Viktor Ulicsni
Viktor Ulicsni
Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Ecology and Botany
E-mail megerősítve itt: abtk.hu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Changing year-round habitat use of extensively grazing cattle, sheep and pigs in East-Central Europe between 1940 and 2014: Consequences for conservation and policy
A Varga, Z Molnár, M Biró, L Demeter, K Gellény, E Miókovics, Á Molnár, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 234, 142-153, 2016
Folk knowledge of invertebrates in Central Europe-folk taxonomy, nomenclature, medicinal and other uses, folklore, and nature conservation
V Ulicsni, I Svanberg, Z Molnár
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 12, 1-40, 2016
Bridging conservation science and traditional knowledge of wild animals: the need for expert guidance and inclusion of local knowledge holders
V Ulicsni, D Babai, C Vadász, V Vadász-Besnyői, A Báldi, Z Molnár
Ambio 48, 769-778, 2019
Prohibited, but still present: local and traditional knowledge about the practice and impact of forest grazing by domestic livestock in Hungary
A Varga, L Demeter, V Ulicsni, K Öllerer, M Biró, D Babai, Z Molnár
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 16, 1-12, 2020
Conservation and herding co-benefit from traditional extensive wetland grazing
M Biró, Z Molnár, K Öllerer, A Lengyel, V Ulicsni, K Szabados, A Kiš, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 300, 106983, 2020
Local knowledge about a newly reintroduced, rapidly spreading species (Eurasian beaver) and perception of its impact on ecosystem services
V Ulicsni, D Babai, E Juhász, Z Molnár, M Biró
PloS one 15 (5), e0233506, 2020
Preserving for the future the—once widespread but now vanishing—knowledge on traditional pig grazing in forests and marshes (Sava-Bosut floodplain, Serbia)
Z Molnár, K Szabados, A Kiš, J Marinkov, L Demeter, M Biró, K Öllerer, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17, 1-30, 2021
Folk knowledge of non-domestic mammals among ethnic Hungarians in North-Western Romania
V Ulicsni, I Svanberg, Z Molnár
North-Western Journal of Zoology, 2013
Complex Ethnographic Research Methods for the Study of Protected Areas and Border Communities at the Slovenian-Hungarian Border 1
ÁL Ispán, D Babai, L Mód, V Ulicsni, C Mészáros
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 63 (2), 471-500, 2018
Az eurázsiai hód (Castor fiber) táplálkozási és fásszárú-használati szokásaival kapcsolatos helyi tudás két évtizeddel a visszatelepítések kezdete után a Kárpát-medencében
E Juhász, D Babai, M Biró, Z Molnár, V Ulicsni
Természetvédelmi Közlemények 23, 182-200, 2017
Természetvédők és kutatók ismeretei az eurázsiai hód kapcsán a Kárpát-medencében I.: elterjedés, életnyomok, az együttélés lehetőségei, az elhullás okai
EM Juhász, M Biró, V Ulicsni, Z Molnár
Természetvédelmi Közlemények 25, 59-79, 2019
Conflicts of economic and cultural origin between farmers and wild animal species in the Carpathian Basin—an ethnozoological approach
D Babai, V Ulicsni, Á Avar
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 62 (1), 187-206, 2017
Molnár Zs.(2019):„Az emberek nem tudják miféle. Még emlékezet se volt róluk!” Természetismeret-szerzési mechanizmusok egy visszatelepített ökoszisztéma-mérnök faj (eurázsiai …
D Babai, V Ulicsni, M Biró, E Juhász
Ethno-Lore 36, 227-244, 0
Traditional ecological knowledge and the cultural significance of plants in Hungarian communities in Slovenia
D Babai, M Szépligeti, A Tóth, V Ulicsni
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 65 (2), 481-512, 2021
Traditional ecological knowledge in connection with non-domesticated animals in the Slovenian and Hungarian borderland
V Ulicsni, D Babai
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 65 (2), 453-480, 2021
Poor convergence between local traditional farmers and conservationists on which species to protect locally
V Ulicsni, Z Molnár, I Szentirmai, D Babai
People and Nature, 2024
Benefits and challenges of reviewing across knowledge systems:‘Gourmet omnivore’pigs foraging in the wild
Z Molnár, L Demeter, K Szabados, A Kiš, M Ajvazović, B Runjanin, ...
People and Nature 6 (6), 2182-2199, 2024
Uncovering the little known impact of a millennia-old traditional use of temperate oak forests: free-ranging domestic pigs markedly change the herb layer, but barely affect the …
L Demeter, A Kiš, A Kemenes, V Ulicsni, E Juhász, M Đapić, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 568, 122150, 2024
Investigation of traditional ecological knowledge of wild animal species in the Carpathian Basin
V Ulicsni
PQDT-Global, 2021
“Beyond the grassland”: habitat use of extensively grazing cattle, sheep
A Varga, D Babai, M Biró, L Demeter, V Ulicsni, N Ujházy, K Öllerer, ...
ECCB2018: 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. 12th-15th of June …, 2018
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