Lilla Mlinárik
Lilla Mlinárik
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Cited by
Effect of water vapor on the compressive strength of a mineral wool insulation board
TK Simon, L Mlinárik, V Vargha
Journal of Building Physics 39 (3), 285-294, 2015
Adsorption and chemical precipitation of lead and zinc from contaminated solutions in porous rocks: Possible application in environmental protection
G Németh, L Mlinárik, Á Török
Journal of African Earth Sciences 122, 98-106, 2016
Impact of metakaolin-a new supplementary material-on the hydration mechanism of cements
L Mlinárik, K Kopecskó
Acta Tech. Napocensis Civ. Eng. Archit 56 (2), 100-110, 2013
The combined impact of urban heat island, thermal bridge effect of buildings and future climate change on the potential overwintering of Phlebotomus species in a Central …
AJ Trájer, L Mlinárik, P Juhász, Á Bede-Fazekas
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 12 (4), 887-908, 2014
The influence of combined application of two SCMs on the corrosion and acid attack durability of mortars
L Mlinárik, K Kopecskó
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 61 (2), 313-321, 2017
Properties of cement mortars in fresh and hardened condition influenced by combined application of SCMs.
L Mlinarik, K Kopecsko, A Borosnyoi
Építőanyag: Journal of Silicate Based & Composite Materials 68 (2), 2016
Influence of metakaolin on chemical resistance of concrete
L Mlinárik, K Kopecskó
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 47 (1), 012014, 2013
Investigation of the vulnerability of a partly covered karst feature in Veszprém, Hungary
AJ Trájer, L Mlinárik, T Hammer, R Földényi, J Somlai, Á Bede-Fazekas
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 20410-20426, 2020
Performance of waste glass powder (WGP) supplementary cementitious material (SCM): workability and compressive strength
A Borosnyói, P Kara, L Mlinarik, K Kase
Epos equipment uk msi database/European Parliament [Brussels]-Luxembourg 65 …, 2013
The Neogene-quaternary evolution of the karst landscape of the Veszprém Plateau based on the study of Meggyespuszta Paleodoline, Hungary
AJ Trájer, T Hammer, L Mlinárik, Á Bede-Fazekas, J Padisák
Acta Carsologica 44 (2), 177-190, 2015
Cement hydration in the presence of metakaolin
L Mlinárik, K Kopecskó
Proc., 2nd Conf. of Junior Researchers in Civil Engineering, 120-124, 2013
A beton kémiai ellenálló képességének fokozésa–áttekintés az NVKP_16-1-2016-0019 projekt altémájának feladatairól és eredményeiről
K Kopecskó, H Sz, M Kováts, L Mlinárik, A Must, B Somlai, Z Zs, BL Gy
NVKP_16-1-2016-0019,„Fokozott ellenálló képességű beton termékek …, 2020
The influence of different types of SCMs on microstructure and macroscopic properties of cementitious materials
K Kopecskó, L Mlinárik
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2315 (1), 012019, 2022
Lead (II) and zinc (II) ions removal capacity of coarse limestone and rhyolite tuff from aqueous solutions.
Építőanyag: Journal of Silicate Based & Composite Materials 65 (3), 2013
A klímaváltozás és a városi hősziget-effektus együttes hatása a lepkeszúnyog-fajok által terjesztett emberi megbetegedésekre
A Trájer, Á Bede-Fazekas, P Juhász, L Mlinárik
Iskolakultúra 24 (11-12), 48-68, 2014
Effect of water vapour on the load bearing capacity of mineral wool thermal insulating materials (a case study based research report)
TK Simon, L Mlinárik, V Vargha
Influence of supplementary materials on chemical resistance of concrete
L Mlinárik
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Articles 1–17