Jung Hoon Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Enhanced secrecy in stochastic wireless networks: Artificial noise with secrecy protected zone
SH Chae, W Choi, JH Lee, TQS Quek
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9 (10), 1617-1628, 2014
On the achievable DoF and user scaling law of opportunistic interference alignment in 3-transmitter MIMO interference channels
JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (6), 2743-2753, 2013
Multiuser diversity for secrecy communications using opportunistic jammer selection: Secure DoF and jammer scaling law
JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (4), 828-839, 2013
Opportunistic interference aligned user selection in multiuser MIMO interference channels
JH Lee, W Choi
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-5, 2010
Machine learning-based beamforming in two-user MISO interference channels
HJ Kwon, JH Lee, W Choi
2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and …, 2019
Interference alignment by opportunistic user selection in 3-user MIMO interference channels
JH Lee, W Choi
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2011
Optimal feedback rate sharing strategy in zero-forcing MIMO broadcast channels
JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 12 (6), 3000-3011, 2013
Battery draining attack and defense against power saving wireless LAN devices
IG Lee, K Go, JH Lee
Sensors 20 (7), 2043, 2020
QoS-based interference alignment with similarity clustering for efficient subchannel allocation in dense small cell networks
H Zhang, H Li, JH Lee, H Dai
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (11), 5054-5066, 2017
Multiuser Diversity in Interfering Broadcast Channels: Achievable Degrees of Freedom and User Scaling Law
J Lee, W Choi, B Rao
IEEE, 2013
Machine learning-based beamforming in K-user MISO interference channels
HJ Kwon, JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE Access 9, 28066-28075, 2021
Efficient subchannel allocation based on clustered interference alignment in ultra-dense femtocell networks
H Zhang, H Li, JH Lee
China Communications 14 (4), 1-10, 2017
Unified codebook design for vector channel quantization in MIMO broadcast channels
JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (10), 2509-2519, 2015
Dimension-optimized two-stage precoder design for massive MIMO systems with limited feedback
J Kang, JH Lee, W Choi
MILCOM 2018-2018 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 530-535, 2018
Machine learning-based dimension optimization for two-stage precoder in massive MIMO systems with limited feedback
J Kang, JH Lee, W Choi
Applied Sciences 9 (14), 2894, 2019
Optimal file storing with cache memory in amorphous femto helper aided networks
D Ko, B Hong, JH Lee, W Choi
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Opportunistic interference alignment by receiver selection in a K-User 1x3 SIMO interference channel
JH Lee, W Choi
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-5, 2011
Random beam-based non-orthogonal multiple access for massive MIMO low earth orbit satellite networks
JH Lee, JS Joo, P Kim, JG Ryu
IEEE Access, 2023
User-Cache Aided Transmission With Index Coding in -User Downlink Channels
K Son, JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (12), 6043-6058, 2019
Secrecy capacity scaling by jamming-aided hierarchical cooperation in ad hoc networks
MG Kang, Y Kim, JH Lee, W Choi
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 10 (8), 1390-1403, 2016
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Articles 1–20