), 192-202, 2014
Number-word reading as challenging task in dyslexia? An ERP study
V Csepe, D Szücs, F Honbolygó
International Journal of Psychophysiology 51 (1), 69-83, 2003
High trait anxiety is associated with attenuated feedback-related negativity in risky decision making
Á Takács, A Kóbor, K Janacsek, F Honbolygó, V Csépe, D Németh
Neuroscience letters 600, 188-192, 2015
Different strategies underlying uncertain decision making: Higher executive performance is associated with enhanced feedback‐related negativity
A Kóbor, Á Takács, K Janacsek, D Németh, F Honbolygó, V Csépe
Psychophysiology 52 (3), 367-377, 2015
Does moving to the music make you smarter? The relation of sensorimotor entrainment to cognitive, linguistic, musical, and social skills
E Maróti, E Barabás, G Deszpot, T Farnadi, L Norbert Nemes, B Szirányi, ...
Psychology of Music 47 (5), 663-679, 2019
Converging evidences on language impairment in Landau–Kleffner syndrome revealed by behavioral and brain activity measures: a case study
F Honbolygó, V Csépe, A Fekésházy, M Emri, T Márián, G Sárközy, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 117 (2), 295-305, 2006
Children with ADHD show impairments in multiple stages of information processing in a Stroop task: An ERP study
A Kóbor, Á Takács, D Bryce, D Szűcs, F Honbolygó, P Nagy, V Csépe
Developmental Neuropsychology 40 (6), 329-347, 2015
Task-dependent mechanisms in the perception of music and speech: Domain-specific transfer effects of elementary school music education
B Lukács, F Honbolygó
Journal of Research in Music Education 67 (2), 153-170, 2019
Processing of word stress related acoustic information: A multi-feature MMN study
F Honbolygó, O Kolozsvári, V Csépe
International Journal of Psychophysiology 118, 9-17, 2017
ERP correlates of prosody and syntax interaction in case of embedded sentences
F Honbolygó, Á Török, Z Bánréti, L Hunyadi, V Csépe
Journal of Neurolinguistics 37, 22-33, 2016
Comparison between wireless and wired EEG recordings in a virtual reality lab: Case report
Á Török, I Sulykos, K Kecskés-Kovács, G Persa, P Galambos, A Kóbor, ...
2014 5th IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 599-603, 2014
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Articles 1–20