András Pataricza
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Cited by
VIATRA-visual automated transformations for formal verification and validation of UML models
G Csertán, G Huszerl, I Majzik, Z Pap, A Pataricza, D Varró
Proceedings 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software …, 2002
Designing the automatic transformation of visual languages
D Varró, G Varró, A Pataricza
Science of Computer Programming 44 (2), 205-227, 2002
Generic and meta-transformations for model transformation engineering
D Varró, A Pataricza
International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, 290-304, 2004
VPM: A visual, precise and multilevel metamodeling framework for describing mathematical domains and UML (The Mathematics of Metamodeling is Metamodeling Mathematics)
D Varró, A Pataricza
Software & Systems Modeling 2, 187-210, 2003
Dependability analysis in the early phases of UML-based system design
A Bondavalli, M Dal Cin, D Latella, I Majzik, A Pataricza, G Savoia
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 16 (5), 265-275, 2001
Automated formal verification of model transformations
D Varró, A Pataricza
TUM, 63, 2003
Stochastic dependability analysis of system architecture based on UML models
I Majzik, A Pataricza, A Bondavalli
Architecting dependable systems, 219-244, 2007
Quantitative analysis of UML statechart models of dependable systems
G Huszerl, I Majzik, A Pataricza, K Kosmidis, M Dal Cin
The computer journal 45 (3), 260-277, 2002
Towards testing the implementation of graph transformations
A Darabos, A Pataricza, D Varró
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 211, 75-85, 2008
Checking general safety criteria on UML statecharts
Z Pap, I Majzik, A Pataricza
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 46-55, 2001
UML-based design and formal analysis of a safety-critical railway control software module
A Pataricza, I Majzik, G Huszerl, G Várnai
Safety 48 (48V), 48V, 2003
Dependability evaluation of web service-based processes
L Gönczy, S Chiaradonna, F Di Giandomenico, A Pataricza, A Bondavalli, ...
European Performance Engineering Workshop, 166-180, 2006
From the general resource model to a general fault modeling paradigm
A Pataricza
Workshop on Crititcal Systems Development with UML at UML 2002, 163-171, 2002
Simulink design verifier-applying automated formal methods to simulink and stateflow
G Hamon, B Dutertre, L Erkok, J Matthews, D Sheridan, D Cok, J Rushby, ...
Third Workshop on Automated Formal Methods, 2008
Metamodeling mathematics: A precise and visual framework for describing semantics domains of UML models
D Varró, A Pataricza
≪ UML≫ 2002—The Unified Modeling Language: Model Engineering, Concepts …, 2002
High-level integrated design environment for dependability (HIDE)
A Bondavalli, MD Cin, D Latella, A Pataricza
Proceedings. Fifth International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time …, 1999
Methods of checking general safety criteria in UML statechart specifications
Z Pap, I Majzik, A Pataricza, A Szegi
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 87 (1), 89-107, 2005
Watchdog processors in parallel systems
A Pataricza, I Majzik, W Hohl, J Hönig
Microprocessing and Microprogramming 39 (2-5), 69-74, 1993
Completeness and consistency analysis of UML statechart specifications
Z Pap, I Majzik, A Pataricza, A Szegi
Proc. of IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems …, 2001
Workflow-driven tool integration using model transformations
A Balogh, G Bergmann, G Csertán, L Gönczy, A Horváth, I Majzik, ...
Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering: Essays Dedicated to …, 2010
Formális módszerek az informatikában
P András
Typotex, 2006
UML action semantics for model transformation systems
D Varró, A Pataricza
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 47 (3-4), 167-186, 2003
Multiprocessor checking using watchdog processors
I Majzik, W Hohl, A Pataricza, V Sieh
Computer Systems Science and Engineering 11 (5), 301-310, 1996
Executable models to support automated software FMEA
V Bonfiglio, L Montecchi, F Rossi, P Lollini, A Pataricza, A Bondavalli
2015 IEEE 16th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering …, 2015
Validation and Certification of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems–The DECOS Test Bench
E Schoitsch, E Althammer, H Eriksson, J Vinter, L Gönczy, A Pataricza, ...
