Jianfeng Li
Jianfeng Li
School of Optoelectronic Information, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
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Cited by
Black phosphorus: a two-dimension saturable absorption material for mid-infrared Q-switched and mode-locked fiber lasers
J Li, H Luo, B Zhai, R Lu, Z Guo, H Zhang, Y Liu
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30361, 2016
A robust and tuneable mid-infrared optical switch enabled by bulk Dirac fermions
C Zhu, F Wang, Y Meng, X Yuan, F Xiu, H Luo, Y Wang, J Li, X Lv, L He, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14111, 2017
All-fiber passively mode-locked Tm-doped NOLM-based oscillator operating at 2-μm in both soliton and noisy-pulse regimes
J Li, Z Zhang, Z Sun, H Luo, Y Liu, Z Yan, C Mou, L Zhang, SK Turitsyn
Optics express 22 (7), 7875-7882, 2014
3-μm mid-infrared pulse generation using topological insulator as the saturable absorber
J Li, H Luo, L Wang, C Zhao, H Zhang, H Li, Y Liu
Optics letters 40 (15), 3659-3662, 2015
Efficient 2.87 μm fiber laser passively switched using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror
J Li, SD Jackson, Y Liu, DD Hudson
Optics Letters 37 (18), 3747-3749, 2012
Passively-Switched Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Based on Few-Layer MoS2Saturable Absorber
H Li, H Xia, C Lan, C Li, X Zhang, J Li, Y Liu
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (1), 69-72, 2014
An ultrabroadband Mid‐infrared pulsed optical switch employing solution‐processed bismuth oxyselenide
X Tian, H Luo, R Wei, C Zhu, Q Guo, D Yang, F Wang, J Li, J Qiu
Advanced Materials 30 (31), 1801021, 2018
Wide wavelength selectable all-fiber thulium doped fiber laser between 1925 nm and 2200 nm
J Li, Z Sun, H Luo, Z Yan, K Zhou, Y Liu, L Zhang
Optics express 22 (5), 5387-5399, 2014
Passively Q-switched mid-infrared fluoride fiber laser around 3 µm using a tungsten disulfide (WS2) saturable absorber
C Wei, H Luo, H Zhang, C Li, J Xie, J Li, Y Liu
Laser physics letters 13 (10), 105108, 2016
High-power diode-pumped fiber laser operating at 3 μm
J Li, DD Hudson, SD Jackson
Optics letters 36 (18), 3642-3644, 2011
Novel glucose sensor based on enzyme-immobilized 81 tilted fiber grating
B Luo, Z Yan, Z Sun, J Li, L Zhang
Optics express 22 (25), 30571-30578, 2014
Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror passively Q-switched 2.97 μm fluoride fiber laser
JF Li, HY Luo, YL He, Y Liu, L Zhang, KM Zhou, AG Rozhin, SK Turistyn
Laser Physics Letters 11 (6), 065102, 2014
Calibration of a multiple axes 3-D laser scanning system consisting of robot, portable laser scanner and turntable
J Li, M Chen, X Jin, Y Chen, Z Dai, Z Ou, Q Tang
Optik 122 (4), 324-329, 2011
Numerical modeling and optimization of diode pumped heavily-erbium-doped fluoride fiber lasers
J Li, SD Jackson
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 48 (4), 454-464, 2012
Thulium-doped all-fiber mode-locked laser based on NPR and 45-tilted fiber grating
J Li, Z Yan, Z Sun, H Luo, Y He, Z Li, Y Liu, L Zhang
Optics Express 22 (25), 31020-31028, 2014
Large depth-of-view portable three-dimensional laser scanner and its segmental calibration for robot vision
J Li, Y Guo, J Zhu, X Lin, Y Xin, K Duan, Q Tang
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 45 (11), 1077-1087, 2007
Diode pumped erbium cascade fiber lasers
SD Jackson, M Pollnau, J Li
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 47 (4), 471-478, 2011
Tunable and switchable dual-wavelength mode-locked Tm3+-doped fiber laser based on a fiber taper
Y Wang, J Li, B Zhai, Y Hu, K Mo, R Lu, Y Liu
Optics express 24 (14), 15299-15306, 2016
氮肥施用对冬小麦产量, 品质和氮素表观损失的影响研究
崔振岭, 石立委, 徐久飞, 李俊良, 张福锁, 陈新平
应用生态学报 16 (11), 2071, 2005
Antimonene: a long-term stable two-dimensional saturable absorption material under ambient conditions for the mid-infrared spectral region
H Luo, X Tian, Y Gao, R Wei, J Li, J Qiu, Y Liu
Photonics Research 6 (9), 900-907, 2018
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Articles 1–20