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239 2005 Maximizers for the Strichartz inequality D Foschi
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 9 (4), 739-774, 2007
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Annales scientifiques de l’Ecole normale supérieure 33 (2), 211-274, 2000
149 2000 Null structure and almost optimal local regularity for the Dirac-Klein-Gordon system P D'Ancona, D Foschi, S Selberg
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 9 (4), 877-899, 2007
110 2007 Global maximizers for the sphere adjoint Fourier restriction inequality D Foschi
Journal of Functional Analysis 268 (3), 690-702, 2015
70 2015 Some recent progress on sharp Fourier restriction theory D Foschi, D Oliveira e Silva
Analysis Mathematica 43 (2), 241-265, 2017
56 2017 Product estimates for wave-Sobolev spaces in 2+ 1 and 1+ 1 dimensions P D’Ancona, D Foschi, S Selberg
Contemporary Math 526, 125-150, 2010
50 2010 Null structure and almost optimal local well-posedness of the Maxwell-Dirac system P D'Ancona, D Foschi, S Selberg
American Journal of Mathematics 132 (3), 771-839, 2010
49 2010 Atlas of products for wave-Sobolev spaces on ℝ¹⁺ ³ P D’Ancona, D Foschi, S Selberg
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40 2012 Local well-posedness below the charge norm for the Dirac–Klein–Gordon system in two space dimensions P D'ancona, D Foschi, S Selberg
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37 2007 Homogeneous L2 bilinear estimates for wave equations D Foschi, S Klainerman
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13 2003 On the regularity of multilinear forms associated to the wave equation D Foschi
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7 2000 On An Endpoint Case Of The KlainermanMachedon Estimates D Foschi
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1 1999 Contemporary Mathematics Volume 526, 2010 P D'Ancona, D Foschi, S Selberg
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