Ines Chami
Cited by
Cited by
Hyperbolic graph convolutional neural networks
I Chami, Z Ying, C Ré, J Leskovec
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Low-dimensional hyperbolic knowledge graph embeddings
I Chami, A Wolf, DC Juan, F Sala, S Ravi, C Ré
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00545, 2020
Machine learning on graphs: A model and comprehensive taxonomy
I Chami, S Abu-El-Haija, B Perozzi, C Ré, K Murphy
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (89), 1-64, 2022
Ask me anything: A simple strategy for prompting language models
S Arora, A Narayan, MF Chen, L Orr, N Guha, K Bhatia, I Chami, F Sala, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02441, 2022
Can foundation models wrangle your data?
A Narayan, I Chami, L Orr, S Arora, C Ré
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.09911, 2022
Referring relationships
R Krishna, I Chami, M Bernstein, L Fei-Fei
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
From trees to continuous embeddings and back: Hyperbolic hierarchical clustering
I Chami, A Gu, V Chatziafratis, C Ré
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 15065-15076, 2020
Horopca: Hyperbolic dimensionality reduction via horospherical projections
I Chami, A Gu, DP Nguyen, C Ré
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1419-1429, 2021
AMECON: abstract meta-concept features for text-illustration
I Chami, Y Tamaazousti, H Le Borgne
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2017
Image Annotation and Two Paths to Text Illustration.
H Le Borgne, E Gadeski, I Chami, TQN Tran, Y Tamaazousti, AL Gînsca, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 322-333, 2016
Representation Learning and Algorithms in Hyperbolic Spaces
I Chami
Stanford University, 2021
Tree Covers: An Alternative to Metric Embeddings
R Sahoo, I Chami, C Ré
Differential Geometry for Machine Learning Workshop at NeurIPS, 2020
Chris R. 2019
B Hancock, C McCreery, I Chami, V Chen, S Wu, J Dunnmon, P Varma, ...
Massive multi-task learning with snorkel metal: Bringing more supervision to …, 0
Reconnaissance visuelle des émotions
B Aubœuf, I Chami, E Gautier, DI de França, L James
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Articles 1–14