Jukka Huhtamäki
Jukka Huhtamäki
Senior Research Fellow, Tampere University
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Cited by
Transforming innovation ecosystems through shared vision and network orchestration
MG Russell, K Still, J Huhtamäki, JC Yu, N Rubens
Proceedings of the Triple Helix IX International Conference: Silicon Valley …, 2011
Understanding business ecosystem dynamics: A data-driven approach
RC Basole, MG Russell, J Huhtamäki, N Rubens, K Still, H Park
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 6 (2), 1-32, 2015
Conceptualizing big social data
E Olshannikova, T Olsson, J Huhtamäki, H Kärkkäinen
Journal of Big Data 4, 1-19, 2017
Students' motivations for social media enhanced studying and learning
K Silius, T Miilumaki, J Huhtamaki, T Tebest, J Merilainen, S Pohjolainen
Knowledge Management & E-Learning 2 (1), 51, 2010
Insights for orchestrating innovation ecosystems: the case of EIT ICT Labs and data-driven network visualisations
K Still, J Huhtamäki, MG Russell, N Rubens
International Journal of Technology Management 23 66 (2-3), 243-265, 2014
A Network Analysis of Investment Firms as Resource Routers in Chinese Innovation Ecosystem.
N Rubens, K Still, J Huhtamäki, MG Russell
J. Softw. 6 (9), 1737-1745, 2011
Visual decision support for business ecosystem analysis
RC Basole, J Huhtamäki, K Still, MG Russell
Expert Systems with Applications 65, 271-282, 2016
Hybrid Media Events: The Charlie Hebdo Attacks and the Global Circulation of Terrorist Violence
J Sumiala, K Valaskivi, M Tikka, J Huhtamäki
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
# JeSuisCharlie: Towards a multi-method study of hybrid media events
J Sumiala, M Tikka, J Huhtamäki, K Valaskivi
Media and Communication 4 (4), 97-108, 2016
Relational capital for shared vision in innovation ecosystems
MG Russell, J Huhtamäki, K Still, N Rubens, RC Basole
Triple Helix 2 (1), 1-36, 2015
Winner does not take all: Selective attention and local bias in platform-based markets
P Huotari, K Järvi, S Kortelainen, J Huhtamäki
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 114, 313-326, 2017
Exploring co-learning behavior of conference participants with visual network analysis of Twitter data
H Aramo-Immonen, J Jussila, J Huhtamäki
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 1154-1162, 2015
Tviittien politiikkaa–poliittisen viestinnän sisäpiirit Twitterissä
E Vainikka, J Huhtamäki
Media & viestintä 38 (3), 2015
Relational capital and social capital: one or two fields of research?
K Still¹, J Huhtamäki, M Russell
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital …, 2013
Shades of hatred online: 4chan duplicate circulation surge during hybrid media events
A Zelenkauskaite, P Toivanen, J Huhtamäki, K Valaskivi
First Monday, 2021
Ostinato: The exploration-automation cycle of user-centric, process-automated data-driven visual network analytics
J Huhtamäki, MG Russell, N Rubens, K Still
Transparency in social media: Tools, methods and algorithms for mediating …, 2015
Directions for professional social matching systems
T Olsson, J Huhtamäki, H Kärkkäinen
Communications of the ACM 63 (2), 60-69, 2020
Visualizing informal learning behavior from conference participants' Twitter data with the Ostinato Model
H Aramo-Immonen, H Kärkkäinen, JJ Jussila, S Joel-Edgar, J Huhtamäki
Computers in human behavior 55, 584-595, 2016
Information visualization of Twitter data for co-organizing conferences
J Jussila, J Huhtamäki, H Kärkkäinen, K Still
Proceedings of International Conference on Making Sense of Converging Media …, 2013
Alumni network analysis
N Rubens, M Russell, R Perez, J Huhtamäki, K Still, D Kaplan, T Okamoto
2011 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 606-611, 2011
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Articles 1–20