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 25th International Conference …, 2006
A data mining approach to identify key factors in dependability experiments
G Pintér, H Madeira, M Vieira, I Majzik, A Pataricza
Dependable Computing-EDCC 5: 5th European Dependable Computing Conference …, 2005
Fault tolerance in distributed shared memory multiprocessors
M Dal Cin, A Grygier, H Hessenauer, U Hildebrand, J Hönig, W Hohl, ...
Parallel Computer Architectures: Theory, Hardware, Software, Applications, 31-48, 1993
Towards performance modeling of hyperledger fabric
I Kocsis, A Pataricza, M Telek, A Klenik, F Deé, D Cseh
International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICACON), 2017
A software integration approach for designing and assessing dependable embedded systems
N Suri, A Jhumka, M Hiller, A Pataricza, S Islam, C Sârbu
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (10), 1780-1800, 2010
Model and quality driven embedded systems engineering
E Ovaska, A Balogh, S Campos, A Noguero, A Pataricza, K Tiensyrjä, ...
Technical Research Centre of Finland, 2009
High level test pattern generation for VHDL circuits
B Sallay, A Petri, K Tilly, A Pataricza, B Benyó, J Sziray
IEEE European Test Workshop 96, 201-205, 1996
Using fault injection to assess blockchain systems in presence of faulty smart contracts
Á Hajdu, N Ivaki, I Kocsis, A Klenik, L Gönczy, N Laranjeiro, H Madeira, ...
IEEE Access 8, 190760-190783, 2020
Integration of OLAP and data mining for analysis of results from dependability evaluation experiments
G Pintér, H Madeira, M Vieira, I Majzik, A Pataricza
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 2 (4), 480-498, 2008
Semi-decisions in the validation of dependable systems
A Pataricza
Suppl. Proc. DSN, 114-115, 2001
On integrating error detection into a fault diagnosis algorithm for massively parallel computers
J Altmann, T Bartha, A Pataricza
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Computer Performance and …, 1995
Dependability Analysis in HW-SW codesign
G Csertán, A Pataricza, E Selényi
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Computer Performance and …, 1995
Hierarchical checking of multiprocessors using watchdog processors
I Majzik, A Pataricza, MD Cin, W Hohl, J Hönig, V Sieh
Dependable Computing—EDCC-1: First European Dependable Computing Conference …, 1994
Empirical assessment of resilience
A Pataricza, I Kocsis, Á Salánki, L Gönczy
Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: 5th International Workshop …, 2013
Compiling model transformations to EJB3-specific transformer plugins
A Balogh, G Varró, D Varró, A Pataricza
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1288-1295, 2006
Petri net-based optimization of production systems
S Gyapay, A Pataricza, J Sziray, F Friedler
Intelligent Systems at the Service of Mankind, 157, 2005
VPM: Mathematics of metamodeling is metamodeling mathematics
D Varró, A Pataricza
Journal of Software and Systems Modelling 1, 1-24, 2003
Automatic transformation of UML models for system verification
D Varró, S Gyapay, A Pataricza, J Whittle
WTUML 1, 123-127, 2001
Architecture and realization of the modular expandable multiprocessor system memsy
M Dal Cin, W Hohl, S Dalibor, T Eckert, A Grygier, H Hessenauer, ...
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Massively Parallel …, 1994
An optimization based design for integrated dependable real-time embedded systems
S Islam, N Suri, A Balogh, G Csertán, A Pataricza
Design Automation for Embedded Systems 13, 245-285, 2009
BPM Based Robust E-business Application Development: practical experience report
G Csertán, A Pataricza, P Harang, O Dobán, G Biros, A Dancsecz, ...
European Dependable Computing Conference, 32-43, 2002
Cost estimation driven software development process
O Dobán, A Pataricza
Proceedings 27th EUROMICRO Conference. 2001: A Net Odyssey, 208-213, 2001
A process graph based formulation of the syndrome-decoding problem
B Polgár, S Nováki, A Pataricza, F Friedler
Proc. of ddecs2001, the 4th ieee design and diagnostics of electronic …, 2001
Mathematical Model Transformation for Ëystem Verification
D Varréo, A Pataricza
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dept. of Measurement and …, 2000
Application of extreme value analysis for characterizing the execution time of resilience supporting mechanisms in kubernetes
S Bozóki, J Szalontai, D Pethő, I Kocsis, A Pataricza, P Suskovics, ...
