Yangsheng Ji
Cited by
Cited by
Transfer learning via multi-view principal component analysis
YS Ji, JJ Chen, G Niu, L Shang, XY Dai
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 26 (1), 81-98, 2011
Active learning with transfer learning
C Luo, Y Ji, X Dai, J Chen
Proceedings of ACL 2012 Student Research Workshop, 13-18, 2012
Roughtree a classifier with naive-bayes and rough sets hybrid in decision tree representation
Y Ji, L Shang
2007 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GRC 2007), 221-221, 2007
An incremental updating algorithm for core computing in dominance-based rough set model
X Jia, L Shang, Y Ji, W Li
Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing: 11th …, 2007
A new initializing mechanism in particle swarm optimization
J Du, F Zhang, G Huang, J Yang
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation …, 2011
Language model weight adaptation based on cross-entropy for statistical machine translation
Y Zhao, Y Ji, N Xi, S Huang, J Chen
Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2011
Apply a rough set-based classifier to dependency parsing
Y Ji, L Shang, X Dai, R Ma
Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology: Third International Conference, RSKT …, 2008
Transductive minimum error rate training for statistical machine translation
Y Zhao, S Liu, Y Ji, J Chen, G Zhou
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2011
Research on Aeronautical Component Repair Business Optimization Based on CTPN
J Yang, F Zhang, K Li, J Du, H Wu
2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics …, 2012
Generative Sentiment Classification Model Affiliating Domain-Specific Senti-ment Lexicons
WEI Zhisheng, JI Yangsheng, LUO Chunyong, C Jiajun
Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science & Technology 5 (12), 1105, 2011
QFS 型 180MW 级双水内冷发电机的电磁设计
赵伟, 杨骥
电机技术, 5-7, 2015
Rough margin based core vector machine
G Niu, B Dai, L Shang, Y Ji
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 14th Pacific-Asia …, 2010
ROGAND: a Discretization Model
L Shang, S Yu, X Jia, Y Ji
Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery …, 2007
Introduction to EM Algorithm
JI Yangsheng
Introduction to CCA
Y Ji
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Articles 1–15