Ervin Rasztovits
Ervin Rasztovits
Forest Research Institute
E-mail megerősítve itt: erti.hu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Alternative tree species under climate warming in managed European forests
EA Thurm, L Hernandez, A Baltensweiler, S Ayan, E Rasztovits, K Bielak, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 430, 485-497, 2018
Future of beech in Southeast Europe from the perspective of evolutionary ecology
C Mátyás, I Berki, B Czúcz, B Gálos, N Móricz, E Rasztovits
Knowledge gaps about mixed forests: What do European forest managers want to know and what answers can science provide?
L Coll, A Ameztegui, C Collet, M Löf, B Mason, M Pach, K Verheyen, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 407, 106-115, 2018
Flushing phenology and fitness of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances from a trial in La Rioja, Spain, segregate according to their climate of origin
TM Robson, E Rasztovits, PJ Aphalo, R Alia, I Aranda
Agricultural and forest meteorology 180, 76-85, 2013
Juvenile growth response of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to sudden change of climatic environment in SE European trials
C Mátyás, G Bozic, D Gömöry, M Ivankovic, E Rasztovits
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 2 (6), 213, 2009
Ungulate browsing shapes climate change impacts on forest biodiversity in Hungary
K Katona, M Kiss, N Bleier, J Székely, M Nyeste, V Kovács, A Terhes, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 22, 1167-1180, 2013
Recent Drought-Induced Vitality Decline of Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) in South-West Hungary—Is This Drought-Resistant Species under Threat by Climate …
N Móricz, B Garamszegi, E Rasztovits, A Bidló, A Horváth, A Jagicza, ...
Forests 9 (7), 414, 2018
Determination of the drought tolerance limit of beech forests and forecasting their future distribution in Hungary
I Berki, E Rasztovits, N Moricz, C Matyas
Cereal Research Communications 37, 613-616, 2009
The incorporation of extreme drought events improves models for beech persistence at its distribution limit
E Rasztovits, I Berki, C Mátyás, K Czimber, E Pötzelsberger, N Móricz
Annals of forest science 71, 201-210, 2014
Modelling the potential distribution of three climate zonal tree species for present and future climate in Hungary= Három klímazonális fafaj hazai potenciális elterjedésének …
N Móricz, E Rasztovits, B Gálos, I Berki, A Eredics, W Loibl
Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 9 (1), 85-96, 2013
Provisioning forest and conservation science with high-resolution maps of potential distribution of major European tree species under climate change
D Chakraborty, N Móricz, E Rasztovits, L Dobor, S Schueler
Annals of Forest Science 78, 1-18, 2021
The timing of leaf flush in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) saplings
TM Robson, R Alia, G Bozic, J Clark, M Forsteuter, D Gomory, ...
COST E52 Final Meeting, 61-80, 2011
Evaluating the performance of stochastic distribution models for European beech at low-elevation xeric limits
E Rasztovits, N Moricz, I Berki, E Poetzelsberger, C Matyas
Időjárás 116 (3), 173-194, 2012
Transfer analysis reveals macroclimatic adaptation of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
C Mátyás, G Bozic, D Gömöry, M Ivankovic, E Rasztovits
Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 5, 47-62, 2009
Different drought sensitivity traits of young sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) stands along a precipitation gradient in Hungary
N Móricz, G Illés, I Mészáros, B Garamszegi, I Berki, Z Bakacsi, J Kámpel, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 492, 119165, 2021
Erdők a szárazsági határon
M Cs, E Führer, I Berki, C Gy, Á Drüszler, F Lakatos, N Móricz, ...
Klíma-21” füzetek 61, 84-97, 2010
A bükk szárazság tolerancia határának meghatározása
I Berki, N Móricz, E Rasztovits, P Víg
Mátyás Cs., Víg P.(szerk.): Erdő és klíma V. Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem …, 2007
Modelling the future distribution of beech at low-elevation xeric limits-comparison of empirical and stochastic models
E Rasztovits
nyme, 2012
Weather-dependent fl uctuations in the abundance of the oak processionary moth, Thaumetopoea processionea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae)
G Csóka, A Hirka, L Szőcs, N Móricz, E Rasztovits, Z Pödör
European Journal of Entomology 115, 249-255, 2018
The role of tree mortality in vitality assessment of sessile oak forests
I Berki, E Rasztovits, N Móricz, L Kolozs
South-east European forestry: SEEFOR 7 (2), 91-97, 2016
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