Dependable Computing-EDCC 2020 Workshops: AI4RAILS, DREAMS, DSOGRI, SERENE …, 2020
Model Level Automatic Test Generation for UML State-Charts
A Toth, D Varro, A Pataricca
Sixth IEEE workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and …, 2003
Concurrent Error Detection of Program Execution Based on Statechart Specification
I Majzik, J Jávorszky, A Pataricza, E Selényi
na, 1999
Analytics of resource transients in cloud-based applications
I Kocsis, A Pataricza, Z Micskei, A Kövi, Z Kocsis
International Journal of Cloud Computing 1 2 (2-3), 191-212, 2013
Scheduling of embedded time-triggered systems
A Balogh, A Pataricza, J Rácz
Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Engineering fault tolerant systems, 8-es, 2007
The viatra2 transformation framework-model transformation by graph transformation
D Varró, A Balogh, A Pataricza
Eclipse Modeling Symposium, 2006
Model-based optimization of enterprise application and service deployment
A Balogh, D Varró, A Pataricza
International Service Availability Symposium, 84-98, 2005
A combination of Petri nets and Process Network Synthesis
S Gyapay, A Pataricza
SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems …, 2003
From the general resource model to a general fault modelling paradigm? In: Workshop on critical systems, held within UML’2000. CiteSeer Computer and Information Science
A Pataricza
Publications, 2000
Exploratory data analysis of fault injection campaigns
F Cerveira, I Kocsis, R Barbosa, H Madeira, A Pataricza
2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2018
Towards cyber-physical system technologies over Apache VCL
I Kocsis, Á Tóth, Z Szatmári, T Dabóczi, A Pataricza, G Guta
International Journal of Cloud Computing 5 (1-2), 91-111, 2016
Sensor selection for it infrastructure monitoring
GJ Paljak, I Kocsis, Z Égel, D Tóth, A Pataricza
Autonomic Computing and Communications Systems: Third International ICST …, 2010
Systematic generation of dependability cases from functional models
A Pataricza
Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems …, 2007
Verification and validation of Nonfunctional aspects in Enterprise modeling
A Pataricza, A Balogh, L Gonczy
Enterprise Modeling and Computing with UML, 257-298, 2007
A combination of petri-nets and linear programming in design for dependability
A Pataricza, P Urbán
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary …, 1997
Fault Injection Based Validation of Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessors
V Sieh, A Pataricza, B Sallay, W Hohl, J Hönig, B Benyó
Proc, 85-94, 1994
MDD-based design, configuration, and monitoring of resilient cyber-physical systems
L Gönczy, I Majzik, S Bozóki, A Pataricza
Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 421-446, 2016
Tool support for engineering certifiable software
L Gönczy, I Majzik, A Horváth, D Varró, A Balogh, Z Micskei, A Pataricza
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 238 (4), 79-85, 2009
Data mining techniques in the experimental analysis of dependability
A Pataricza, B Tolvaj
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and …, 2001
Hardware support for error detection in multiprocessor systems—a case study
W Hohl, E Michel, A Pataricza
Microprocessors and Microsystems 17 (4), 201-206, 1993
Extreme value analysis for capacity design
S Bozóki, A Pataricza
International Journal of Cloud Computing 7 (3-4), 204-225, 2018
An open system for dependable system validation and verification support-The DECOS generic test bench
E Althammer, E Schoitsch, H Eriksson, J Vinter, A Pataricza, G Csertan
2007 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 2, 965-969, 2007
Towards unified dependability modeling and analysis
A Pataricza, F Györ
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2004
Towards an xmi-based model interchange format for graph transformation systems
D Varrщo, G Varrщo, A Pataricza
Constraint based system-level diagnosis of multiprocessors
J Altmann, T Bartha, A Pataricza, A Petri, P Urbán
Dependable Computing—EDCC-2: Second European Dependable Computing …, 1996
Control flow checking in multitasking systems
I Majzik, A Pataricza
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 39 (1), 27-36, 1995
