Gareth Tyson
Cited by
Cited by
Leveraging Data Science To Combat COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review
S Latif, M Usman, S Manzoor, W Iqbal, J Qadir, G Tyson, I Castro, A Razi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2020
A trace-driven analysis of caching in content-centric networks
G Tyson, S Kaune, S Miles, Y El-khatib, A Mauthe, A Taweel
21st IEEE Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2012
Open Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem through the Lens of the Netflix CDN
T Boettger, F Cuadrado, G Tyson, I Castro, S Uhlig
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2018
Of Bots and Humans (on Twitter)
Z Gilani, R Farahbakhsh, G Tyson, L Wang, J Crowcroft
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis …, 2017
A survey of mobility in information-centric networks: Challenges and research directions
G Tyson, N Sastry, I Rimac, R Cuevas, A Mauthe
ACM MobiHoc workshop on Emerging Name-Oriented Mobile Networking Design …, 2012
Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking
Y Wang, Z Li, G Tyson, S Uhlig, G Xie
21st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 2013
A First Look at User Activity on Tinder
G Tyson, VC Perta, H Haddadi, MC Seto
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis …, 2016
Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web
D Trautwein, A Raman, G Tyson, I Castro, W Scott, M Schubotz, B Gipp, ...
Can ChatGPT reproduce human-generated labels? A study of social computing tasks
Y Zhu, P Zhang, EU Haq, P Hui, G Tyson
16th International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and …, 2023
A survey of mobility in information-centric networks
G Tyson, N Sastry, R Cuevas, I Rimac, A Mauthe
Communications of the ACM 56 (12), 90-98, 2013
Behind the Game: Exploring the Twitch Streaming Platform
J Deng, F Cuadrado, G Tyson, S Uhlig
14th IEEE Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames), 2015
Challenges in the Decentralised Web: The Mastodon Case
A Raman, S Joglekar, E De Cristofaro, N Sastry, G Tyson
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2019
Information-Centric Networking: Baseline Scenarios
E Davies, G Tyson, B Ohlman, K Pentikousis, S Eum, D Corujo, ...
RFC 7476, 2015
An Empirical Assessment of Global COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications
R Sun, W Wang, M Xue, G Tyson, S Camtepe, DC Ranasinghe
43rd IEEE International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE), 2021
An Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS
T Boettger, F Cuadrado, G Antichi, EL Fernandes, G Tyson, I Castro, ...
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2019
An Expert Annotated Dataset for the Detection of Online Misogyny
E Guest, B Vidgen, A Mittos, N Sastry, G Tyson, H Margetts
European Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), 2021
Design and evaluation of the optimal cache allocation for content-centric networking
Y Wang, Z Li, G Tyson, S Uhlig, G Xie
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (1), 95-107, 2015
Modelling the internet delay space based on geographical locations
S Kaune, K Pussep, C Leng, A Kovacevic, G Tyson, R Steinmetz
17th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based …, 2009
Understanding (Mis) Behavior on the EOSIO Blockchain
Y Huang, H Wang, L Wu, G Tyson, X Luo, R Zhang, X Liu, G Huang, ...
WhatsApp, Doc? A First Look at WhatsApp Public Group Data
K Garimella, G Tyson
AAAI International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2018
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Articles 1–20