Anitra Ingalls
Cited by
Cited by
Interaction and signalling between a cosmopolitan phytoplankton and associated bacteria
SA Amin, LR Hmelo, HM Van Tol, BP Durham, LT Carlson, KR Heal, ...
Nature 522 (7554), 98-101, 2015
Cultivation of a thermophilic ammonia oxidizing archaeon synthesizing crenarchaeol
JR De la Torre, CB Walker, AE Ingalls, M Könneke, DA Stahl
Environmental microbiology 10 (3), 810-818, 2008
Quantifying archaeal community autotrophy in the mesopelagic ocean using natural radiocarbon
AE Ingalls, SR Shah, RL Hansman, LI Aluwihare, GM Santos, ERM Druffel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (17), 6442-6447, 2006
Marine ammonia-oxidizing archaeal isolates display obligate mixotrophy and wide ecotypic variation
W Qin, SA Amin, W Martens-Habbena, CB Walker, H Urakawa, AH Devol, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (34), 12504-12509, 2014
Holocene Southern Ocean surface temperature variability west of the Antarctic Peninsula
AE Shevenell, AE Ingalls, EW Domack, C Kelly
Nature 470 (7333), 250-254, 2011
Nonmarine crenarchaeol in Nevada hot springs
A Pearson, Z Huang, AE Ingalls, CS Romanek, J Wiegel, KH Freeman, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (9), 5229-5237, 2004
The production of nitric oxide by marine ammonia‐oxidizing archaea and inhibition of archaeal ammonia oxidation by a nitric oxide scavenger
W Martens‐Habbena, W Qin, REA Horak, H Urakawa, AJ Schauer, ...
Environmental Microbiology 17 (7), 2261-2274, 2015
Nitrosopumilus maritimus gen. nov., sp. nov., Nitrosopumilus cobalaminigenes sp. nov., Nitrosopumilus oxyclinae sp. nov., and Nitrosopumilus ureiphilus sp. nov., four …
W Qin, KR Heal, R Ramdasi, JN Kobelt, W Martens-Habbena, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 67 (12 …, 2017
The role of biominerals in the sinking flux and preservation of amino acids in the Southern Ocean along 170 W
AE Ingalls, C Lee, SG Wakeham, JI Hedges
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (3-4), 713-738, 2003
Two distinct pools of B12 analogs reveal community interdependencies in the ocean
KR Heal, W Qin, F Ribalet, AD Bertagnolli, W Coyote-Maestas, LR Hmelo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2), 364-369, 2017
Sources and transport of terrestrial organic matter in Vancouver Island fjords and the Vancouver‐Washington Margin: A multiproxy approach using d13Corg, lignin phenols, and the …
EM Walsh, AE Ingalls, RG Keil
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (3), 1054-1063, 2008
Confounding effects of oxygen and temperature on the TEX86 signature of marine Thaumarchaeota
W Qin, LT Carlson, EV Armbrust, AH Devol, JW Moffett, DA Stahl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (35), 10979-10984, 2015
Ammonia oxidation kinetics and temperature sensitivity of a natural marine community dominated by Archaea
REA Horak, W Qin, AJ Schauer, EV Armbrust, AE Ingalls, JW Moffett, ...
The ISME Journal 7 (10), 2023-2033, 2013
Assessing the use of archaeal lipids as marine environmental proxies
A Pearson, AE Ingalls
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 41 (1), 359-384, 2013
The radiocarbon signature of microorganisms in the mesopelagic ocean
RL Hansman, S Griffin, JT Watson, ERM Druffel, AE Ingalls, A Pearson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (16), 6513-6518, 2009
Sulfonate-based networks between eukaryotic phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in the surface ocean
BP Durham, AK Boysen, LT Carlson, RD Groussman, KR Heal, KR Cain, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (10), 1706-1715, 2019
Influence of oxygen availability on the activities of ammonia‐oxidizing archaea
W Qin, KA Meinhardt, JW Moffett, AH Devol, E Virginia Armbrust, ...
Environmental Microbiology Reports 9 (3), 250-256, 2017
Preservation of organic matter in mound-forming coral skeletons
AE Ingalls, C Lee, ERM Druffel
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (15), 2827-2841, 2003
Tinted windows: The presence of the UV absorbing compounds called mycosporine-like amino acids embedded in the frustules of marine diatoms
AE Ingalls, K Whitehead, MC Bridoux
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (1), 104-115, 2010
An interlaboratory study of TEX86 and BIT analysis of sediments, extracts, and standard mixtures
S Schouten, EC Hopmans, A Rosell‐Melé, A Pearson, P Adam, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (12), 5263-5285, 2013
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Articles 1–20