Todd Milford
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Cited by
Findings from a pre-kindergarten classroom: Making the case for STEM in early childhood education
CD Tippett, TM Milford
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 15, 67-86, 2017
The double ABCX model of family adaptation in families of a child with an autism spectrum disorder attending an Australian early intervention service
J Paynter, E Riley, W Beamish, M Davies, T Milford
Research in autism spectrum disorders 7 (10), 1183-1195, 2013
iPad-presented social stories for young children with autism
J Vandermeer, W Beamish, T Milford, W Lang
Developmental neurorehabilitation 18 (2), 75-81, 2015
Science teacher preparation in a North American context
JK Olson, CD Tippett, TM Milford, C Ohana, MP Clough
Journal of Science Teacher Education 26 (1), 7-28, 2015
Preservice teachers’ images of scientists: Do prior science experiences make a difference?
TM Milford, CD Tippett
Journal of Science Teacher Education 24, 745-762, 2013
The Design and Validation of an Early Childhood STEM Classroom Observational Protocol.
T Milford, C Tippett
International research in early childhood education 6 (1), 24-37, 2015
An opportunity to better understand schooling: The growing presence of PISA in the Americas
T Milford, SP Ross, JO Anderson
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 8, 453-473, 2010
Multilevel modeling with HLM: Taking a second look at PISA
JO Anderson, T Milford, SP Ross
Quality research in literacy and science education: International …, 2009
Curing recursion aversion
K Gunion, T Milford, U Stege
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 41 (3), 124-128, 2009
Mathematics apps—Stormy with the weather clearing: Using cluster analysis to enhance app use in mathematics classrooms
K Larkin, T Milford
Using mobile technologies in the teaching and learning of mathematics, 11-30, 2018
National influences on science education reform in Canada
TM Milford, S Jagger, LD Yore, JO Anderson
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 10, 370-381, 2010
Using the PLEASE strategy with a struggling middle school writer with a disability
T Milford, GL Harrison
Intervention in School and Clinic 45 (5), 326-332, 2010
Eat, play, live: a randomized controlled trial within a natural experiment examining the role of nutrition policy and capacity building in improving food environments in …
DL Olstad, KD Raine, RJL Prowse, D Tomlin, SF Kirk, JLD McIsaac, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16, 1-16, 2019
Healthy vending contracts: do localized policy approaches improve the nutrition environment in publicly funded recreation and sport facilities?
C Lane, PJ Naylor, D Tomlin, S Kirk, R Hanning, L Masse, DL Olstad, ...
Preventive Medicine Reports 16, 100967, 2019
An Investigation of International Science Achievement Using the OECD’s PISA 2006 Data Set
TM Milford, JO Anderson
Individual consultations: Academic writing outcomes for international students
I Walkinshaw, T Milford, K Freeman
Sage Open 5 (3), 2158244015607936, 2015
Closing the science, mathematics, and reading gaps from a Canadian perspective: Implications for STEM mainstream and pipeline literacy
LD Yore, LF Pelton, BW Neill, TW Pelton, JO Anderson, TM Milford
Closing the achievement gap from an international perspective: Transforming …, 2014
Exploring student engagement factors in a blended undergraduate course
RL Edwards, SK Davis, AF Hadwin, TM Milford
he Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2020
Using prior knowledge and student engagement to understand student performance in an undergraduate learning-to-learn course
SK Davis, RL Edwards, AF Hadwin, TM Milford
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 14 (2), 8, 2020
Science education in Canada
CD Tippett, TM Milford
Springer. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-06191-3, 2019
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Articles 1–20