Tayeb Kenaza
Tayeb Kenaza
Ecole militaire polytechnique
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Cited by
Security in device‐to‐device communications: a survey
O Nait Hamoud, T Kenaza, Y Challal
IET Networks 7 (1), 14-22, 2018
A naive bayes approach for detecting coordinated attacks
S Benferhat, T Kenaza, A Mokhtari
2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications …, 2008
TAD: Transfer learning-based multi-adversarial detection of evasion attacks against network intrusion detection systems
I Debicha, R Bauwens, T Debatty, JM Dricot, T Kenaza, W Mees
Future Generation Computer Systems 138, 185-197, 2023
Adv-Bot: Realistic adversarial botnet attacks against network intrusion detection systems
I Debicha, B Cochez, T Kenaza, T Debatty, JM Dricot, W Mees
Computers & Security 129, 103176, 2023
Ontology-based cyber risk monitoring using cyber threat intelligence
Y Merah, T Kenaza
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Availability …, 2021
Toward an Efficient Ontology-Based Event Correlation in SIEM
MA Tayeb Kenaza
The 7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and …, 2016
An efficient hybrid svdd/clustering approach for anomaly-based intrusion detection
T Kenaza, K Bennaceur, A Labed
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 435-443, 2018
Detect & reject for transferability of black-box adversarial attacks against network intrusion detection systems
I Debicha, T Debatty, JM Dricot, W Mees, T Kenaza
International Conference on Advances in Cyber Security, 329-339, 2021
False alert filtering and detection of high severe alerts using Naive Bayes
S Benferhat, T Kenaza, A Mokhtari
Computer Security Conference (CSC’08), 2008
Adaptive SVDD-based learning for false alarm reduction in intrusion detection
T Kenaza, A Labed, Y Boulahia, M Sebehi
2015 12th International Joint Conference on e-Business and …, 2015
On the use of naive bayesian classifiers for detecting elementary and coordinated attacks
T Kenaza, K Tabia, S Benferhat
Fundamenta Informaticae 105 (4), 435-466, 2010
Implementing a secure remote patient monitoring system
O Nait Hamoud, T Kenaza, Y Challal, L Ben-Abdelatif, M Ouaked
Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 32 (1), 21-38, 2023
Fetchiot: Efficient resource fetching for the internet of things
B Djamaa, MA Kouda, A Yachir, T Kenaza
2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2018
Conflicts handling in cooperative intrusion detection: A description logic approach
S Yahi, S Benferhat, T Kenaza
2010 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2010
Proactive ontology-based cyber threat intelligence analytic
Y Merah, T Kenaza
2021 International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and …, 2021
An ontology-based modelling and reasoning for alerts correlation
T Kenaza
International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 13 (1-2), 65-80, 2021
Tree-augmented naive bayes for alert correlation
S Benferhat, T Kenaza, A Mokhtari
3rd conference on Advances in Computer Security and Forensics (ACSF'08), 45-62, 2008
Efficient centralized approach to prevent from replication attack in wireless sensor networks
T Kenaza, ON Hamoud, N Nouali‐Taboudjemat
Security and Communication Networks 8 (2), 220-231, 2015
IDS adaptation for an efficient detection in high-speed networks
A Zaidi, T Kenaza, N Agoulmine
2010 Fifth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, 11-15, 2010
Review on the feasibility of adversarial evasion attacks and defenses for network intrusion detection systems
I Debicha, B Cochez, T Kenaza, T Debatty, JM Dricot, W Mees
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.07003, 2023
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Articles 1–20