Safwan Mohammed (PhD.)
Safwan Mohammed (PhD.)
Institute of Land Use, Engineering and Precision Farming Technology, University of Debrecen
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Estimation of soil erosion risk in southern part of Syria by using RUSLE integrating geo informatics approach
S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, S Talukdar, S Kiwan, S Hennawi, O Alshihabi, ...
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 20, 100375, 2020
Assessing the impacts of agricultural drought (SPI/SPEI) on maize and wheat yields across Hungary
S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, GO Enaruvbe, B Bashir, A Elbeltagi, A Széles, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8838, 2022
CMIP5 climate projections and RUSLE-based soil erosion assessment in the central part of Iran
F Hateffard, S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, GO Enaruvbe, A Heidari, HG Abdo, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7273, 2021
An overview of greenhouse gases emissions in Hungary
S Mohammed, AR Gill, K Alsafadi, O Hijazi, KK Yadav, MA Hasan, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 314, 127865, 2021
Spatial–temporal evolution of drought characteristics over Hungary between 1961 and 2010
K Alsafadi, SA Mohammed, B Ayugi, M Sharaf, E Harsányi
Pure and Applied Geophysics 177, 3961-3978, 2020
Contemporary changes of greenhouse gases emission from the agricultural sector in the EU-27
S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, I Takács, E Harsányi
Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes 4 (4), 282-287, 2020
Applications of Gaussian process regression for predicting blue water footprint: Case study in Ad Daqahliyah, Egypt
A Elbeltagi, N Azad, A Arshad, S Mohammed, A Mokhtar, C Pande, ...
Agricultural Water Management 255, 107052, 2021
Soil management effects on soil water erosion and runoff in central Syria—A comparative evaluation of general linear model and random forest regression
S Mohammed, A Al-Ebraheem, IJ Holb, K Alsafadi, M Dikkeh, QB Pham, ...
Water 12 (9), 2529, 2020
Combination of limited meteorological data for predicting reference crop evapotranspiration using artificial neural network method
A Elbeltagi, A Nagy, S Mohammed, CB Pande, M Kumar, SA Bhat, ...
Agronomy 12 (2), 516, 2022
Estimating human impacts on soil erosion considering different hillslope inclinations and land uses in the coastal region of Syria
S Mohammed, HG Abdo, S Szabo, QB Pham, IJ Holb, NTT Linh, DT Anh, ...
Water 12 (10), 2786, 2020
A comparative analysis of data mining techniques for agricultural and hydrological drought prediction in the eastern Mediterranean
S Mohammed, A Elbeltagi, B Bashir, K Alsafadi, F Alsilibe, A Alsalman, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197, 106925, 2022
Assessment of land suitability potentials for winter wheat cultivation by using a multi criteria decision Support-Geographic information system (MCDS-GIS) approach in Al …
S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, H Ali, SMN Mousavi, S Kiwan, S Hennawi, ...
Geocarto International 37 (6), 1645-1663, 2022
Impacts of rainstorms on soil erosion and organic matter for different cover crop systems in the western coast agricultural region of Syria
S Mohammed, E Hassan, HG Abdo, S Szabo, A Mokhtar, K Alsafadi, ...
Soil Use and Management 37 (1), 196-213, 2021
Predicting soil erosion hazard in Lattakia Governorate (W Syria)
M Safwan, K Alaa, A Omran, BP Quoc, TTL Nguyen, NT Van, TA Duong, ...
International Journal of Sediment Research 36 (2), 207-220, 2021
Development of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process based water quality model of Upper Ganga river basin, India
VK Singh, D Kumar, SK Singh, QB Pham, NTT Linh, S Mohammed, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 284, 111985, 2021
Soil erosion susceptibility mapping using ensemble machine learning models: A case study of upper Congo river sub-basin
LC Kulimushi, JB Bashagaluke, P Prasad, AB Heri-Kazi, NL Kushwaha, ...
Catena 222, 106858, 2023
Soil carbon dioxide emissions from maize (Zea mays L.) fields as influenced by tillage management and climate*
S Mohammed, M Mirzaei, Á Pappné Törő, MG Anari, E Moghiseh, H Asadi, ...
Irrigation and Drainage 71 (1), 228-240, 2022
Space and time variability of meteorological drought in Syria
S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, T Al-Awadhi, Y Sherief, E Harsanyie, ...
Acta Geophysica 68, 1877-1898, 2020
Syrian crisis repercussions on the agricultural sector: Case study of wheat, cotton and olives
SA Mohammed, A Alkerdi, J Nagy, E Harsányi
Regional Science Policy & Practice 12 (3), 519-537, 2020
Modeling the impacts of projected climate change on wheat crop suitability in semi-arid regions using the AHP-based weighted climatic suitability index and CMIP6
K Alsafadi, S Bi, HG Abdo, H Almohamad, B Alatrach, AK Srivastava, ...
Geoscience Letters 10 (1), 1-21, 2023
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Articles 1–20