Nándor Liegner
Nándor Liegner
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Út és Vasútépítési Tanszék
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Cited by
Investigation of internal forces in the rail due to the interaction of CWR tracks and steel railway bridges with ballasted track superstructure
H Papp, N Liegner
Pollack Periodica 11 (2), 65-74, 2016
Investigation of Track Gauge and Alignment Parameters of Ballasted Railway Tracks Based on Real Measurements Using Signal Processing Techniques
S Fischer, N Liegner, P Bocz, Á Vinkó, G Terdik
Infrastructures 8 (2), 26, 2023
Investigation of the internal forces of the first track constructed with Y-shape steel sleepers under operation in Hungary summary of results of research
N Liegner
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 48 (1-2), 115-130, 2004
Solutions of omitting rail expansion joints in case of steel railway bridges with wooden sleepers
N Liegner, G Kormos, H Papp
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 59 (4), 495-502, 2015
Determining the stress pattern in the HH railroad ties due to dynamic loads
N Liegner
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 46 (1), 125-148, 2002
Investigation of the Causes of Railway Track Gauge Narrowing
P Bocz, N Liegner, Á Vinkó, S Fischer
Vehicles 5 (3), 949-977, 2023
Study of longitudinal restraint of rail fastenings
H Papp, N Liegner
Conference Young Scientist, 5, 2017
Dynamic Modeling Possibilities of Embedded Rail Structures
Z Major, A Németh, V Jóvér, N Liegner, S Fischer
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 22 (4), 2025
Issues in designing pavement surfaces for public transport lanes
P Balog, ND Liegner
5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, 2019
No-clearance composite superstructure and steel bridge conjoint behaviour as a result of springtime temperature change
H Papp, N Liegner
Proceedings of the International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure …, 2018
The iNTeRACTioN of STeel RAilwAy bRidgeS wiTh woodeN SleePeRS ANd loAded CwR TRACKS iN ReSPeCT of loNgiTudiNAl foRCeS
H Papp, N Liegner
Road and Rail Infrastructure IV, 2017
Y-acélaljakkal épített zúzottkőágyazatú folyóvágányok elméleti és üzemi vizsgálata
N Liegner
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2005
Solutions of Omitting Rail Expansion Joints in Case of Steel Railway Bridges with Wooden Sleepers
N Liegner
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Articles 1–13