Eszter Békési
Eszter Békési
Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science
E-mail megerősítve itt: epss.hu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Subsurface temperature model of the Hungarian part of the Pannonian Basin
E Békési, L Lenkey, J Limberger, K Porkoláb, A Balázs, D Bonté, ...
Global and Planetary Change 171, 48-64, 2018
An updated geothermal model of the Dutch subsurface based on inversion of temperature data
E Békési, M Struijk, D Bonté, H Veldkamp, J Limberger, PA Fokker, ...
Geothermics 88, 101880, 2020
Production‐Induced Subsidence at the Los Humeros Geothermal Field Inferred from PS‐InSAR
E Békési, PA Fokker, JE Martins, J Limberger, D Bonté, JD Van Wees
Geofluids 2019 (1), 2306092, 2019
Refining the thermal structure of the European lithosphere by inversion of subsurface temperature data
J Limberger, JD van Wees, M Tesauro, J Smit, D Bonté, E Békési, ...
Global and Planetary Change 171, 18-47, 2018
Active tectonics of the Circum-Pannonian region in the light of updated GNSS network data
K Porkoláb, T Broerse, A Kenyeres, E Békési, S Tóth, B Magyar, ...
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 58 (2), 149-173, 2023
Updated stress dataset of the Circum-Pannonian region: implications for regional tectonics and geo-energy applications
E Békési, K Porkoláb, V Wesztergom, Z Wéber
Tectonophysics 856, 229860, 2023
An effective method for paleo-temperature correction of 3D thermal models: a demonstration based on high resolution datasets in the Netherlands
C Gies, M Struijk, E Békési, H Veldkamp, JD van Wees
Global and Planetary Change 199, 103445, 2021
Double-difference relocation of the 29 January 2011 ML 4.5 Oroszlány earthquake and its aftershocks and its relevance to the rheology of the lithosphere and geothermal …
E Békési, B Süle, L Lenkey, Á Lenkey-Bőgér, I Bondár
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 52, 229-242, 2017
Coupled surface to deep Earth processes: Perspectives from TOPO-EUROPE with an emphasis on climate-and energy-related societal challenges
S Cloetingh, P Sternai, A Koptev, TA Ehlers, T Gerya, I Kovács, ...
Global and Planetary Change 226, 104140, 2023
Ground motions induced by pore pressure changes at the Szentes geothermal area, SE Hungary
E Békési, PA Fokker, T Candela, J Szanyi, JD Van Wees
Geothermal Energy 10 (1), 3, 2022
Post-5 Ma rock deformation on Alonnisos (Greece) constrains the propagation of the North Anatolian Fault
K Porkoláb, E Willingshofer, D Sokoutis, E Békési, F Beekman
Tectonophysics 846, 229654, 2023
Source parameters of the 8 February 2016, Mw= 4.2 Los Humeros earthquake by the inversion of InSAR-based ground deformation
E Békési, PA Fokker, JE Martins, G Norini, JD Van Wees
Geothermics 94, 102133, 2021
Inversion of coseismic deformation due to the 8th February 2016, Mw 4.2 earthquake at Los Humeros (Mexico) inferred from DInSAR
E Békési, PA Fokker, JE Martins, JD van Wees
Proceedings of the European Geothermal Congress, 2019
WeHEAT SYSTEMS: a sustainable closed loop heating technology in the field of geothermal energy
A Szekszárdi, E Békési, K Tóth, I Sulyok, M Gáti
European Geothermal Congress, 2022
Present-day stress field, strain rate field and seismicity of the Pannonian region: overview and integrated analysis
K Porkoláb, E Békési, E Győri, T Broerse, B Czecze, A Kenyeres, G Tari, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 554 (1), SP554-2023-219, 2025
Active deformation of the eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt based on InSAR persistent scatterers
E Békési, J Martins, P Fokker, D Bonté, J Limberger, JD van Wees
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15520, 2018
Modelling transient thermal processes in the lithosphere: application to the NW Pannonian basin
E Békési, JD van Wees, K Porkoláb, M Hencz, M Berkesi
EGUsphere 2024, 1-24, 2024
FluidsByDepth: an inclusion-based research project on the better understanding of lithosphere-scale fluid transfer
M Berkesi, T Spránitz, M Hencz, K Nemeth, K Török, E Békési, K Porkoláb, ...
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023
Regionális feszültségmező és deformációs sebesség a Pannon-medence térségében: új adatrendszerek és térképek bemutatása
K Porkoláb, E Békési, T Broerse, A Kenyeres, Z Wéber
Földtani Közlöny 153 (4), 299-299, 2023
GNSS-alapú alakváltozási sebesség a Pannon-térségben
K Porkoláb, T Broerse, A Kenyeres, E Békési, S Tóth, B Magyar, ...
Földtani Közlöny 153 (4), mapC-mapC, 2023
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