Evaldo José Corat
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Cited by
Comparative study of first-and second-order Raman spectra of MWCNT at visible and infrared laser excitation
EF Antunes, AO Lobo, EJ Corat, VJ Trava-Airoldi, AA Martin, C Veríssimo
Carbon 44 (11), 2202-2211, 2006
Influence of diameter in the Raman spectra of aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes
EF Antunes, AO Lobo, EJ Corat, VJ Trava-Airoldi
Carbon 45 (5), 913-921, 2007
Adhesion studies of diamond-like carbon films deposited on Ti6Al4V substrate with a silicon interlayer
LF Bonetti, G Capote, LV Santos, EJ Corat, VJ Trava-Airoldi
Thin Solid Films 515 (1), 375-379, 2006
Evaluation of residual iron in carbon nanotubes purified by acid treatments
ER Edwards, EF Antunes, EC Botelho, MR Baldan, EJ Corat
Applied Surface Science 258 (2), 641-648, 2011
Porous boron-doped diamond/carbon nanotube electrodes
H Zanin, PW May, DJ Fermin, D Plana, SMC Vieira, WI Milne, EJ Corat
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (2), 990-995, 2014
Antibacterial activity of DLC and Ag–DLC films produced by PECVD technique
FR Marciano, LF Bonetti, LV Santos, NS Da-Silva, EJ Corat, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (5-8), 1010-1014, 2009
Residual stresses and crystalline quality of heavily boron-doped diamond films analysed by micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction
NG Ferreira, E Abramof, EJ Corat, VJ Trava-Airoldi
Carbon 41 (6), 1301-1308, 2003
Antibacterial activity of DLC films containing TiO2 nanoparticles
FR Marciano, DA Lima-Oliveira, NS Da-Silva, AV Diniz, EJ Corat, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 340 (1), 87-92, 2009
Kinetics study of diamond electrodes at different levels of boron doping as quasi-reversible systems
NG Ferreira, LLG Silva, EJ Corat, VJ Trava-Airoldi
Diamond and Related Materials 11 (8), 1523-1531, 2002
Caracterização de materiais carbonosos por espectroscopia Raman
AO Lobo, AA Martin, EF Antunes, VJ Trava-Airoldi, EJ Corat
RETRACTED: Fast functionalization of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes using oxygen plasma
AO Lobo, SC Ramos, EF Antunes, FR Marciano, VJ Trava-Airoldi, ...
Materials Letters 70, 89-93, 2012
Temperature dependence of species concentrations near the substrate during diamond chemical vapor deposition
EJ Corat, DG Goodwin
Journal of Applied Physics 74 (3), 2021-2029, 1993
Analysis of residual stress in diamond films by x-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy
NG Ferreira, E Abramof, NF Leite, EJ Corat, VJ Trava-Airoldi
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (4), 2466-2472, 2002
Adherent amorphous hydrogenated carbon films on metals deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
G Capote, LF Bonetti, LV Santos, VJ Trava-Airoldi, EJ Corat
Thin Solid Films 516 (12), 4011-4017, 2008
Electrochemical behaviour of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide nanocomposite as electrode material
TA Silva, H Zanin, E Saito, RA Medeiros, FC Vicentini, EJ Corat, ...
Electrochimica Acta 119, 114-119, 2014
An evaluation of cell proliferation and adhesion on vertically-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotube films
AO Lobo, MAF Corat, EF Antunes, MBS Palma, C Pacheco-Soares, ...
Carbon 48 (1), 245-254, 2010
Cell viability and adhesion on as grown multi-wall carbon nanotube films
AO Lobo, EF Antunes, AHA Machado, C Pacheco-Soares, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 28 (2), 264-269, 2008
Field emission from hybrid diamond-like carbon and carbon nanotube composite structures
H Zanin, PW May, M Hamanaka, EJ Corat
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (23), 12238-12243, 2013
Influence of substrate temperature on formation of ultrananocrystalline diamond films deposited by HFCVD argon-rich gas mixture
DC Barbosa, FA Almeida, RF Silva, NG Ferreira, VJ Trava-Airoldi, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 18 (10), 1283-1288, 2009
A comparison of DLC film properties obtained by rf PACVD, IBAD, and enhanced pulsed-DC PACVD
VJ Trava-Airoldi, LF Bonetti, G Capote, LV Santos, EJ Corat
Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (3), 549-554, 2007
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Articles 1–20