Lai-Chang Zhang
Lai-Chang Zhang
Professor of Materials Engineering, Edith Cowan University
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A Review on Biomedical Titanium Alloys: Recent Progress and Prospect
LC Zhang*, LY Chen*
Advanced Engineering Materials 21 (4), 1801215, 2019
Manufacture by selective laser melting and mechanical behavior of commercially pure titanium
H Attar, M Calin, LC Zhang*, S Scudino, J Eckert
Materials Science and Engineering: A 593, 170-177, 2014
Selective Laser Melting of Titanium Alloys and Titanium Matrix Composites for Biomedical Applications: A Review
LC Zhang*, H Attar*
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (4), 463-475, 2016
A selective laser melting and solution heat treatment refined Al–12Si alloy with a controllable ultrafine eutectic microstructure and 25% tensile ductility
XP Li, XJ Wang, M Saunders, A Suvorova, LC Zhang, YJ Liu, MH Fang, ...
Acta Materialia 95, 74-82, 2015
Manufacture by selective laser melting and mechanical behavior of a biomedical Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn alloy
LC Zhang*, D Klemm, J Eckert, YL Hao, TB Sercombe
Scripta Materialia 65 (1), 21-24, 2011
Microstructure, defects and mechanical behavior of beta-type titanium porous structures manufactured by electron beam melting and selective laser melting
YJ Liu, SJ Li*, HL Wang, WT Hou, YL Hao, R Yang, TB Sercombe, ...
Acta Materialia 113, 56-67, 2016
Selective laser melting of in situ titanium–titanium boride composites: Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties
H Attar, M Bönisch, M Calin, LC Zhang*, S Scudino, J Eckert
Acta Materialia 76, 13-22, 2014
Surface Modification of Titanium and Titanium Alloys: Technologies, Developments, and Future Interests
LC Zhang*, LY Chen*, L Wang*
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (5), 1901258, 2020
Corrosion Behaviour of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V Alloy in NaCl Solution
N Dai, LC Zhang*, J Zhang*, Q Chen, M Wu
Corrosion Science 102, 484-489, 2016
Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys by Electron Beam Melting: A Review
LC Zhang*, Y Liu*, S Li, Y Hao
Advanced Engineering Materials 20 (5), 1700842, 2018
Distinction in Corrosion Resistance of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V Alloy on Different Planes
N Dai, LC Zhang*, J Zhang*, X Zhang, Q Ni, Y Chen, M Wu, C Yang
Corrosion Science 111, 703-710, 2016
Additive manufacturing of metallic lattice structures: unconstrained design, accurate fabrication, fascinated performances, and challenges
LY Chen, SX Liang, Y Liu, LC Zhang*
Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports 146, 100648, 2021
Gradient in microstructure and mechanical property of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg
YJ Liu, Z Liu, Y Jiang, GW Wang, Y Yang, LC Zhang*
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 735, 1414-1421, 2018
Compressive and fatigue behavior of beta-type titanium porous structures fabricated by electron beam melting
YJ Liu, HL Wang, SJ Li*, SG Wang, WJ Wang, WT Hou, YL Hao, R Yang, ...
Acta Materialia 126, 58-66, 2017
Mechanical behavior of porous commercially pure Ti and Ti-TiB composite Materials manufactured by selective laser melting
H Attar, L Löber, A Funk, M Calin, LC Zhang*, KG Prashanth, S Scudino, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 625, 350-356, 2015
The effect of atmosphere on the structure and properties of a selective laser melted Al–12Si alloy
XJ Wang, LC Zhang, MH Fang, TB Sercombe*
Materials Science and Engineering: A 597, 370-375, 2014
A novel multinary intermetallic as an active electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution
Z Jia, T Yang, LG Sun, YL Zhao, WP Li, JH Luan, FC Lyu, LC Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (21), 2000385, 2020
Comparison of wear Properties of commercially pure titanium prepared by selective laser melting and casting processes
H Attar, KG Prashanth*, AK Chaubey, M Calin, LC Zhang*, S Scudino, ...
Materials Letters 142, 38-41, 2015
A review of catalytic performance of metallic glasses in wastewater treatment: recent progress and prospects
LC Zhang*, Z Jia*, F Lyu, SX Liang, J Lu
Progress in Materials Science 105, 100576, 2019
Effect of Powder Particle Shape on the Properties of In Situ Ti‒TiB Composite Materials Produced by Selective Laser Melting
H Attar*, KG Prashanth, LC Zhang*, M Calin, IV Okulov, S Scudino, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 31 (10), 1001-1005, 2015
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Articles 1–20