Antal Nagy
Antal Nagy
associate professor, University of Debrecen
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Habitat islands outside nature reserves–threatened biodiversity hotspots of grassland specialist plant and arthropod species
B Deák, O Valkó, DD Nagy, P Török, A Torma, G Lőrinczi, A Kelemen, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108254, 2020
Small scale gradient effects on isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) in karstic sinkholes
F Vilisics, P Sólymos, A Nagy, R Farkas, Z Kemencei, E Hornung
Biologia 66 (3), 499-505, 2011
Incidence of grapevine trunk diseases is influenced by soil, topology and vineyard age, but not by Diplodia seriata infection rate in the Tokaj Wine Region, Hungary
C Kovács, P Balling, Z Bihari, A Nagy, E Sándor
Phytoparasitica 45 (1), 21-32, 2017
Distribution of the box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis Walker 1859) in the north‐eastern part of the Carpathian Basin with a new Ukrainian record and Hungarian …
A Nagy, I Szarukán, J Csabai, A Molnár, BP Molnár, Z Kárpáti, S Szanyi, ...
Eppo Bulletin 47 (2), 279-282, 2017
The Orthoptera fauna of the Villány Hills (South Hungary)
A Nagy, B Nagy
Dunántúli Dolgozatok Természettudományi Sorozat 10 (1), 147-156, 2000
A test on the effectiveness and selectivity of three sampling methods frequently used in orthopterological field studies
A Nagy, P Sólymos, I Rácz
Entomologica Fennica 18 (3), 149-159, 2007
Landscape metrics as indicators: quantifying habitat network changes of a bush-cricket Pholidoptera transsylvanica in Hungary
Z Benedek, A Nagy, IA Rácz, F Jordán, Z Varga
Ecological Indicators 11 (3), 930-933, 2011
Micro-habitat scale survey of land snails in dolines of the Alsó-hegy, Aggtelek National Park, Hungary
P Sólymos, R Farkas, Z Kemencei, B Páll-Gergely, F Vilisics, A Nagy, ...
Mollusca 27 (2), 167-171, 2009
The Biocontrol Potential of Endophytic Trichoderma Fungi Isolated from Hungarian Grapevines. Part I. Isolation, Identification and In Vitro Studies
C Kovács, A Csótó, K Pál, A Nagy, E Fekete, L Karaffa, CP Kubicek, ...
Pathogens 10 (12), 1612, 2021
Different extinction debts among plants and arthropods after loss of grassland amount and connectivity
B Deák, Á Bede, Z Rádai, B Tóthmérész, P Török, A Torma, G Lőrinczi, ...
Biological Conservation 264, 109372, 2021
Microhabitat associations of land snails in forested dolinas: implications for coarse filter conservation
Z Kemencei, R Farkas, B Páll-Gergely, F Vilisics, A Nagy, E Hornung, ...
Community Ecology 15 (2), 180-186, 2014
Data on the terrestrial Isopoda fauna of the Alsó-hegy, Aggtelek National Park, Hungary
F Vilisics, A Nagy, P Sólymos, R Farkas, Z Kemencei, B Páll-Gergely, ...
Folia Faunistica Slovaca 13 (4), 19-22, 2008
An improved female-targeted semiochemical lure for the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.
M Tóth, I Szarukán, A Nagy, T Ábri, V Katona, S Kőrösi, T Nagy, Á Szarvas, ...
Acta phytopathologica et entomologica Hungarica 51 (2), 247-254, 2016
Orthoptera collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest) II.: Caelifera
IA Rácz, E Jancsek, A Nagy
Folia historico-naturalia Musei Matraensis 29, 123-133, 2005
European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn., Lepidoptera: Crambidae): comparing the performance of a new bisexual lure with that of synthetic sex pheromone in …
M Tóth, I Szarukán, A Nagy, L Furlan, I Benvegnů, M Rak Cizej, T Ábri, ...
Pest management science 73 (12), 2504-2508, 2017
A hazai Orthoptera fauna 10 x 10 km-es UTM alapú adatbázisa
A Nagy, IA Rácz
Kövics G., Dávid I.(szerk): Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum előadások …, 2007
The recent mollusc fauna of the Szársomlyó (S Hungary): spatial pattern and microclimate
P Sólymos, A Nagy
Malakológiai Tájékoztató 16, 35-42, 1997
Development of a Female-Targeted Lure for the Box Tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae): a Preliminary Report
BP Molnár, Z Kárpáti, A Nagy, I Szarukán, J Csabai, S Koczor, M Tóth
Journal of chemical ecology 45, 657-666, 2019
Distribution of Catantopinae species (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Hungary
A Nagy, M Kisfali, G Szövényi, G Puskás, IA Rácz
Articulata 25 (2), 221-237, 2010
One Decade’s Research Efforts in Hungary to Develop a Bisexual Lure for the Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Hübner
M Tóth, A Nagy, I Szarukán, K Ary, A Cserenyec, B Fenyődi, D Gombás, ...
Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 55 (1), 79-88, 2020
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Articles 1–20