An event-driven approach to multiprocessor diagnosis
J Altmann, T Bartha, A Pataricza
µP’94, 1994
Error detection mechanisms for massively parallel multiprocessors
M Dal Cin, W Hohl, E Michel, A Pataricza
1993 Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 401-408, 1993
Security Evaluation and Improvement of Solidity Smart Contracts
M Staderini, A Pataricza, A Bondavalli
Available at SSRN 4038087, 2022
Stochastic Dependability Analysis of System Architecture based on UML Designs
A Bondavalli, I Majzik, A Pataricza
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2677, 2003
Algebraic Modelling of Diagnostic Problems in HW-SW Co-Design
A Pataricza
Digest of Abstracts of the IEEE International Workshop on Embedded Fault …, 1996
Measurement-based identification of infrastructures for trustworthy cyber-physical systems
I Kocsis, Á Salánki, A Pataricza
Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, 395-420, 2016
A methodology for standards-driven metamodel fusion
A Pataricza, L Gönczy, A Kövi, Z Szatmári
Model and Data Engineering: First International Conference, MEDI 2011 …, 2011
Sustaining Property Verification of Synchronous Dependable Protocols over Implementation
P Bokor, M Serafini, A Sisak, A Pataricza, N Suri
10th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE'07), 169-178, 2007
From Resilience-Building to Resilience-Scaling Technologies: Directions--ReSIST NoE Deliverable D13
M Banatre, A Pataricza, A Moorsel, P Palanque, L Strigini
Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, 2007
Generation of platform-specific model transformation plugins for EJB 3.0
A Balogh, G Varró, D Varró, A Pataricza
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1288-1295, 2006
The viatra2 transformation framework
D Varró, A Balogh, A Pataricza
Eclipse Modeling Symposium, Eclipse Summit Europe 2006, 2006
Formal methods in computing
M Ferenczi, A Pataricza, L Rónyai
Akadémiai Kiadó, 2005
Role of calcium-activated potassium channels in the regulation of basal and agonist-elevated tones in isolated conduit arteries
A Pataricza, Z Marton, Z Hegedűs, I Krassói, A Kun, A Varro, JG Papp
Acta Physiologica Hungarica 91 (3-4), 263-265, 2004
Visual graph transformation in system verification
D Varró, G Varró, A Pataricza
DDECS, 137-141, 2000
Automatic Graph Transformation in System Verification
D Varró, G Varró, A Pataricza
Proc. DDECS, 34, 2000
Cost estimation for independent systems verification and validation
A Pataricza, L Gönczy, F Brancati, F Moreira, N Silva, R Esposito, ...
Certifications of Critical Systems–The CECRIS Experience, 117-141, 2022
Adding semantics to measurements: Ontology-guided, systematic performance analysis
A Klenik, A Pataricza
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.11270, 2021
Systematic performance evaluation using component-in-the-loop approach
I Kocsis, A Klenik, A Pataricza, M Telek, F Deé, D Cseh
International Journal of Cloud Computing 7 (3-4), 336-357, 2018
Risk assessment based cloudification
S Bozóki, G Koronka, A Pataricza
Software Engineering for Resilient Systems: 7th International Workshop …, 2015
Benchmarking the Ethernet-Federated Datacenter
M Gusat, C DeCusatis, C Minkenberg, L McKenna, K Bhardwaj, GJ Paljak, ...
First Workshop on Data Center-Converged and Virtual Ethernet Switching (DC …, 2009
Dependability and security metrics in controlling infrastructure
I Kocsis, G Csertán, PL Pásztor, A Pataricza
2008 Second International Conference on Emerging Security Information …, 2008
†œGeneric and meta-transformations for model transformation engineeringâ€
D VarrĂ, A Pataricza
Proc. UML, 290, 2004
UML Based Software Process Management
O Dobán, A Pataricza
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 47 (3-4), 213-228, 2003
Data Mining in Fault Injection
A Pataricza, G Pintér
Proc. DDECS, 2003
Formal verification of model transformation systems
G Salamon, D Varró, A Pataricza
EDCC 2002: Fourth European Dependable Computing Conference: Fast Abstracts …, 2002
A Unifying Semantic Framework for Multilevel Metamodeling
D Varró, A Pataricza
Tech. rep., Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, 2001
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Articles 1–100